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Trump pulls military plane from Pelosi overseas trip in shutdown fight


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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

I don't believe this trip was necessary, so don't mind she is not going.


At the same time, the petty politics from Trump are disgusting, and the number of people apparently supporting this childish behaviour is incredible.

Yeah, this whole thing is just a silly side show between Trump and Pelosi. Rand Paul jokingly (or not) said the Senate should offer to host Trump for the Address, but nobody takes that seriously.


Actually, I think Pelosi should let Trump have his peacock moment in front of the Congress and world. I think it would illustrate clearly to voters in a memorialized way which members are strong supporters of Trump so they can take the heat when Trump falls soon after the Mueller report is out. Tapes can be played and replayed of those Republicans that fawn over this charlatan. 


All that show of respect for a soon-to-be disgraced conman. Hard to live that down.

Edited by keemapoot
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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

"trump" didn't even have majority support for his great fantasy metaphor wall of "trump" when he was elected, and much less now. 

It is a very stupid shutdown though. 

If we had a normal president some amount additional barriers could easily be passed as part of a border security package if justified in a normal manner for the specific cases. 

But sold by the racist demagogue ("Mexicans are rapists") con man president, yes, it is immoral to cave to such a horrible authoritarian wannabe. 


So you're saying he's right, maybe, but the "optics" are all wrong?

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2 hours ago, riclag said:

The POTUS is the Commander and Chief of the Arm forces ,Pelosi isn't!

So HE can do whatever HE wants at the expense of the country and nobody should object? That is on the way to over ruling the House and Senate and on the way to dictatorship.


If you want an example see Thailand 2014 to the present day.

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1 hour ago, Thainesss said:


You keep polishing that turd, but it'll never shine like you think it will. 


That "Important Trip" was nothing more than democrat face-time and publicity. You know it. I definitely know it. Everyone knows it. 


And it was shut right down. 

Another right-wing mind reader.

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15 minutes ago, billd766 said:

So HE can do whatever HE wants at the expense of the country and nobody should object? That is on the way to over ruling the House and Senate and on the way to dictatorship.


If you want an example see Thailand 2014 to the present day.


Everyone can object if they choose to. I'm looking forward to that. Not just for this awful preidency but the awful presidencies to follow.  Actually, I think we'll get back on track after the next awful presidency.

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25 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Actually there is no democratic or republican party in Puerto Rico. At least not with any significant presence.


I'm thinking of moving to Puerto Rico. 4% corporate tax rate. I think last year's

hurricane might have marked the bottom on Puerto Rico.

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30 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


US presidential powers are welll circumscribed. The problem lies mainly with the people's representatives. Most of them, on both sides of the aisle are simply horrible and are in the pockets of those who raise their election funds.

No... they are not, which is why there is debate about this whole state of emergency deal, or wether a sitting president can get away with committing crimes..... the constitution is deliberately vague on it and open to interpretation.

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6 minutes ago, Chartist said:


Politics in all western countries is a joke it's all ridiculous arguments over identity politics while the politicians push though the corporatist agenda of their sponsors.

And the solution is? Because if you don't have any I smell a Russian troll.

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1 minute ago, Chartist said:


Politics in all western countries is a joke it's all ridiculous arguments over identity politics while the politicians push though the corporatist agenda of their sponsors.

Disagree.... Politics in fully democratic countries ( which does not include the US) is much more transparent, and corruption, where it exists, is much less in scope.... by and large, it’s the US that cowtows to corporate sponsors, and is an unfathomable joke to the rest of the western world


in a parliamentarian system, this would not happen. A double dissolution would be enacted, and a new election called, such that the people can decide... the threat of this controls governmental over reach

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1 hour ago, Srinivas said:

Dude factcheck was initially funded by 

the ebay,dude that funded a "never trump pac"

Dunbar, John, Michael Beckel, and Carrie Levine. 2016. “Pierre Omidyar Gives $100,000 To New Anti-Trump Super PAC”. Center For Public Integrity. Accessed January 2 2018. https://www.publicintegrity.org/2016/04/15/19564/pierre-omidyar-gives-100000-new-anti-trump-super-pac. ↩


hows that for a footnote 

And therefore that disproves the information provided? You think that factcheck lied about it? Has anyone challenged their version with independently verifiable facts? Some people out there might actually have an interest in providing verifiable facts. Their political opinions might just possibly be irrelevant. Clearly this doesn't apply to you.

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51 minutes ago, riclag said:

Pelosi asked the POTUS to reschedule the SOTU address because of "security concerns"

regarding the shutdown while ignoring the REAL security concerns at the SB!Time and time again, she and her liberal anti border security friends ignore American's !

Pelosi and her liberal anti border friends where just elected to add checks and balances to trumps dictatorial tendencies, as trump was ignoring the American people’s. Any other conclusion beggars belief.

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