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Which Do You Prefer? Living In A Thai City, Town, Village Or Beach


Where do you prefer to live in Thailand?  

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Hi, I have been living in a Thai village for the last 2 1/2 years and love it. My wife is now pregnant, so it looks like I will need to move back to the city in order to go back teaching full time. I will still stay in the village at weekends.

This has got me thinking, I am curious to know where do other members prefer to stay in Thailand?

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I live with my Thai wife and son about 6km outside of a village in the central region 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet.

The scenery is beautiful and the people are friendly. The kids from the local school wave and call out when they see me and even the local roadmending guys know me.

I have lived in Bangkok for 6 years out of the last 14 and apart from a few things that I cannot get locally or going to see my doctor at the hospital and neet old friends you wouldn't get me near any city any more.

I like the peace and tranquility of the rural life.

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I live in Nonthaburi just outside of Bangkok and I love it. In fact I love the city. I do not mind visiting a friend for a day or two in a small village area, but honestly I am almost instantly bored. I need the interaction that can only be found in a big city like Bangkok or San Francisco. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the tranquility of a beach and even of a small village at times, but to live, I must have the excitement of city life.

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I always thought of myself as a city person having spent most of my life living in or very near one. I found the first year living in the village a bit hard but now completely love it. I have taught in two local schools, made some Thai friends and feel part of the community. I no longer get bored and the days just fly by. It will be intresting to see how I cope in the city again.

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I live in a village 14 k from Burriram and about 30 k from Surin: With my wife and New daughter:

Love it relaxing please yourself what you do. potter in the garden eat out in the evening if want to.

What more can anyone want, depends on the individual and previous or present life styles.

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Hi, I have been living in a Thai village for the last 2 1/2 years and love it. My wife is now pregnant, so it looks like I will need to move back to the city in order to go back teaching full time. I will still stay in the village at weekends.

This has got me thinking, I am curious to know where do other members prefer to stay in Thailand?

See ! ... That's what happens when you move to the boondocks ! Now't else to do.

I love Pattaya, vibrant, earthy, lively.


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Hi, I have been living in a Thai village for the last 2 1/2 years and love it. My wife is now pregnant, so it looks like I will need to move back to the city in order to go back teaching full time. I will still stay in the village at weekends.

This has got me thinking, I am curious to know where do other members prefer to stay in Thailand?

See ! ... That's what happens when you move to the boondocks ! Now't else to do.

I love Pattaya, vibrant, earthy, lively.


I will need to find a new hobby, to fill my time, because making babies is too expensive in the long run :o

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  • 1 month later...

if i'm out in the sticks for awile i prefer the city, but if i'm living in the city for awile i'd rather be at the beach.but,now if i'm at the beach for a certain amount of time............then i have some tough decisions to make.

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im 26 and i was born and raised in chicago a big city, im living in bangkok also a big city, i visited the country side and its boring as hel_l im sorry, but city is the way to go for my age and lifestlye. I can see grandpa and grandma in the village though, but you cant beat the excitment of a big city.

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I too love the city. Beach is for the odd day out in the year.

Lets have a peace and quiet bashing thread. Too many moans about noise, bars, karaoke, crowds, music, loud exhausts, street vendors amplifiers etc. Lets have more of it I say and less sitting around on quiet beaches reading books.

I love the hustle and bustle of life. Beaches are for sand flies, dead jelly fish, skin cancer, boardom induced mental illness, itcy balls and loosing shoes.

Why oh why don't they use all that sand laying about the place to build some houses, pubs and shopping malls. Total waste of sand and space. Nice big wall to keep the sea away then lots of nice big nightclubs to drive away the book readers!

Always wanted to get into em like they get into us noise makers. :o

Edited by Dupont
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