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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A man wanted Valentine's Day to be special, so he bought a bottle of absinthe and stopped by the florist's to order a bouquet of his wife's favorite flower: white anemones. Unfortunately, the florist was sold out of flowers and had only a few stems of feathery ferns. The man asked the florist to make a bouquet out of the ferns and the flask of liquor. He added a card and proceeded home. After a romantic candlelight dinner, he presented his wife with the gift. She opened the card to read, "Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder." With a tear in her eye, she whispered to him lovingly,


"Yes, and with fronds like these, who needs anemones."

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A young man wanted to purchase a gift for his new sweetie for Valentine's Day. As they had not been dating very long, it was a very difficult decision. After careful consideration, he decided a good gift would be a pair of gloves. Accompanied by his sister, he went to the store and bought the gloves. His sister purchased a pair of panties at the same time. The clerk carefully wrapped both items but in the process got them mixed up. The sister was handed the gloves and the young man got the panties. The young man mailed his Valentine's Day gift with the following note:

"This special Valentines Day gift was chosen because I noticed you are in the habit of not wearing any when we go out in the evenings. If it had not been for my sister, I would have chosen the ones with buttons, but she prefers short ones that are much easier to remove.  When you take them off, remember to blow on them lightly before putting them away as they will naturally be a little damp from wearing. Just think how many times I'll be kissing them in the future. I hope you'll wear them Friday night for me."

Love, Cuddle Bear

PS: The sales lady says the latest style is to wear them folded down with just a little fur showing.

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An old man and an old lady are sitting on a bench, having just only recently met.


They start kissing and cuddling, and after a few minutes, the old lady says "I have to warn you, I have got acute angina".


"Thank God for that!", the old man says, "because your tits are crap!".

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The man turned to his beloved, ran his hand up her thigh across her belly & down her legs then down the back of her neck down her back and under her bum.

When he removed his hand suddenly and turned back to watch TV she asked  "Why stop now?" She said breathlessly!

 "I found  the remote!" he replied!  

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Handing over my visa application at the Thai Immigration Office the IO  says.  "You've worn a bit since this photo was  taken.“  
"You're dead right  love!" I replied in my best Thai.  

"I had it taken just  before l joined  your bloody queue."                 


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Little Johnny returns from school and says he got an
F in arithmetic. 
"Why?" asks the father. 
"The teacher asked ‘How much is 2x3? and I said '6"'

"But that's right!" said Father

"Then she asked me ‘How much is 3x2?"'

His father asks, "What's the f*cking difference?"

Johnny said "That's exactly what I said to her!"

Edited by scottiejohn
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