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Which Electrical Items To Bring(?)


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I'm sure that this is a well-worn topic on the forum, but I can't figure out how to search for it. So apologies aforehand for the repetition. If there are previous threads that someone can point me to, I would appreciate the directions.

From the U.S., am already scheduling a shipping container anyway; but considering the electrical differences in LOS, I'm not sure which items would be practical to ship, and which would be foolish to ship. Are there any "rules of thumb"?

I am aware of step-down transformers.

I am assuming that major appliances, (refrigerator, stove, diswasher, etc.), would fall into the foolish category. And the computers are already on the to-go list, because they are dual-voltage. But how about things like computer printers, power tools, stereo equipment, VCR, food processor, slow cooker, coffee grinder, hair dryer, elec. toothbrush, etc.? (These are all 110V/60Hz.)

Thank you very much for any guidance, from you folks who have already been down this road.

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I am aware of step-down transformers.

I am assuming that major appliances, (refrigerator, stove, diswasher, etc.), would fall into the foolish category. And the computers are already on the to-go list, because they are dual-voltage. But how about things like computer printers, power tools, stereo equipment, VCR, food processor, slow cooker, coffee grinder, hair dryer, elec. toothbrush, etc.? (These are all 110V/60Hz.)

Thailand runs on 230v/50Hz so unless you want to be tripping over transformers I would buy it all in Thailand. Thai TV also uses a different system (PAL)
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Apart from your AV equipment (unless you have dual standard PAL / NTSC) most of your stuff will work OK via a step down transformer although some motors may run slow and possibly overheat on 50Hz.

The BIG hazard is simply that the Thai plug is the same as the US and it's guaranteed that someone (a small brown visitor perhaps) will plug directly into an outlet with the resulting bang and smoke.

Stuff like hair dryers, toothbrushes and kitchen kit I'd leave at home.

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My experience is that you will pay as much for major appliances here as you do in the U.S. If you own a frig that you are happy with and weight is not a problem in your container, you might consider shipping that as the transformer could be hidden in an adjoining cabinet. Likewise for washing machine and clothes dryer.

I find the small transformers for hand held applicances to be a nuisance and in a bathroom, more dangerous.

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All very good perspectives, folks -- thank you so much!

Ollyrosee, you mentioned an "all zones" DVD, could you please explain?

Also, I interpret that you feel pretty strongly that one should bring his hifi. Mine is at the point where it could use an upgrade; so given that, what's the general sentiment -- should I buy in the U.S. and ship, or buy in LOS?

Thanks again, everyone!

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