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Hi people

I have a TV at the moment after 3 VOA last OCT/NOV/DEC

Am i right in thinking that when my TV runs out (Apr 5th) that i can begin to make VOA runs to Cambodia for 3 months?



housethecrowd, you wouldn't happen to be familiar with the expression "guinea pig" would you? seriously, i've been meaning to simply go by one of these visa run companies and ask what their experience has been. the worst thing that could occur is them not wanting to stamp you out. please do, "let us know how it goes" you're a brave man, our thoughts are with you.

Edited by cali4995
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Am i right in thinking that when my TV runs out (Apr 5th) that i can begin to make VOA runs to Cambodia for 3 months?

For the benefit of Dutch and others: when you say TV you mean tourist visa, not television; when you say VOA you do not mean visa on arrival but visa-exempt entry.

The answer to your question is: yes, if the immigration officer dealing with you accepts that your are visiting Thailand for tourism purposes, interprets Police Order 608/2549 correctly and counts the days correctly.



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