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Farang washing cars to make a living - says he's making 6,000 baht a day!


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Traveling by car I met several expats working with their Thai wives and sometimes kids. Cooking food etc.... I asked the thai people I was with if the expat working a good stall needed a work permit.  They said no he is just helping his wife and he is a good man.  Then a couple of cops bought food from the expat and he spoke a little Thai and they acted like they knew each other. I think different rules apply in small villages and sometimes the work permit posts are out of touch with the other Thailand which does not the big tourist Thai cities. You know there are actually expats and cops and army guys and Thai businessmen that get along and have beers together and socialize.  

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Traveling by car I met several expats working with their Thai wives and sometimes kids. Cooking food etc.... I asked the thai people I was with if the expat working a food stall needed a work permit.  They said no he is just helping his wife and he is a good man.  Then a couple of cops bought food from the expat and he spoke a little Thai and they acted like they knew each other. I think different rules apply in small villages and sometimes the work permit posts are out of touch with the other Thailand which is not the big tourist Thai cities. You know there are actually expats and cops and army guys and Thai businessmen that get along and have beers together and socialize.  

Edited by Wake Up
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8 hours ago, Pete1980 said:

Nah, you can be on the dole your entire life, and then they give you a pension (money from the people who actually go to work and pay taxes).

Wow, what a wonderful life. In the US, you must earn a minimum of 40 credits for SS payment (12% of your gross income. For wage earners, the employer pays 50%) to get your Social Security not before 62. One quarter of SS payment is one credit. 

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6 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

"Big Jok[e]" (Pol General Rice Porridge) will have fun with this.

Should have stuck to golf and snoozing I expect.


Why, his wife and her daughter work there so that qualifies him for a work permit to be able to work with his wife and that is quite legal, so "Big Joke" will not have fun with this at all.

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31 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

Wow, what a wonderful life. In the US, you must earn a minimum of 40 credits for SS payment (12% of your gross income. For wage earners, the employer pays 50%) to get your Social Security not before 62. One quarter of SS payment is one credit. 

Yes it would be a wonderful life if it worked the way that Pete1980 tries to depict it but it does not work that way the facts are that if you are between the ages of 22 and 30 and you cannot get work in that area then you must relocate to an area where you can get work and if you refuse then you are taken off the Newstart program. There are a lot of regulations that you must abide by or you are taken off the system


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5 hours ago, giddyup said:

I thought 300 baht a day was minimum, and not bad for school kids.

It is 325 baht a day, but many places are having a hard time to find staff working for under 400 baht a day, they want commissions and bonus etc also...


you can find for 325 baht a day but usually youngsters.

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3 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Nowhere in my comments did I say he was 'cheating'. I have no idea if he is or not since I am not Australian. I did say 'conning' but that was in reply to comment made by giddyup talking about other people misusing the system. Please read comments fully before accusing any poster(s).

Please read my comments,I never said you said he was cheating or conning. 

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3 minutes ago, The traveler said:

It is 325 baht a day, but many places are having a hard time to find staff working for under 400 baht a day, they want commissions and bonus etc also...


you can find for 325 baht a day but usually youngsters.


True ! it seems that even Khmer do not want to work for less than 400 thb a day ! Even in a car wash !

Crazy !





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4 hours ago, grollies said:

I was just about to say you were correct and the article does indeed say in the kids free time......buy your observation on my post seems to have been removed.


I do think that this guy is extremely stupid to raise his head above the parapet and declare he is working at his wife's carwash. Don't know if there is a sliding scale of minimum wage for kids in Thailand. There is in the UK and you are right, B300/day for kids in their free time is great. Labourers here earn B350/day.

Very few a are willing to work for 350 baht a day, I talked with a Burmese guy working in a cheap guest house in Chiang Mai, he had 400 baht a day + 3 free meals and accommodation working 8hr/d.

u worked they night and all he did was sitting outside chatting with us and drink beer unless someone needed the key, haha

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1 minute ago, The traveler said:

It is 325 baht a day, but many places are having a hard time to find staff working for under 400 baht a day, they want commissions and bonus etc also...


you can find for 325 baht a day but usually youngsters.

Nah - it's 300 - the additional 10-30 baht hike AFAIK didn't go thru the cabinet to anywhere, because the already imposed 50% hike from 200 to 300 baht made a huge dent to investments

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2 minutes ago, jabis said:

Nah - it's 300 - the additional 10-30 baht hike AFAIK didn't go thru the cabinet to anywhere, because the already imposed 50% hike from 200 to 300 baht made a huge dent to investments

Ok then the media have misguided me, but anyway, hope next time it is another hike 300 to 450babt, I doubt stuff will be more expensive, just a baht or two.


but many street vendors work only 3-4 hours, they sell to they are empyyy and make a good amount of money, I remember a Somtam lady dressed herself poor, but had a nice house and cars and children in the university, maybe the dressing is for feel sorry for them, I don’t know.


but hey, let’s say you have a master degree is the minimum wage still 300baht a day?

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1 minute ago, The traveler said:

Ok then the media have misguided me, but anyway, hope next time it is another hike 300 to 450babt, I doubt stuff will be more expensive, just a baht or two.


but many street vendors work only 3-4 hours, they sell to they are empyyy and make a good amount of money, I remember a Somtam lady dressed herself poor, but had a nice house and cars and children in the university, maybe the dressing is for feel sorry for them, I don’t know.


but hey, let’s say you have a master degree is the minimum wage still 300baht a day?

Minimum wage is minimum wage - so yes you can pay the masters' 300thb/day as you can for uneducated cream of the crop - up to you - or then you can opt for the illegals for bit cheaper - also up to you ^^

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11 hours ago, simon43 said:

This is not going to end well...

its his wife's business .he mite be told not to do it , and I saw some one make a comment about  his pension ,Australia has no agreements with Thailand ,his wife gets nothing when he dies his Daughter get nothing , and what his wife earns here has f all to do with Australia at all , you have a child in Thailand the Australian government give you f all. And he is not budging off any one ,only an <deleted> would say that . 

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4 hours ago, TKDfella said:

99.9% posts negative....have you actually counted them? I doubt it. And I wouldn't say these posters are 'negative' because to me they seem more like concerned over the man's future. That is hardly negative. Strange that you are being negative towards other forum members, Ha!

Your not the police, what concern of yours matters?


The man is 70 years old and obviously appears to be doing quite well.


Nothing to be concerned about.

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3 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Its not jealousy , negativity etc, its being realistic. There is a history of people getting fined for doing this sort of work, manual labour is a Thai only occupation and many have been arrested and fined for similar.

Nobody wants him to be fined, we are not hoping he gets fined, most are just pointing out that he will most likely be fined. As many before him have been fined.

There have been cases on Thaivisa where a guy got fined for hanging some pictures in his wifes restaurant, a guy got fined for helping to unload the delivery truck at wifes bar, sweeping the floor in resturant and cleaning up etc.  All without broadcasting it on national television.


Not bitter towards the guy just pointing out the reality of his situation.

Most farang's have no clue what Thai authorities will or will not do because none of you work with them.


So any comments based on anything less than fact are just pure speculation.


There is no reality of the situation as you see it.


The reality is right at this second he is making more money than most of the posters and that is very upsetting to many.


If or when something happens, then you have something to comment on 


If you are so good at speculating the future, try the lottery or the stock market


Better returns than worrying about this old grandpa


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2 hours ago, hottrader77 said:

the business must have 7 thais working there before they can employ a farlang and he still will need a work permit , it does not look like he has got 7 thais working there ONLY HIM ! so he is breaking the law shame on him !

The article mentioned he hires local school kids to work for 300 baht a day


So learn how to read (shame on you) before trying to be an expert analyzing one photo

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Well if he can work in the open washing cars , I can work from my laptop as a digital nomad from here without people asking any questions. 


Maybe Big Joke already on his way. 





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1 minute ago, balo said:

Well if he can work in the open washing cars , I can work from my laptop as a digital nomad from here without people asking any questions. 


Maybe Big Joke already on his way. 





Nothing stopping you doing the DN thru local (or your very own for that matter) company currently, having WP and Non-B visa. If you want to avert costs imposed for business, and go to the gray area go ahead too - not many DN's ever actually prosecuted, though some bounced off the borders on suspicion of working in the Kingdom, whilst some co-working space people busted and later released when found not to be working *for* the co-working space. Ah the technicalities ???? 

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3 hours ago, hottrader77 said:

the business must have 7 thais working there before they can employ a farlang and he still will need a work permit , it does not look like he has got 7 thais working there ONLY HIM ! so he is breaking the law shame on him !

Where did you dig up that nonsense? A business needs four Thai employees per work permit. If you are married to a Thai then the requirement goes down to two Thai employees. He is married, so he only requires two Thai employees to be able to get a work permit and his wife can be counted as one.

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