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New Year present from the Thai government: Medical ganja on the way!


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20 minutes ago, Moon6966 said:

It's better being stoned then drunk
Less problems and no violence
And Thailand will make loads of money
Tourists will buy it by the millions
I can imagine the lines
It can only benfit the country
Alot better then poor people drink Lao kao that's for sure

Sent from my MI MAX 2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

It's will not be legal for recreational use.. and we don't know what type of system there will be for getting it from doctors.. could be really easy.. could be that doctors that overprescribe will be threatened with life in jail etc...

But in the long run this means a huge step towards recreational so it's all good IMHO.

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Great news. This may actually bring the death rate down, on the roads. If someone chooses ganga over alcohol, that is a far safer alternative. Regardless, it is a way to move the nation forward, end the scalping for pot possession, and join the more progressive nations of the world. It is also a way to embarrass Indonesia and Singapore, which is a beautiful thing, with their silly and draconian laws.


I wonder how this will affect foreigners caught with ganga, or if the RCD (revenue collection department) aka RTP, will continue to scalp those caught with tiny amounts.

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Great news. This may actually bring the death rate down, on the roads. If someone chooses ganga over alcohol, that is a far safer alternative. Regardless, it is a way to move the nation forward, end the scalping for pot possession, and join the more progressive nations of the world. It is also a way to embarrass Indonesia and Singapore, which is a beautiful thing, with their silly and draconian laws.


I wonder how this will affect foreigners caught with ganga, or if the RCD (revenue collection department) aka RTP, will continue to scalp those caught with tiny amounts.

When they legalized recreational cannabis in Colorado the road safety didn't change at all. Not for the better, not for the worse...

One explanation is that the law doesn't change people's behavior.. people got stoned before it was legal and they kept getting stoned after... This is why the war on drugs is so futile.. it doesn't actually prevent people from doing drugs.. its just a waste of money..

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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Great news. This may actually bring the death rate down, on the roads. If someone chooses ganga over alcohol, that is a far safer alternative. Regardless, it is a way to move the nation forward, end the scalping for pot possession, and join the more progressive nations of the world. It is also a way to embarrass Indonesia and Singapore, which is a beautiful thing, with their silly and draconian laws.


I wonder how this will affect foreigners caught with ganga, or if the RCD (revenue collection department) aka RTP, will continue to scalp those caught with tiny amounts.

Since they reclassified the drug it should mean the fines / penalties will be lower.. how much I don't know..

The problem is the threat of deportation...

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32 minutes ago, Moon6966 said:

It's better being stoned then drunk
Less problems and no violence
And Thailand will make loads of money
Tourists will buy it by the millions
I can imagine the lines
It can only benfit the country
Alot better then poor people drink Lao kao that's for sure

Sent from my MI MAX 2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The process to get it legally for medicinal use could take weeks

. Need to see doctor, get diagnosed, get a license,, for a tourist on a 3 week holiday it might not be feasible... hopefully its the opposite way.. just go to a doctor, get the license printed the same day and walk into dispensary and get product the same day ????


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17 minutes ago, hobz said:

When they legalized recreational cannabis in Colorado the road safety didn't change at all. Not for the better, not for the worse...

One explanation is that the law doesn't change people's behavior.. people got stoned before it was legal and they kept getting stoned after... This is why the war on drugs is so futile.. it doesn't actually prevent people from doing drugs.. its just a waste of money..


The so called war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, in case anyone has not noticed. It has doubled the prison population in the US, and has drug use gone down, one iota?


It is the most ridiculous war ever created. Let it go. I say legalize any and all drugs. Consumption will go down, and the cartels will disappear within a month. The US would save billions on the prisoners who are locked up for drug offenses. 


Oh I forgot. The private prison industry is paying to keep these guys imprisoned. Lobbyists are visiting the very White House regularly, and Trump cannot say no to any lobbyist. Well, Thailand appears to be seeing at least one issue clearly.

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34 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


The so called war on drugs has been an abysmal failure, in case anyone has not noticed. It has doubled the prison population in the US, and has drug use gone down, one iota?


It is the most ridiculous war ever created. Let it go. I say legalize any and all drugs. Consumption will go down, and the cartels will disappear within a month. The US would save billions on the prisoners who are locked up for drug offenses. 


Oh I forgot. The private prison industry is paying to keep these guys imprisoned. Lobbyists are visiting the very White House regularly, and Trump cannot say no to any lobbyist. Well, Thailand appears to be seeing at least one issue clearly.

Yeah, people are too uneducated to understand concepts such as "pragmatic vs right".

Sob-stories like "my brother overdosed on heroin and now you want to make it legal??!!??" Prevents people from thinking straight... People will overdose and lives will be ruined, doesn't matter if it's legal or not. So at least when we make it legal the overdoses will go down because products will have the same strength and won't be tainted with fentanyl etc... People just don't understand the issue... Frustrating..


And a fraction of the costs from war on drugs can be used to educate and harm-reduce.. and this cost will easily be paid for by the taxes .. it's a win win win win ... But no.. let's keep butting our heads against the wall.... 

Edited by hobz
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21 minutes ago, Airalee said:

Speaking with my physician today, whose friend is on the “committee”, the medicinal marijuana won’t be smokable but will instead be a sublingual tincture.  Just an FYI

that seems like a healthy way to ingest cannabis. 

i hope it won't be too expensive and I hope it Will be quick and easy to get.


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3 hours ago, hobz said:

that seems like a healthy way to ingest cannabis. 

i hope it won't be too expensive and I hope it Will be quick and easy to get.


There are other ways of “ingesting” it depending upon what issues one has.  As to the cost, I have no idea but I expect it to be overpriced and underutilized.  Quick and easy to get?  I suppose that all depends on what it is being used for.  It will certainly be only through hospitals and won’t be like the US dispensaries (unfortunately).

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12 minutes ago, Airalee said:

There are other ways of “ingesting” it depending upon what issues one has.  As to the cost, I have no idea but I expect it to be overpriced and underutilized.  Quick and easy to get?  I suppose that all depends on what it is being used for.  It will certainly be only through hospitals and won’t be like the US dispensaries (unfortunately).

I want it for muscle soreness after workouts. For minor backpain / inflammation. For sleeping better. You think they will give it to me? Or is it only for more serious conditions? 

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  • 1 month later...

Note the catch phrase and ignore the photograph of plant buds.


"And its output will have to be in the form of medication only, so it does not fall in unauthorised hands ,” he said.


So only some unknowable concoctions made from weed will be available.


I'm guessing they will be mostly watered down extracts that provide little practical help but sold at outrageous prices.


I hope I'm wrong but believe this is just a political stunt that will go on for months before finally fizzling out.

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