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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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If Corona had a year end appraisal...

  • 1. Responsible for Global Digital Transformation and fast-tracking.
  • 2.Reduction of Global CO2 emission.
  • 3.Five million jobs "restructuring".
  • 4.Global Hygiene initiatives:  Ensured 100% compliance on washing hands... leading to collateral reduction of other communicable diseases.
  • 5. Made global industry shift to WFH - saved exposure and costs.
  • 6. Reduction in global noise pollution by making everyone keep their mouth shut (while masked).
  • 7. Taught cooking, vegetable shopping, housekeeping to many.
  • 8. Highlighted the importance of governance, adaptability and long term planning, by all sectors.
  • 9. Spiritual contribution - Provided ample time to all egoistic and self-centred people to contemplate their moral nature.
  • 10. Provided a big boost to the Pharma sector, brought small utility stores back into priority. 
  • 11. Taught the family values and values of life.
  • 12. How to manage funds by avoiding so called necessary but truly are unnecessary expenses.
  • 13. Anything can be managed from Home.
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It was 11.30 at night as the young couple made their way back from the pub. Suddenly they could contain their passion no longer and stopping by a fence he took her there and then. 
Unfortunately their excitement was so boisterous that the fence was knocked down and the sound brought the householder storming down the garden. 
“What the hell’s going on?” he yelled. “I want £60 now to repair that bloody fence.” 
The man paid up and later when they were alone, he turned to his girlfriend and said, “Come on, Sylvie, you’re always on about equal rights, how about giving me half towards the fence?” 

“Get real!” she answered. “I just stood there! You were the one doing all the pushing.” 

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Two kids were arguing in the playground. 
“My dad’s a better darts player than your dad,” said the first boy. 
“No he ain’t,” said the second boy. “My dad got the highest score last week.” 
“OK, OK, but my mum’s better than your mum.” 

“Yeah, alright, my dad says the same thing.” 

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