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Relationship with two partners?

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I just do not like a different girl each day. And I do not want just one. So what would be the estimate on the price of a pair of girls if rented by the month?

I would prefer them to both sleep with me and even do a bit of GoG.

My logic being if there are two from the beginning they may gang up on me, but not think they are going to get to me Mrs. Me

I would plan to change or add a pair every 3 to 6 months depending on attitude.

and while I am dreaming would this be totally impossible with some college girls? ie not necessarily professionals. I realize to get them I might need to invest a bit more time so maybe batch 2 or 3.

But would like the opinion of the members of the board here who might have walked down this path in their days of premarital bliss

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I just do not like a different girl each day. And I do not want just one. So what would be the estimate on the price of a pair of girls if rented by the month?

I would prefer them to both sleep with me and even do a bit of GoG.

My logic being if there are two from the beginning they may gang up on me, but not think they are going to get to me Mrs. Me

I would plan to change or add a pair every 3 to 6 months depending on attitude.

and while I am dreaming would this be totally impossible with some college girls? ie not necessarily professionals. I realize to get them I might need to invest a bit more time so maybe batch 2 or 3.

But would like the opinion of the members of the board here who might have walked down this path in their days of premarital bliss

One is a girlfriend, two is a crowd.

For the long term, it is just a wishfull dream.

And the money is nothing compared to the troubles you will face,...

By the way, are you OK?

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I just do not like a different girl each day. And I do not want just one. So what would be the estimate on the price of a pair of girls if rented by the month?

I would prefer them to both sleep with me and even do a bit of GoG.

My logic being if there are two from the beginning they may gang up on me, but not think they are going to get to me Mrs. Me

I would plan to change or add a pair every 3 to 6 months depending on attitude.

and while I am dreaming would this be totally impossible with some college girls? ie not necessarily professionals. I realize to get them I might need to invest a bit more time so maybe batch 2 or 3.

But would like the opinion of the members of the board here who might have walked down this path in their days of premarital bliss

what you propose is normally a problem.

you have to find 2 girls who are happy to perform in front of each other , they could be shy , jealous , and wont really do a double act . one will take it easy , the other is busy.

One could be rifling your room while you are busy with the other .you will be occupied .

Sometimes you find sisters who do a double act .

But it may be a front to clean you out while you sleep .

just stick to one is recomended .

if you require group sex do it occasionally and watch your wallet and money ...

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I just do not like a different girl each day. And I do not want just one. So what would be the estimate on the price of a pair of girls if rented by the month?

I would prefer them to both sleep with me and even do a bit of GoG.

My logic being if there are two from the beginning they may gang up on me, but not think they are going to get to me Mrs. Me

what you propose is normally a problem.

One could be rifling your room while you are busy with the other .you will be occupied .

Sometimes you find sisters who do a double act .

But it may be a front to clean you out while you sleep .

just stick to one is recomended .

if you require group sex do it occasionally and watch your wallet and money ...

One of the reasons why I am thinking of long term ie by the month is I would not be there with people who are looking through my stuff. Money would be in bank and wallet would have a minial amount in it.

So if I rent a single girl for ONE MONTH what is teh going rate?

What is your estimate on what two who WOULD DO GoG be, ie one girl by month X 2 plus alpha.

Is teh question clear?

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You are sure one sick DUDE,,why the ###### ya askin on here for,,if ya want to know,ask the girls,ya see we don't do such silly <deleted>.

When the college girls brothers and uncles come for him en masse, things will get somewhat uncomfortable around the former love nest.

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Having two different girls is nothing new, but having them together in bed is going

to be hard to pull of. The only ones that will be willing to do this are kinked out freaks; and usually kinked out freaks are not worth the trouble of maintaining

over any length of time. If you want to double your pleasure, better to do it on a

strictly short time basis.

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There are 'going rates' to rent people by the month?? Does Thailand look like the fresh-meats section of a supermarket to you? In that case I'd say you need help.

Have you actually been to Thailand before? I find it quite interesting what things people manage to get into their heads. I recently met a guy who was totally serious about renting a jeep and driving up into the hills to go negotiate himself a hilltribe bride. Err... O-kay.... . . .

Anyway, as for renting two live-in wives... I'd be more comfortable cuddling up with two Malaysian pit vipers. ;-) Don't have to pay those either.

Finally, my curiosity wins out over my fear of the answer: What's GoG?



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It's sick, stick to one at a time :o

:-) So... you think it's perfectly fine when someone says:


"Hi, I'm coming to Thailand and would like to rent me a woman. Just one is just dandy, any more would be a crowd and would just mean more mouths to fill. But I'd trade her in when I get bored with her of course. What's the current going rate in US dollars? Are major credit cards accepted? Also, I read tourists are over charged all the time in Thailand, could I save money by just going into the jungle and clubbing one on the head? "


The number of people I think isn't why this post is so offensive. If the poster would write the same post on one of the nightlife web boards then he'd STILL get is ass flamed off and rightly so.

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You are sure one sick DUDE,,why the ###### ya askin on here for,,if ya want to know,ask the girls,ya see we don't do such silly <deleted>.

When the college girls brothers and uncles come for him en masse, things will get somewhat uncomfortable around the former love nest.

Yeah, that pyramid would top the one at Abu Ghreib, I'm sure! :o

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To answer a few questions:

Yes I have been to Thailand. First two time there, my wife found a young lady had her tested and worked out all the finances. In our family, I made all the money and my wife controlled it. I was able to spend rather freely and she was exceptional at making all this work.

The third time I was in Thailand I was with two young Japanese ladies.

Two, I am just trying to be practical here. I do not think Thailand is some sort of meat market, but I am aware there are young ladies who do see having a relationship with a man as a business relationship.

I can here to ask advice because the people on this site seem to be both knowledgeable and some reasonably open minded.

I find it interesting I have asked for advice and gotten only one person to answer any part of my question.

The rest all say Wow too much trouble just drag them off one by one and <deleted> them for a short time. I find this to be a very "meat market" mentality.

I prefer to have relationships. I realize to a degree this is going to be economic and one hopes I will be with a woman who will be able to "fake" an interest in me as a person, until the actual process of getting to know each other kicks in.

I consider the act of sexual congress to be a rather intimate one. I know many start out and are nice and fresh and act human, tehn like nurses they go in one of two paths, they remain human and caring and tehy become cold and robotic or cold and deceitful.

I do not wish my relationship to be abusive, nor do I want someone coming into it thinking they are going to convert me to some long term economic cash cow. I also have some personal tastes which do run to the kinkier side of life. So I prefer to find ONLY THE WOMEN WHO LIKE THIS.

I believe if I like something, there is a woman out there who has a comlimentary liking as well. Given that I have found a number of these women in my life, I assume they exist in Thailand as well. I am also aware they will be more rare.

I am seeking the advice of people who are in Thailand and have a range of experience.

Please stop with your holier than thou attitudes, you waste you time.

Please refrain from your "just get a disposable girl for a ST" comments, this is not my style and will not become my style.

I am perfectly happy for my companions to turn into long term companions, but I do not want them coming into the relationship thinking this is a given. This would be dishonest on my part, and while I am aware they will likely be less than honest, I do not operate my life this way.

Hope all of this is clear to you.

I am sure those holier than thous yahoos will not have heard anything, after all when your head is filled with sh*t, one cannot expect you to be able to think at the same time.

For those of you who do have any knowledge, I would appreciate your advice within the parameters stated above.


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Thanks for clarifying that Dragonmasterzip.. Your initial post was just formulated so bluntly that it actually offended some people, including some female members of this forum who e-mailed some admins about it.

(I think those people should just post here and voice their objections and concerns. That's what discussion forums are for.)

Because of this I also read all your other posts on this site, including the long one on the 'being faithful' topic so I do know where you're coming from. I do understand that, but please also understand that your initial post (read it again!) DOES rub some people the wrong way. Talk about 'holier than thou', it would be just that to expect everyone to read your post and think it no different than looking to rent two motorbikes or whatever.

So with all of that out of the way: I think it would be VERY difficult to do what you're looking for. Most of the people who are saying 'just grab a prostitute from a bar' are saying so because they actually feel that what you're proposing is bordering the impossible. Don't dismiss this as 'not wanting to answer your question'.

Do realize that what you're proposing is against Thai law, against Thai culture, against most of humanities common values. Then when people get upset about it, it's a bit easy to dismiss them as 'holier than thou yahoos'.

I have no problem with you being different and seeking consenting adults who are compatible with your requirements, but do realize that you ARE different so when posting something like this, and especially the way you posted it, you have to be fully prepared to take some flak, and take it in stride. I actually thought your post was just a troll, until I read some of your other posts.

In short: What you're proposing is diffucult because it's not common in Thai culture to live with two women at the same time, not matter what the main driving force of the relationship is. It IS common to sneak around and/or to have a minor wife on the side, but this is NOT what you're seeking. So it's difficult. Thai people are mostly very jealous, which stands in the way of concurrent poligamy.

It's not impossible, but it's definitely an up-hill, very rough ride. Not to mention most likely against the law, and perhaps provocative enough to actually make the authorities take notice, depending on the way you would go about it.

Note that I also edited the topic title. "Renting a lover by the month", that just looks bad, and makes this forum look bad. Plus you had some coding in your title that I think is common on the nightlife boards?? 'TG ST something??' Do you think everyone reads this code?? I hope you can find yourself in the new title. If not, take it to the nightlife boards.



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I have two Chinese Thai, non Muslim friends who each have two wives living openly in one extended family compound. They both need their own private apartment to escape from trouble. (In both cases the wives are related to each other and the second wife was recruited to each relationship purely because the first wife was unable to conceive, a brood sow if you will.)

If you are truly serious about requiring such services, and can pay for them, I suggest a chat with the management at the Eden Club, (if it still exists.)

You are likely to be taking your life in your hands if you attempt this in any underhand manner.

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I am going to second the motion on the Eden Club. It still exists. The owner cans the girls who don't perform. Taking 2 girls at once is a requirement! I have not been lately but I think my Bud might be up there now! It is supposedly bigger than B4. I you have money to burn its a good experience.

There's also a place in Pattaya where Lecherous old Ken has 2 twin hotties for the taking. (at least he use to) Makes me think of of the Austin powers movie with the Japanese twins. "Things to do B4 I die!"

It is possible I think to have two for while as a relationship but only under the luckiest of circumstances.

Sisters is a possible route, IMO also.

There is a young fella around here who has two hot ones staying with him but I don't know the whole situation. Who is doing whom etc.

I agree with the other poster though that the Thai ladies are amongst the most jealous in the world. They are generally not too eager to share their man.

Asia is one part of the World where a guy can get away with more than one wife, if he's lucky and can afford it.

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Eden... well. I think Mbkudu mostly covered that territory when he mentioned

> kinked out freaks

and Eden (a brothel in Bangkok aimed mostly at a Western clientele) also doesn't match the following requirement by the original poster DMZ:

> refrain from "just get a disposable girl for a ST"

> this is not my style and will not become my style.

> I find this to be a very "meat market" mentality.



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Yes, but it's the truth innit... We could censor the heck out of this discussion but then we'd just be hiding the fact that many people actually do come to Thailand with women & sex on their mind. (or men and sex, for that matter)

Rather than nixing the discussion I would hope that many people would post and show Thailand and Thai people the respect it/they deserve. (Like you just did)

Fortunately there are other posts on here that would look more favorably to any Thais reading this site, such as what's involved in becoming a monk in Thailand.

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Thank you for changing the title of the topic. I know what I want is unusual. In the world there are likley fewer than 20 million families which are Polygamous. Having had hundreds of lovers and only 30 or so relationships with more than one lover, I know I am in an uphill battle.

I was asking the question because I am aware of Thai women penchant for feeding their ducks! And do not want to be on the menu. :D

But I also know bisexuality, lesbiamism and sisters, especially twins who would rather stay together and share a deeper love of each other, than they likely would of me.

My apolgies for seeming callous, but I am quite paradoxical. I am one of those soft hearted romantics, who cracks up his daughters when they look over and find me crying while watching romantic movies, but I do also have a collection of whips and years of experience using them.

I know many people are confused by S&M. Most people who do not live within this world only have hollywood's big whips kneel down you worthless blah blah blah. Yes of course there is some of that going on within the S&M community and 99.9% of it is DRIVEN BY THE WORTHLESS TOAD ON THEIR KNEES!!

In my sig are the lines

He who rules truly serves

She who serves truly rules

The fact of the matter is I do not like changing partners all teh time. To me a sexual relationship really only gets good when there is a mental and emotional aspect to it. I often find myself unexcited when first with a woman. Without that mental connection, John Thomas seems less than interested.

IDeally, I would love a rather business like relationship to change into one which was more bound by a sense of caring for each other. But I am also a rather practical man. I realize there will be some taking on the womne's part, but I do not wish to put my assets, which I feel at this point in my life are mostly my own, but really due to my upbringing somewhat I am the custodian for my daughters.

From a practical point of view, it appears I could live for far less in Indonesia and in a very simple manner handle the local police with gifts. But I find the people of Thailand to be really quite wonderful. I have great respect for many aspects of the culture and think other parts are rather silly, but then I come from the US where the silly parts of our culture seem to far outweigh the respectable ones. Certainly, I do not have anything bad to say about the King, in fact as best I can tell, he would be far more suited to running the country than the curently rulers, but I am not sure I could look at any major country and not feel a similar feeling, after all in politics as in stew, scum rises to the top.

I also find Thai language to be a daunting task. I speak Japanese and seemed to pick up BasaIndonesian rather quickly but Thai to my ears is like Arabic, just unrelated sounds.

I do not mind starting with rather professionals. Certainly one would hope to find two young ladies who feel this is more standard, so perhaps starting at Eden would be a place to begin.

I have read on some other boards how Eden am man picks one girl and the girl picks the other girl. I do not mind being patient and having the girls tested at a hospital for STDs. I am planning on retiring to Thailand or at least going there for a number of years.

I would like some advice on problems I might face with family members, both real and created, the authorities ( I plan to be discrete or not flashy, but I am 6' tall and do not look at all Thai, so I assume people will notice me as a long term resident and that I keep appearing with teh same two women, as well as my daughters who are also Asian looking) and any other things good to keep an eye open for.

I appreciate this last round of advice. My apologies again for having been less than tactful in my opening post. I am aware of this problem of my communication, and pray this rather long in the tooth dog can learn some new tricks.


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After reading your most candid post.

I can not see any reason that you should not find a very easy life in Thailand and I am sure once the fathers find out about your whips and chains that he will insist on sending "you" the dowry with his daughters as you sound exactly like the man any father would love to have as a son in law.

Are you sure you are not just trolling? :o

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To answer a few questions:

Yes I have been to Thailand. First two time there, my wife found a young lady had her tested and worked out all the finances. In our family, I made all the money and my wife controlled it. I was able to spend rather freely and she was exceptional at making all this work.

The third time I was in Thailand I was with two young Japanese ladies.

Two, I am just trying to be practical here. I do not think Thailand is some sort of meat market, but I am aware there are young ladies who do see having a relationship with a man as a business relationship.

I can here to ask advice because the people on this site seem to be both knowledgeable and some reasonably open minded.

I find it interesting I have asked for advice and gotten only one person to answer any part of my question.

The rest all say Wow too much trouble just drag them off one by one and <deleted> them for a short time. I find this to be a very "meat market" mentality.

I prefer to have relationships. I realize to a degree this is going to be economic and one hopes I will be with a woman who will be able to "fake" an interest in me as a person, until the actual process of getting to know each other kicks in.

I consider the act of sexual congress to be a rather intimate one. I know many start out and are nice and fresh and act human, tehn like nurses they go in one of two paths, they remain human and caring and tehy become cold and robotic or cold and deceitful.

I do not wish my relationship to be abusive, nor do I want someone coming into it thinking they are going to convert me to some long term economic cash cow. I also have some personal tastes which do run to the kinkier side of life. So I prefer to find ONLY THE WOMEN WHO LIKE THIS.

I believe if I like something, there is a woman out there who has a comlimentary liking as well. Given that I have found a number of these women in my life, I assume they exist in Thailand as well. I am also aware they will be more rare.

I am seeking the advice of people who are in Thailand and have a range of experience.

Please stop with your holier than thou attitudes, you waste you time.

Please refrain from your "just get a disposable girl for a ST" comments, this is not my style and will not become my style.

I am perfectly happy for my companions to turn into long term companions, but I do not want them coming into the relationship thinking this is a given. This would be dishonest on my part, and while I am aware they will likely be less than honest, I do not operate my life this way.

Hope all of this is clear to you.

I am sure those holier than thous yahoos will not have heard anything, after all when your head is filled with sh*t, one cannot expect you to be able to think at the same time.

For those of you who do have any knowledge, I would appreciate your advice within the parameters stated above.


Task the wife ( very understanding sort of lady... how was her sister ? ) to set it all up again for you. It'd cut down the time waste, and have you on the job faster.

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Well mate I reckon you need to get yourself two bi girls. That cant be too hard. What will be hard is getting them to co-habitate (?) with you.

I know a bloke who is married to a beautiful Thai woman. they have two kids both young and also two nannies or whatever yo uwant to call them. the nannies go around everywhere with the family, so it looks like this one farang with three Thai women.......except that the nannies really look a little scrubby compared to the wife so it's probably obvious.....but you never know !!

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  • 1 month later...
Thank you for changing the title of the topic. I know what I want is unusual. In the world there are likley fewer than 20 million families which are Polygamous. Having had hundreds of lovers and only 30 or so relationships with more than one lover, I know I am in an uphill battle.

I haven't looked into this thread until now, I was put off by the very title and recognising the OP as the same guy I tried to point out at before that for a financially secure, adult western man to have 'sexual relationships' with penniless teenage drug users might not be the most natural thing on earth to do, and might just be perceived as being a little bit unequal and exploitative, by all the screwed up 'holier than thou' people like myself.

I am amazed not more people have commented on this thread before, and that it is still running. Even after Chanchao as a moderator went to great length to accomodate the cretin, he has the cheek to take the piss again. :o

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Your question whether your "fantasy" is fullfillable in Thailand generated the adverse reaction from members who chose not to be gentle with one who is not really in touch with reality.

I wish you good luck in fulfilling your "fantasy", but like all "fantasy", there is little relation to reality so your chances of success here is next to nil and I think that is what the previous posters were trying to convey.

If you disagree that your question is an attempt in "fantasy" fullfillment, you might direct your attention to your question where you specify that you want "college girls" to be warm, loving group sex participants, but be prostitutes as well and academy award winning actesses to boot.

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Man ... this is really a weird post

Your "dream" is all it is ... a "DREAM"

After 20 years of living in Thailand (Pattaya & Bangkok) I have seen and heard everything ... and YOUR dream could be possible, but i think you'll have to look for a long time to successfully implement your "dream" - and while searching, you surely will run into a lot of problems ...

Another possible "plasic-bag-taped-around-the-neck-and-hands-tied-behind-the-back" suicide possibility ????

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