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Female muay thai champ found hanged in Ratchaburi boarding house


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On 12/18/2018 at 10:29 PM, gk10002000 said:

Drinking and a champion fighter?  Is that part of the normal Muay Thai training?  Given the money that gets bet on those fights, I can only guess and imagine, how much corruption, fixed fights, and what not goes on.  It would not surprise me one bit if she had been approached or pressured to do some match fixing

+1  True story, I sponsored 2 Muay Thai boxers when they were in their teens, became very good on the Muay Thai Circuit, (yes, it was expensive) but the pressure placed on them to throw fights so and up & coming fighter can pass them is absurd...........as far as I know, in the 3 years I helped them along they never threw a fight out of respect to their Temple.  but even their Mother & fathers were offered gold and whatnot to tell their kids  to 'lighten up'  on certain  fighters, that just urged them on to beat the crap out of them  -  30 years later and they still call me Uncle.

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6 hours ago, jaiyen said:

You do dribble a lot of rubbish !  You know nothing about Muay Thai do you ? Never done any training, I bet 

On the contrary. I am reasonably knowlegable in the martial arts having studied Taekwondo for many years.  I was the top brown belt in a school system founded by Master he Il Cho in Rhode island.  I never took the last test for my black belt as my engineering degree work consumed my time 

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