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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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57 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

Although I did indeed find it palatable I would have preferred  it if you had used a different palette as it left such a bad taste on my palate that I must now retire to my pallet!

When it comes to buying art online, I always Pay pal it.

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24 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

When it comes to buying art online, I always Pay pal it.

You had to cash in on it didn't you?  

I suspect there may be a touch of the "painted hussy" or a "Banksy" about you!

PS';  A line I wish I had thought of!  well done.



Edited by scottiejohn
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A guy with a sausage sticking out of one ear, a pretzel out the other, and two nachos hanging out of his nostrils goes to see a doctor.  He says "Doc, I've been exercising like mad, but I can't seem to lose weight".  The doctor looks at him and says "And you never will, until you start eating sensibly too."

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Bill worked in a pickle factory. One day he came home and confessed to his wife that he had a terrible compulsion to stick his dick in the pickle slicer. His wife wanted him to see a sex therapist, but Bill said he was too embarrassed and would try and manage the problem on his own. A month later, Bill came home early looking absolutely ashen.
“What’s wrong, darling?” his wife asked.
“Do you remember I had that urge to stick my dick in the pickle slicer?” he wept.
“Oh, Bill! You didn’t!” she screamed.
“I did,” Bill said.
“My God, what happened?” 
“I got fired”
“No, Bill! I mean, what happened with the pickle slicer?”
“Oh yeah,” Bill replied. “She got fired, too.” 

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4 minutes ago, STALINGRAD said:

I broke the hall mirror today....But my lawyer assures me he can get it down to 4 years

I would reflect carefully before signing up to that Lawyer and also check his profile. 

He may be cracking up with that promise he made!

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A group of guys are sitting in the golf club locker room when a mobile phone in a sports bag starts ringing.  One of them answers and says "Oh, hello honey.  What? I left my credit card at home and you want to know if you can use it to buy that $2,000 dress you've had your eye on?  Sure you can darling". The other guys go quiet and look on in amazement as he continues; "And then you want to go to the Porsche dealer and put down a deposit on a Boxter?  No problem, go ahead dear."  The other's eyes are boggling now. "What?  The $5,000 beauty treatment?  Of course you can.  You're worth it my darling!  Okay, see you later angel."  Everyone's staring at him in total silence as he ends the call and puts the phone back in the bag.  Then, as he's zipping it up, he asks "Hey, anyone know who's bag this is?"

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2 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Once in a while a joke comes along that makes you laugh out loud and then laugh out loud again when you look at it a second time !!
This is mine above .

( was probably a bad idea to open this thread until the funeral was over !! )

Sorry about that ????

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4 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Once in a while a joke comes along that makes you laugh out loud and then laugh out loud again when you look at it a second time !!
This is mine above .

( was probably a bad idea to open this thread until the funeral was over !! )


1 hour ago, fasteddie said:

Sorry about that ????

You should have seen the mourners run.  He was the one in the coffin.

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On 3/12/2019 at 10:18 PM, chickenslegs said:

I called a suicide hotline in Iraq. - They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck.


I went to an ISIS birthday party once. The musical chairs were a bit slow but the pass the parcel was quick.


Q: What did one female terrorist say to the other?

A: "Does my bomb look big in this?"

I think you are blowing this subject up to suicidal levels

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