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Question On Depression


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Can anyone tell me, If someone has, or had, suffered with depression, would this effect any visa application

I am sure I read this on some Thai government website, if anyone knows where could they please point me in the right direction.

Thanks guys :o:D:D

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don't see a reason why would you be treated differently than other applicants

Hi londonthai, pleased to meet you,

I am led to believe that in the UK, a history of depression (and I am only depressed myself because I am in the UK and not in the LOS, also jealous, but that’s another story ) reflects negatively (I assume because of the mental illness connotations) on a person.

The inference being I suppose, that mental illness like a contagious disease could be a drain on resources (or something ).

Is it the same in Thailand or am I totally off beam.

BTW I am sorry if anyone has depression and is offended by this post, it is not my intention to offend.

Steve :o:D:D

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If you are applying for a retirement visa and they require a physical it should not require mental health records. In any event I wouldn't mention it. I really can't see a problem unless you have been convicted of a crime due to mental illness and I would think the topic should never come up.

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Generally its only a physical medical examination required, not a mental one for Visa applications.

I guess its a judgment call, if your illness only effects yourself then don't bring it up, if your illness is a danger to others or you need constant supervision then maybe its something you'd want to raise... but if its that bad then Thailand probably isn't the place for you anyhow (no solid support system and the country can be very harsh towards farang sometimes etc)

We'd hate for you to become another 'Pattaya nose dive" statistic.

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