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Schultz heckled 'don't help elect Trump!' as he eyes White House


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Howard Schultz is suffering from the Frappuccino Syndrome


Holy chestnut praline latte! There was Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks chief executive, making a case Wednesday for why Americans would flock to him if he decided to run for president as an independent. “They’re not going to vote for a left-wing Eli zabeth Warren, Kamala Harris candidate,” he explained.




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On 1/30/2019 at 12:40 AM, Trouble said:

Seems to me what we need is an alternative to the far left Dems and the Republicans.  Seems what has developed is far left Dems who basically want the government to take over everything and create a socialist state and thus leaving more moderate Dems no choice in the matter. Politics should not be about powerful party politics but what the average American wants.  It will be interesting to see if he runs and what his platform will be. To deny the guy a voice before he even has a chance to present his ideas is shameful.  It also goes to show that many of those opposed to him running are really worried that many Dems who are not so far left might vote for the guy.  To them it is all about getting Trump out not voting for what the people might really want.

"Seems what has developed is far left Dems who basically want the government to take over everything and create a socialist state and thus leaving more moderate Dems no choice in the matter."


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On 1/30/2019 at 7:53 AM, sirineou said:

Hillary made trump president!!

I am sorry to disagree with you on this one. The only reason trump won was that his opponent was Hillary!

  Remember when we had this conversation during the primary? I said that if Hillary won the nomination the republicans will have a field day against her,

  To many skeletons in her closet. 

We can all be against trump, with good reason, and his use of the Russian assets to reveal the skeletons, real and imaginary . But the truth remains that most that was revealed wastrue. She was against the ropes constantly  . and trump played the "rope-a-dope" game. Between trump and the Comey letter to Congress,she never caught her breath, it was constant damage control.And

  Don't think we forgot the DNC's treatment of Bernie.

  Don't think  we don't know that after Obama got the nomination a deal was made between Hillary and Obama that the Clintons would throw the Clinton political machine behind Obama in exchange for a cabinet position for Hillary to pad he resumate, and a turn at the presidency after Obama's term, to the exclusion of  Biden. Anyone who thinks Biden did not run because he did not want to be president is to put it mildly deluding him/herself. 

Hillary made trump president.

"Don't think  we don't know that after Obama got the nomination a deal was made between Hillary and Obama that the Clintons would throw the Clinton political machine behind Obama in exchange for a cabinet position for Hillary to pad he resumate, and a turn at the presidency after Obama's term, to the exclusion of  Biden. Anyone who thinks Biden did not run because he did not want to be president is to put it mildly deluding him/herself"

Your standard of evidence is worthy of the master himself, Donald Trump.

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10 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

If you want to pay higher taxes then you too can have "free" healthcare and "free" college, but even Denmark does not want open borders like many on the Left.

The USA devotes roughly 17 percent of its GDP to health care and still doesn't manage to provide it universally. Other developed nations spend much less, provide universal health care, and on average have better outcomes. So it's bad if that lesser spending comes from taxes but better when citizens pay it out of their own pockets?

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Always a good idea when you haven't got the facts to back you up to use words like "many" which can mean pretty much whatever you want it to when applied to a party whose members number in the tens of millions.

The last time I did not write "many" on here the loonies attacked me for suggesting it was áll". You want it both ways of course.

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4 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

The dems suddenly got scared. I don't know much about this guy but he couldn't be any worse than Trump or basically any dem. 

He's not worse than "trump", he's not great but he's much better which isn't saying much. But the concern is if he runs third party with his billions he will help reelect "trump." Got it now? 

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  • 2 months later...

Dug this old thread up because obviously we won't get news coverage here about Schultz. Here is him doing a town hall. A lot of what he says is spot on. I don't agree with everything like he mentions the debt but has no way to pay for it. Nonetheless interesting guy that the MSM is refusing to report on in depth.



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On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 9:21 PM, Jingthing said:

I think they will definitely NOT go centrist! Sanders led the way. His time has passed to pass the torch. I think he knows that too. There are multiple progressive choices already in and more to come. 

Like Warren? Oh I do hope she is the pick. It will be sooooo  enjoyable seeing the Donald make mince meat out of her.

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