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U.S. Democrats manoeuvre to end shutdown, without Trump wall money


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Individual-1 just tell lies for his base that is ready to buy into his fake narratives because of his perverted cult of personality. To them truth isn't truth, facts aren't facts, reality isn't reality. Gaslighting intoxication syndrome. Their pleasure is the rational majority's pain. A massively destructive movement that needs to be crushed ASAP. 

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4 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Around the house is a 10 foot wall. 


Then it must be invisible.  Fine, I'll get some pics from Google Street View:




That's the house from two different angles.  THERE IS NO WALL AROUND IT.


Your picture shows the parking area, which has a FENCE around it.


4 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

Stop zooming my photo and quit the games.  Go zoom someone else.


Any more posts like that from you and we're going to hook up a breathalizer to your PC.  No posting until you can blow at least a .08 on the breathalizer.

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The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security - the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles......Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!

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2 minutes ago, Opl said:

The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security - the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles......Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!


Trump says he doesn't drink - but I'm not so sure.  I mean what else could cause this?



Edited by attrayant
Trying to change the quote tag from "Opl said" to "Trump said" but the forum software forbids it.
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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "obama wall ten feet high"


TRUMP: " Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL! "

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10 minutes ago, Opl said:

MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!


A whole raft made of straw that he can clutch on to!

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!


Um, if Mexico is already ‘paying’ for the wall, why does Donnie need this money again? 

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32 minutes ago, samran said:

Um, if Mexico is already ‘paying’ for the wall, why does Donnie need this money again? 

Well NAFTA was a  very bad deal for the US so President Trump rewrote the NAFTA deal so America is richer as a result, but the money is in different pots so to speak, and he needs to move the money to his wall pot.


The biggest issue with NAFTA was that quantative easing allowed American companies to borrow cheaply then relocate their production to Mexico, then import goods previously made in America without tariffs and altering the deficit in a bad way, also causing millions of hard working Americans to loose jobs. So NAFTA bad, Trumps strong approach seems good?


He needs to transfer it to the stop what his millions of suporters see as illegal imigration so need a wall for greater border security.


In security or criminology terms situational crime prevention methods (walls, locks, fences, tight control etc) work very well so his wall is a proven crime prevention method.




It was an election promise and he seems to want to keep it? So I think it's good to keep promises, hard to disagree with that?



Edited by Patriot1066
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13 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

There are border tunnels which go undetected along the US/Mexico border, there are major rivers, rough terrain, transit via water. Simply put in a world where travel is easier than in the past, where there is an economic draw to lure and an unstable and in many case unsafe country that you are coming with - you will always have a large number of people willing to make an attempt.

Some interesting facts, most people that were/are illegal in the US -- entered legally and overstayed. In the most recent year, Canada is the worst offender as far as overstaying in the US (more than twice as many as Mexico). For people that cannot legally enter the United States, or are turned away from initial entry, they can always get transit into the US -- and most illegal smuggling is done through major ports.

Simply put, a 'wall' is a purely political thing with little practicality. It is wall stretching along the border would cost probably on the order of 100 billion (not 5 billion). That wall would only be trying to solve a small portion of the problem -- since it is not where most of the problem is. What would be more effective, well making hiring non-legal people but that would require a more invasive immigration where the US government knows who every non-US citizen is in the US at all times (Thailand does that and they still have a major 'illegals problem'). You will have to have a national ID system where every time a person is hired or paid for any work you have to present the national ID and check to make sure they are legal. Then penalize severely anyone hiring an illegal worker. This check would have to be done each time a contractor is hired by individuals -- right up to large corporations. Take away the economic attraction and you will lessen the problem. The country has to make sacrifices in freedom to accomplish this... and once it does the economy will be hit since the dirty little secret is that a lot of some types of employment are done by foreigners... because of many reasons (can be money, can be that people feel better than that that they would rather not work at the job and be unemployed rather than take 'demeaning' work).

Things have changed -- in the past people just walked across their own farm land or their neighbours and went shopping in the other country and 'snuck' back with the border patrol literally turning a blind eye or giving a warning -- but things have changed -- and not for the better (my mother use to walk into the US across the family farm into the US).

A real wall is environmentally damaging and not getting to the root of the problem in a large way. More monitoring would help, but given that drugs were very illegal and typically more than 50% of Americans and Canadians had tried it when it was very illegal. When the taxes on alcohol went up in Ontario over 33% of the establishments sold smuggled alcohol. If there is an economic draw to it - there will always be someone to fill in the gap. Some of Canada's richest families got that way because of smuggling during prohibition times. So .. yes build about 120 miles of walls for 5 billion and there will be another way whether it is over, under through tunnels -- around or just fly in. It might raise the cost a little, but it can always be offset since the smugglers are always looking for desperate people to hire to help.

Yes the wall is a nonsense but no point in telling Trump's base , they all have their heads in the sand.

Its never actually been about a physical wall though , its just good old fashioned ' blame Johnny foreigner ' rhetoric , the same bedrock as all 'popularist' right wing movements.

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6 hours ago, keemapoot said:

MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL because the Taco Bell Chihuahua says so. Are Trump supporters really such simpletons? Can't they reason through an issue critically, do some research, contemplate implications and conclusions?



I think by now we all know the answer , yes the vast majority are indeed simpletons.

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Promises made Promises kept! Bottom line the shoddy fencing and barriers at the southern border now,isn't working! thousands upon thousands aren't using the front door approach!

Trump has had two years of majority in both the House and the Senate.


He’s not been able to keep his promise of a wall.


He has however handed billions to the nation’s richest and massively expanded the national debt.


January 3, it’s game over.


Checks and balances are back where they should be.


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21 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Trump has had two years of majority in both the House and the Senate.


He’s not been able to keep his promise of a wall.


He has however handed billions to the nation’s richest and massively expanded the national debt.


January 3, it’s game over.


Checks and balances are back where they should be.


If you say so! I don't think like you and that's a good thing! I look at 6 more years,plenty of time for American's to see the lack of border security that's in place! Build that wall  for security and sovereignty 

Edited by riclag
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2 minutes ago, riclag said:

If you say so! I don't think like you and that's a good thing! I look at 6 more years,plenty of time for American's to see the lack of border security that's in place

Two years of a super majority - No wall.


I’d fix on getting through the next six months if I were you.


It’s going to be a fun ride.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Two years of a super majority - No wall.


I’d fix on getting through the next six months if I were you.


It’s going to be a fun ride.

Hardly a super majority  when for decades dem's and gop have never come to a solution to the problem of illegal  immigration and border security!

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18 minutes ago, riclag said:

If you say so! I don't think like you and that's a good thing! I look at 6 more years,plenty of time for American's to see the lack of border security that's in place! Build that wall  for security and sovereignty 

If it didn't bother Americans enough to do something 20 years ago when the number of immigrants was many times what it is now, why should it bother them now. The number of illegal immigrants residing in the USA has actually declined over the last few years. And if the Trump administration really wants to solve the problem it should be supporting family planning programs in Central America instead of slashing them. Family planning has worked miracles in that regard in Mexico. There has actually been a net outflow of Mexicans in the last several years.

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The world's worst terrorists. So far none of that multitude of them coming in over the southern border have committed any terrorist acts in the USA. 

 Build the wall Stop Illegals,gang members, drugs,human trafficking and terrorist! decades of ineffective border security can't continue

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7 minutes ago, riclag said:

 Build the wall Stop Illegals,gang members, drugs,human trafficking and terrorist! decades of ineffective border security can't continue

Who you telling to build the wall?


Once again, Trump had a majority in both the House and the Senate - he could not get his wall built.


I hear impotence often leads to frustration and anger.


Perhaps that’s what’s behind all the tantrums.

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Who you telling to build the wall?


Once again, Trump had a majority in both the House and the Senate - he could not get his wall built.


I hear impotence often leads to frustration and anger.


Perhaps that’s what’s behind all the tantrums.

thousands upon thousands of illegals  come over under and through the shoddy  fencing and barriers! It must stop!  

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