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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A city boy, Jimmy, moved to the Scottish Highlands and bought a donkey from an old farmer for £100. 
The farmer agreed to deliver the donkey the following day.
The next day the farmer drove up and said, 'Sorry, son, but I have some bad news—the donkey died."
Jimmy replied. "Well then, just give me my money back."
The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."
Jimmy said, "Okay then, just unload the donkey."
The farmer asked, "What you gonna do with him?"
Jimmy: "I'm going to raffle him off."
Farmer: "You can't raffle off a dead donkey I"
Jimmy: "Sure l can. Watch me. I just won't tell anybody he's dead."
A month later, the farmer met up with Kenny and asked, 'What happened with that dead donkey?"
Jimmy: "I raffled him off. I sold five hundred tickets at two quid each and made a profit of £898."
Farmer: "Didn't anyone complain?"



Kenny: "Just the guy who won. So I gave him his two quid back."

Edited by scottiejohn
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What do you call ton of angry dolphins?
Cross porpoises.

How do you got down from an elephant1?
You don't get down from an elephant - you get down from a duck!

How do you catch a squirrel?
Climb up a tree and act like a nut.

Crackle: Last night I caught my dog chewing up the notes for my new book.
Snap: What did you do?
Crackle: I took the words right out of his mouth

Pap: Why do skunks argue?
Snap: 1 give up. Why?
Pop: Because they like to raise a stink.

Did you bear about the cat who joined the Red Cross?

He wanted to be a first aid kit.

Why don’t they hang giraffes in Africa?
Because they can't find trees tall enough.

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2 hours ago, scottiejohn said:

See I am correct!!


PS;  I believe your comment qualifies you for an "A*shole diploma"!

Congratulations!  ????



I was just proving your point but i feel humble and honored and i will

frame your award and place it proudly on my desk for everyone to see.

Thank you soooooo muuuuuch!!!!!!!!

Have a nice weekend.????

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Antiques have become so popular, right now there are 15 million Americans who have things that are old, funny-looking, don’t work, and are only kept around for sentimental purposes.

Some of these are called antiques—and the rest are called wife's.

Edited by scottiejohn
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