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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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2 hours ago, aright said:

Looking forward to next Wednesdays vote. Reports last night estimated  TM will lose by 100 votes. Assuming this happens this would trigger another vote on Thursday  seeking to extend  Article 50 for ?months.

Rather than do that, which will only prolong the political constipation, I am leaning toward  withdrawing Article 50 , then calling for a General election in  6 months time which will allow time for all political parties (including New Brexit) and prospective candidates to get all their ducks in a row regarding Brexit.

Any thoughts, what would you prefer? 

I always thought a Brexiter bobble hat didn't suit you; you are much too well informed!


I am no fan of referendums and a general election would be the "right thing". Who would one vote for? I couldn't vote for either the Tories or Labour!

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13 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates. The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity.
A direct result of EU ideology. Forget democracy, Brexit ain't gonna
happen, because they cannot afford any upsets to this grand plan.
Pity we cant swap 'that stupid woman' for Orban.

Orban has crossed the red line’: EU centre-right group to debate kicking out Hungary’s ruling party



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1 minute ago, aright said:

I realise that. It's all about you isn't it.

nope,but the UK debt wont bother her either and portugals wont bother me,the UK debt doesnt bother you me or the spoonie scroungers,its for govts to sort out.

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26 minutes ago, aright said:

And the 10 million people in  Portugal





Portugal not in the top 20 and Italy which gets mentioned many times on here down at no7,the nation claiming 2nd spot is the mighty UK,well done a silver medal to go with gold from 1966

download (2).htm

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40 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates. The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity.

That's a Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Islam fake news site -





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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

69% was a Freudian slip. It was supposed to be 60%.


We do have a constitution but it is not written down.


Previous referendums, that I recall, were to ratify a decision already taken by parliament


The problem with Brexit is that it is such a stupid idea that nobody expected that there would be a vote in favour. ALL sensible people think it is a moronic idea and are now trying to square the circle. There was indeed talk of all kinds of Brexit in the run up to and immediately following the referendum. The problem is now exacerbated because Brexiters will not accept the compromise of a softer Brexit. Another advisory referendum would at least give parliament some direction about what to do during the inevitable postponement of A50 conclusion. 


BTW, what does Sanemax mean? Is it some kind of heavy duty feminine hygiene product? Actually, don't tell me; I'd rather not know ????. Everytime I see the name I hear Bon Jovi's  "It's my life" !




an aside this, NOTE no offence intended


Norwegian far left party, Marxist-Leninist, they commonly did the following when

issues came up for voting:

Step 1, Do we want this issue/resolution treated unanimously? - yes/no

           simple majority YES, ok, unanimously then

Step 2, Now, the issue/resolution. Yes votes please? count count No votes please? count count

           yes:x and no:y, majority yes

Step 3: This resolution is adopted unanimously. Thank you.


efficient, yes


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2 minutes ago, aright said:

Debt statistic is only valuable as a % of GDP

UK is 85%,  Portugal is 138% 

UK is the second highest in the world never mind GDP rubbish.Portugal is not in the top 20

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5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Civil servants in the UK are bureaucrats! The definition of bureaucrat is an appointed government official! 


The EU commission proposes legislation in exactly the same way as the civil service in the UK does. But just as in the UK only Parliament can enact legislation, in the EU only the European Parliament or the Council of Ministers can enact.








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7 minutes ago, tebee said:

So one more in the things-about-brexit-you-couldn't-make-up-if-you-tried list 


The Consultancy firm hired by DFDM Liam Fox's Department for International Trade to promote foreign investment into the UK is moving its HQ from London to Brussels





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14 minutes ago, aright said:

Debt statistic is only valuable as a % of GDP

UK is 85%,  Portugal is 138% 

household debt is higher in the UK even taking into account your GDP factor 82 v 93

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21 minutes ago, bomber said:

UK is the second highest in the world never mind GDP rubbish.Portugal is not in the top 20

GDP is a significant statistic in determining the economic health, growth and productivity of a country.  I didn't think common sense and applied mathematics would appeal to you.

The USA has the largest debt in the world. Next thing you will be telling us they have a poorer standard of living than Portugal. 

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20 hours ago, aright said:


There are 4 tenets of citizenship...so called civic duties.

Obeying laws, serving on juries, paying taxes and voting in elections.

          Quite right , 

However  expats who have chosen to leave their  UK homeland , 

should not be allowed to vote on UK elections , aka democracy .  


   Get over it  and move on .  in your new homeland , aliens .   BJ ..

    800 K  bht , will do nicely . Welcome  to thailand .  555 




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11 minutes ago, aright said:

GDP is a significant statistic in determining the economic health, growth and productivity of a country.  I didn't think common sense and applied mathematics would appeal to you.

The USA has the largest debt in the world. Next thing you will be telling us they have a poorer standard of living than Portugal. 

UK is still in far too much debt,govt and personal you can gloss over it with your GDP figures but its a fact,portugals and the UKs debt are not important to me as i and my partner dont have any debt and money wont ever be an issue,thank you for your concern.

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