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Anti-Chinese Sentiment on the Rise in Cambodia


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Increasing Chinese political influence and presence in Cambodia has sparked anti-Chinese sentiment.


PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA — When a Chinese national crashed his military number-plated SUV into a stone erected in Phnom Penh in the 1990s to celebrate Cambodian-American friendship, many commented on how it was the perfect metaphor for Cambodia in 2018.


“Chinese nationals have come to invest in Cambodia, prompting so many problems to Cambodia and making the people suffer,” commented one Facebook user under a post using the #ChineseAgain! hashtag on a popular page focused on highlighting social issues.


Whether it’s gangsters brawling in bars, drunk tourists crashing cars, or scammers running online extortion schemes, the Chinese are rarely out of the news here these days.


read more https://thediplomat.com/2018/11/anti-chinese-sentiment-on-the-rise-in-cambodia/

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