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Australia divided: thousands expected to protest Australia Day legacy


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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I took part in a fair number of demonstrations when I was younger, based around issues I felt mattered.


No dial/rent a crowd at all, that is the complaint made by the media/politicians when they don't want to face the issues.

Just because you were not part of the rent a crowd group , that doesnt mean that they dont exist .

   Some people will go to any protest , just for a day out and most of the protests are anti system/capitalism/Government/globalism lefty socialist worker kind of thing anyway

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18 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

They are drawing attention to it, and it is important to do so.


I see no problem with their approach, it is non violent, it is prominent and is keeping the issue in the public eye.



I expect the good citizens of Melbourne, having seen their streets virtually handed over to these activist groups by VicPol, would be skeptical of how much the activists care about the "issue" rather than trying to accrue Social Justice points by playing the Victim vs Oppressor game.


It seems to be activism for the sake of activism, whether the cause is Aboriginal welfare, Islamophobia, LTBG rights, or preventing anyone speaking whose views they dislike.


It's textbook SJW activism; they mainly appear to want to keep themselves in the public eye, regardless of what "issue" may be on the list for today.

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17 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Us Poms love Sir Les as well.


My pal's wife actually believed he was the Australian Cultural Attache when he first appeared on our TV screens.

Sir Les is much to sophisticated to be a real Cultural attache ????


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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Sir Les is much to sophisticated to be a real Cultural attache ????


Very True. Mr Speaker, Mr Speaker, killed me when  televised. Thought it was satirical fun show, not a real live thing. A gathering of  Sir Lesies.

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On 1/26/2019 at 2:16 PM, DoctorG said:

Just watching the OZ news. Reporting about 10,000 protestors in Melbourne (of course).

They protest about Australia Day and claim it as Invasion Day, but come Tuesday they are happy to go to

Centrelink and collect the dole.

Guess they still love the handouts

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I lived with the real blackfella from the outback for most my life. Nothing would have changed over the last 250 years if we did not come. The real aboriginal neither cares much for time and change. Just the lands he lives on and the change of seasons. Everywhere in this world was invaded. The aboriginals pushed out others before them. This was just the world progressing how it has for the past billion or so years. 

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Just because you were not part of the rent a crowd group , that doesnt mean that they dont exist .

   Some people will go to any protest , just for a day out and most of the protests are anti system/capitalism/Government/globalism lefty socialist worker kind of thing anyway

Doesn't mean that the demonstrators in the group are rent a crowd either.

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 I saw violence. There was an young Australian male carrying (oh shock horror!) an Australian flag. The leftists protesting couldn't handle it so violently lynched him. He was rescued by police.




And once again, we have this totally false and absolutely hateful MSM narrative that being proud of your country - in this case by carrying the nations flag - is "far right". It is a ridiculous stance.

I know totally false when I see it...

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1 hour ago, RickBradford said:

I expect the good citizens of Melbourne, having seen their streets virtually handed over to these activist groups by VicPol, would be skeptical of how much the activists care about the "issue" rather than trying to accrue Social Justice points by playing the Victim vs Oppressor game.


It seems to be activism for the sake of activism, whether the cause is Aboriginal welfare, Islamophobia, LTBG rights, or preventing anyone speaking whose views they dislike.


It's textbook SJW activism; they mainly appear to want to keep themselves in the public eye, regardless of what "issue" may be on the list for today.

The streets are not owned by any particular group of people, if the demonstration was legal then there is no problem there.


You think it's activism for the sake of it, yet constantly fail to prove that is what the people are doing.


You claim it is, but have yet to back this claim up.

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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 I saw violence. There was an young Australian male carrying (oh shock horror!) an Australian flag. The leftists protesting couldn't handle it so violently lynched him. He was rescued by police.




And once again, we have this totally false and absolutely hateful MSM narrative that being proud of your country - in this case by carrying the nations flag - is "far right". It is a ridiculous stance.

The guy is a member of the UPF, they have got form (mostly criminal). But whatever, leftists, liberals, MSN blah blah blah. 

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10 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

The streets are not owned by any particular group of people, if the demonstration was legal then there is no problem there.


You think it's activism for the sake of it, yet constantly fail to prove that is what the people are doing.


You claim it is, but have yet to back this claim up.

It's not up to me to "prove" anything - this is a forum, not my PhD defence.


I have stated several reasons -- including a telling statement from an Aboriginal woman at the protest -- that suggest this is more self-justifying activism from the same people who come out regularly to protest against Islamophobia, Margaret Court, anti-African sentiment, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nigel Farage, Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux  -- the list is endless.


And because the Victorian Police let them get away with blocking streets which other citizens are trying to use, they simply feel empowered to keep it up.


In short, I don't believe that the majority (not all) of these protesters give a hoot about Aboriginal welfare; it's all about themselves and their personal desire to attain victimhood status, the most sought-after attribute in the SJW world.

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On 1/26/2019 at 5:25 PM, Trentham said:

My ancestors arrived in Oz on the first and second fleets. That means my relations were part of the murder and enslavement and dispossession of Aborigines and I am deeply ashamed by that. It was an invasion and out of respect for Aborigines we should change the date. 26th was not the day Westerners discovered Australia and it is not the day the nation of Australia was founded.

So you racist ignoramuses say what you like. You do not change the facts.

 Proclamation stating that the Australia Act (Cth) would come into effect the next day, 3 March 1986, breaking the connection between Australian law and British parliaments and courts. The Queen had signed her royal assent to the Australia Act (UK) on 7 February. Exact protocol had to be followed as an Act comes into effect or commences only with its proclamation on a date specified in the Act.


Surely this would be better designated as "Australia Day" ??

This would not cause further reminder to our Indigenous sisters and brothers, while keep Jan 26th as a day of mourning in solidarity with the Original inhabitants??




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On 1/26/2019 at 2:13 PM, tifino said:


little man local councils butting their noses into things less relevant 

to their job of collecting the rubbish on Tuesdays



leave the National stuff, to the Feds



the only matter relevant to the layman:

is the one about reverting to the Red Ensign? that we fought under thru WW1 and WW2 

(many many aborigines did too!)



the strongest (rumour?) was that the change (to the Blue) during the 50's

was because of the rising 'red menace' early in the Cold War

Surely we hold 26th as a day of remembrance for our original  inhabitants and have Australia day as  the Proclamation stating that the Australia Act (Cth) would come into effect , 3 March 1986, breaking the connection between Australian law and British parliaments and courts. The Queen had signed her royal assent to the Australia Act (UK) on 7 February. Exact protocol had to be followed as an Act comes into effect or commences only with its proclamation on a date specified in the Act.

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23 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

50,000 years and never invented the wheel. Would still not know what was one today if left alone. Maybe they would have preferred the Portuguese, Dutch or Chinese that did not think the place was worth colonising before the Brits.

Did it occur to you they had no need for the "wheel">>

Chinese were trading with the northern inhabitants long before Cook chartered the east coast

Some anthropological history could serve you well perhaps?


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22 hours ago, Gillyflower said:

In actual fact the Dutch discovered Australia.

No they were first Europeans to come to Western Australia as it is today, The land was "discovered 60,000 years before by the original inhabitants

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22 hours ago, tifino said:

1Jan1901 was the date of Proclamation of Australia as a nation.


however, 1Jan is already a public holiday,

so another was picked in lieu... the 26th - whistles tweets hoot hoot

No that was as a"Federation of States"

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8 hours ago, Lazybones said:

Someone recently suggested that the date could be changed to the start of Federation (1st Jan?) which, I thought at the time, made a lot more sense.

Surely this is a better date??

3 March 1986, breaking the connection between Australian law and British parliaments and courts. The Queen had signed her royal assent to the Australia Act (UK) on 7 February. Exact protocol had to be followed as an Act comes into effect or commences only with its proclamation on a date specified in the Act.


We still hold 26th January remembering the date as the one that the British took land which belonged to another group of individuals, making up several separate nations, with different languages, values and skills 

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53 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

It's not up to me to "prove" anything - this is a forum, not my PhD defence.


I have stated several reasons -- including a telling statement from an Aboriginal woman at the protest -- that suggest this is more self-justifying activism from the same people who come out regularly to protest against Islamophobia, Margaret Court, anti-African sentiment, Milo Yiannopoulos, Nigel Farage, Lauren Southern, Stefan Molyneux  -- the list is endless.


And because the Victorian Police let them get away with blocking streets which other citizens are trying to use, they simply feel empowered to keep it up.


In short, I don't believe that the majority (not all) of these protesters give a hoot about Aboriginal welfare; it's all about themselves and their personal desire to attain victimhood status, the most sought-after attribute in the SJW world.

The people who protest the hate spread by some of the people you mention and Islamophobia are perfectly entitled to do so and I certainly support such demonstrations.


Just as I use my role as an educator to expose the lies behind the intolerance professed by such ideologies.

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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

The people who protest the hate spread by some of the people you mention and Islamophobia are perfectly entitled to do so and I certainly support such demonstrations.


Just as I use my role as an educator to expose the lies behind the intolerance professed by such ideologies.

Textbook SJW agit-prop. Well done.

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On 1/26/2019 at 2:32 PM, harada said:

Out of 24.7 million, say no more.

Struth, they're breeding like rabbits. Population more than doubled since 1960


By contrast, the Aboriginals have reached 700,000 after 50,000 years! Is it the beer?

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