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Even if she could claim asylum in the UK, she would first have to get there would she not ?

She could make an asylum application at the British Embassy in BKK, but it would probably be refused, and then she'd be totally stuffed for any other type of application. It's not a practical suggestion, forget it.

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Not so fast ! Are you sure a Thai Amphur would permit a legal marriage of a foreigner if he or she does not produce the Freedom to Marry document stamped by the relevant Embassy ? It's s clear from the postings above the Lao Embassy would never stamp such a document for the wife. True or false ?
They probably would not marry two foreigners without the relevant AFMs.

But as we are talking about a fiance visa to the UK so they can marry in the UK, the point is irrelevant.

Not if their aim is to get married which it clearly is !

Anyhow if the girl has no passport clearly marked valid for the UK, (have you seen the girl's Lao passport or a photocopy thereof ?) no marriage visa possible to enter as a fiancee. Furthermore without the correct documentation from the Lao Embasssy how do you know a Registrar would marry the couple in England ? Please post a link on the documents required by the Registrar of Marriages as you appear very knowledgable on the subject of Lao-UK marriages and clearly are very experienced in dealing with Lao nationals.


The requirements for entry to the UK as the fiance of a person present and settled there are the same regardless of whether one is a citizen of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia or anywhere outside the EEA.

Read Marrying in the UK - Frequently Asked Questions .

Topfield, the mere fact that you have posted the rubbish you have whilst claiming to be a highly qualified immigration lawyer proves you to be the impostor I have always thought you to be.

No go and play somewhere else, the OP has some difficult decisions to make and idiot posts from the likes of you aren't going to help him.

The requirements for entry to the UK as the fiance of a person present and settled there are the same regardless of whether one is a citizen of Thailand, Laos, Cambodia or anywhere outside the EEA.

Read Marrying in the UK - Frequently Asked Questions .

Topfield, the mere fact that you have posted the rubbish you have whilst claiming to be a highly qualified immigration lawyer proves you to be the impostor I have always thought you to be.

No go and play somewhere else, the OP has some difficult decisions to make and idiot posts from the likes of you aren't going to help him.

Sir, Thank you for proving to everyone that you are rude and bad mannered and infringe the rules of this forum which clearly state that all postings must be polite and well mannered. It is astonishing that you haven't received a caution from the Adminitrators for breaking forum rules

Anyhow more important is how to assist this gentleman and his Lao lady. Have you seen a copy of the Lao lady's passport as the British Embassy would not accept an application unless the passport was in order and valid for travel to the UK . Indeed most Lao citizens use a travel document and not a full passport for travel to Thailand.


Just adding what I have heard.

I have been e-mailing with a Lao girl for a few years and - a year or two ago she married a Dutch guy teaching English in Taiwan. She spent a year there with him, went back to Laos in January to have her child with her family, and is there now. Plans are that he will visit her in Laos during his holidays for a year or two, and then try to settle there. She never mentioned any legal problems.

your joking right? even the govt has finally admitted that they have a major problem...........

I know what your'e saying but the education system in the UK ain't all that bad. Of course the Gont has admitted problems but most countries do. Thailand would never admit they have problems in education, blimey they don't even admit they have a problem in the south :o

As for th op. Although he may have just had enough money to take care of himself, when the baby comes along he'll have 3 mouths to feed. A totally different perspective on his economics. Also, in the UK he'll have support from relatives, something he won't have in Thailand and he's scared to death of going seeing the in-laws in Laos.

Good luck anyways Boothy

I have a 2 months old daughter with my Thaiwife. We are moving back to Norway before she is old enough to start school. I've been working in a Thai goverment secondary school, and NO WAY my daughter is going to learn in a Thai school! The education system in western contries is far superior, no doubt about that!



1 way

go to laos months visa Kon Khaen consulate Lao

Get the 2 of you officualy engaged to be married (1 days work by your girlfriend!!!! The apply 3 days later to get married according to lao law

otherwise your girlfriend has eighter "flee" to the UK or get your child a lao nationality with "father unknown: status

want to get married IN lao WITH your Lao girlfriend????

1200 us

TDS Vientiane

khouvieng road

tel nr.......856 21 313339

ask for mr keovilay

3months later your legally married (no bribes exepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

oh listen

lao law is not to be fooled around with

this buro does NOT i repeat NOT exept bribes!!!!!!!

its legally "binded"

congratulations with Gods ultimate gift......your child!


Hello All, I really need some advice, I am from the UK, I've been living in Thailand for the last 6 months with my Laos girlfriend (pratically since I met her), she is here legally on a tourist visa, myself on a Non Immigrant B.

I've recently found out she's a month pregnant which is nice but also incredibly worrying. We are quite concerned due to the nature of Laos laws regarding Laos/Foreigner relationships.

The UK embassy have said I need to apply for a fiance visa, if I want to get her into the UK, I think this is our only option. My mum has agreed to put us up when we get back and is to send proof that she owns her house and we can live there etc., we've also applied to be married at a registry office so that the British Embassy can see we intend to marry.

I am very concerned about our poor financial status (afterall I've been earning in Thailand) and the lack of ability to prove I can support her when I return. I've asked my Dad to send his bank account statements across but he's a technophobe and is worried about being de-frauded. I'm also unsure of the process and wondered if anybody with prior experience can help. I'm thinking the best thing to do is put her application in motion and then return to the UK to find work.

I am getting quite desperate, we have 6 weeks left in Thailand before our visas here finish, I do not intend to go to Laos for fear of arrest. I am worried if she stays in Laos with the baby what will happen. We're very much in love and want to be together and help give our child the best possible start.

Can anyone give me some useful advice?



Oh by the way

I am a foreigner happy married with a lao women

we have a child"outside" marriage

and i live in Nongkhai province

i have no commercial connections with this buro

my word of honour



Hello All, I really need some advice, I am from the UK, I've been living in Thailand for the last 6 months with my Laos girlfriend (pratically since I met her), she is here legally on a tourist visa, myself on a Non Immigrant B.

I've recently found out she's a month pregnant which is nice but also incredibly worrying. We are quite concerned due to the nature of Laos laws regarding Laos/Foreigner relationships.

The UK embassy have said I need to apply for a fiance visa, if I want to get her into the UK, I think this is our only option. My mum has agreed to put us up when we get back and is to send proof that she owns her house and we can live there etc., we've also applied to be married at a registry office so that the British Embassy can see we intend to marry.

I am very concerned about our poor financial status (afterall I've been earning in Thailand) and the lack of ability to prove I can support her when I return. I've asked my Dad to send his bank account statements across but he's a technophobe and is worried about being de-frauded. I'm also unsure of the process and wondered if anybody with prior experience can help. I'm thinking the best thing to do is put her application in motion and then return to the UK to find work.

I am getting quite desperate, we have 6 weeks left in Thailand before our visas here finish, I do not intend to go to Laos for fear of arrest. I am worried if she stays in Laos with the baby what will happen. We're very much in love and want to be together and help give our child the best possible start.

Can anyone give me some useful advice?


Congratulations! It will be very exciting to have your first child. First of all try to stay clear-headed and positive and don't listen to comments such as the last one. Sure things could be better but life is not perfect and we make the best of difficult situations. Trust me.. things could be a lot worse. My advice is to research the visa situation and start the application process as soon as you can. You can probably apply through your embassy in Bangkok. In the meantime work on strengthening your relationship and keeping your girlfriend healthy.

Anybody know what the laws/culture is like in Laos in regards to having a baby with a foreigner?

Maybe your girlfriend can go back to Laos and get a tourist visa renewal and return to Thailand without telling anyone of her pregnancy.

Could not agree with you more Jake -- this forum = as I have said before is for people in this type of situation or those looking for some helpful advise to ask the relative questions without the sarcasm and stupid comments from the previous person -- nice to see some postive advice --- but a difficult one -- good luck anyway


To the OP - yup, you are quite correct to consider the UK.

There you will have family and support and the educational system is far superior to Thailand.

But there are pro's and con's between here and there, but in the end the health care and educational sysyem are far superior in the UK.

I would suggest that your Mum and Dad get onto the local M.P. and get him / her involved.

As a purely humanitarian issue this just begs for the interference of a politico!.

Anyway, all the very best and I hope it works out well for all three of you.

As an aside, I lived with a Lao lady in Laos for over a year, some years ago.

No problems and she was magic. Totally magic.

Alas dead at 30 but I still smile whenever I think of her.....................

Keep up the good fight.


Thanks for all of your positive posts, I took the weekend off from thinking about it but I'm back on the visa trail today, just been to Silom to register the TB test and to the hospital for actual medical confirmation, our little one is due 15th October. For the record I am well acquainted with the in laws, they are very happy for us; I'm not scared stiff of them, more so the Lao government and police. Seeing as I've had so much of a positive response on this I'll keep you abreast of developments just in case anybody in the future runs into similar problems, as I imagine the likelihood is quite, likely. :o

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for bringing this to the top again but just thought it may be worthwhile asking for some more help, we've already started putting the motion in process to apply for my girlfriend's Uk fiancee visa and are grateful for the advice received on here which has helped a great deal.

In an effort to legitimise our relationship under Laos jurisdiction we went to the Laos Embassy in Bangkok to ask could we organise the 'permission to marry' in Thailand to save me having to go home to organise the medicals and affadavits etc. (they were less than helpful) to cut a long story short they said 'we don't know, why can't you go to Vientiane?' which doesn't answer whether we can organise the permission to marry here in Thailand and then submit the paperwork to Vientiane.

It says on the rules the medical should be done in each parties country of residence, that would mean the UK for me (or would it?), I note a previous poster mentioned his girlfriend organised this in Khon Kaen, what exactly did you organise, can the Laos Embassy issue permission to marry?

If we can't obtain permission to marry from the Laos government we'll have to get married wherever regardless and then come back to Laos in a few years pretending we're not married with no children and marry again in Laos, thus having all the documents after we've been in England... It seems whichever way round one goes, one somehow ends up breaking the law... whether one wants to or not. Please Help!

This seems (to me) rather an arse about tit way of going about things, has anybody with any relevant prior experience any comment or help?

It says on the rules the medical should be done in each parties country of residence, that would mean the UK for me (or would it?), I note a previous poster mentioned his girlfriend organised this in Khon Kaen, what exactly did you organise, can the Laos Embassy issue permission to marry?

As far as the UK are concerned you don't require a medical. Only your girlfriend requires a TB test via the UK TB centre on Silom Road.

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

120 Kasemkij Building 8th floor Silom Road , Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel: + 02-234-7950-1 Fax: + 02-234-7956 E-mail: bkk.tbdp.uk@iom.int

As far as legitimating your relationship with Laos offically, sorry I don't know about medicals.

your joking right? even the govt has finally admitted that they have a major problem...........

I know what your'e saying but the education system in the UK ain't all that bad. Of course the Gont has admitted problems but most countries do. Thailand would never admit they have problems in education, blimey they don't even admit they have a problem in the south :o

As for th op. Although he may have just had enough money to take care of himself, when the baby comes along he'll have 3 mouths to feed. A totally different perspective on his economics. Also, in the UK he'll have support from relatives, something he won't have in Thailand and he's scared to death of going seeing the in-laws in Laos.

Good luck anyways Boothy

I have a 2 months old daughter with my Thaiwife. We are moving back to Norway before she is old enough to start school. I've been working in a Thai goverment secondary school, and NO WAY my daughter is going to learn in a Thai school! The education system in western contries is far superior, no doubt about that!

That is an interesting insight into your own situation but I am somewhat confused as to how that will help getting the posters pregnant girlfriend to the UK. Unless you are trying to articulate about the fact that as, in your opinion, the Thai education systems is so unsatisfactory, the UK governement will allow admission on the grounds so as to ensure child will be provided with an appropriate level of education. I have to admit though that I have never seen that as grounds for eligibilty for admission to the UK but I could be wrong.

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