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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A thirty-something Liverpudlian woman routinely sits in her local bar on a Friday evening after work casting a jaded eye over all the other regulars, when suddenly she spies a man roughly her age whom she has never seen before.
     Striking up a conversation, she enquires delicately why she hasn’t seen him around before.
     ‘Well,’ says the bloke, ‘to tell you the truth I’ve had a bit of a rough trot. A few years back, I fell in with a bad crowd, started doing drugs and so forth, and ended up pulling a series of armed robberies. My wife found out that it was me, threatened to tell the cops, so I had to kill her. I’ve just got out of  jail this morning, after serving twelve years …’
     ‘Oh,’ says the woman, ‘so you’re single then!’

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The Airline
     A guy sitting in a bar at Singapore’s Changi airport notices a very beautiful woman sitting next to him. He thinks to himself, ‘Wow, she’s so gorgeous she must be a flight attendant. But which airline does she work for?’
     Hoping to pick her up, he leans towards her and utters the Cathay Pacific slogan: ‘It’s the little things we remember’. The flight attendant gives him a blank, confused stare and he immediately thinks to himself, ‘Oh, <deleted>, she doesn’t work for Cathay.’
     A moment later, another slogan pops into his head. He leans towards her again and says, ‘A great way to fly.’ She gives him the same confused look. He mentally kicks himself and scratches Singapore Airlines off the list.
     Next, he tries the Thai Airways slogan: ‘Smooth as silk.’
     This time, the woman turns on him. ‘What the f—do you want you ignorant dumb wit?’
     The man smiles, then slumps back in his chair and says, ‘Ahhhhh, you must be with Qantas!’

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