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Buying Gold In Thailand Or Usa?


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I'm curious, I am in the process of looking for a engagement necklace for my finacee in Surin Thailand but I'm also looking for an engagement ring too. I am going to Surin in April to meet the whole family and I want this necklace and engagement ring for my fiancee but I'm not sure, is it cheaper to buy the gold necklace and gold engagement ring in Thailand or is it cheaper in the United states. Does anyone know if gold is a deal in Thailand? I know if I buy it on a great sale here in the states it's better here, but traditionally, which place is better for overall price.Also, I know Surin is more remote and will tend to be less expensive than Bangkok but I am trying to figure out what to do.

Thanks for your help,


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I'm curious, I am in the process of looking for a engagement necklace for my finacee in Surin Thailand but I'm also looking for an engagement ring too. I am going to Surin in April to meet the whole family and I want this necklace and engagement ring for my fiancee but I'm not sure, is it cheaper to buy the gold necklace and gold engagement ring in Thailand or is it cheaper in the United states. Does anyone know if gold is a deal in Thailand? I know if I buy it on a great sale here in the states it's better here, but traditionally, which place is better for overall price.Also, I know Surin is more remote and will tend to be less expensive than Bangkok but I am trying to figure out what to do.

Thanks for your help,


Save yourself a lot of embarassment and purchase the gold in Thailand regardless of the price!

Gold sold in the USA is of lesser quality (Not as pure), If memory serves it is around 18 karat vs. 24 karat in Thailand. The last time I looked at gold in the USA the selections were somewhat limited and rather dainty by Thai standards.

I would also make your fiancee do the purchase since there is a falang vs Thai price difference at many/most stores.

Unfortunatly, this gold that you purchase for you fiancee will be the sole item that you are judged on by the community she lives in, and unfortunatly this then becomes an issue of face for not only your fiancee but the whole family.

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I REALLY REALLY appreciate the quick comeback and feedback on this. I spoke to her this morning in Surin and she expressed a strong interest in picking it out herself but in the states, it's usually more romantic to pick it out and then give it to the intended bride but her response was....."What if I don't like it?" good point huh?...haha. Plus, if I but it in the states and bring it back because she didn't like it, then we're talking months of time, I may not be able to get my $$$ back too.

Trust me, I don't want to come off as a Cheap Charlie......I adore and love this girl, so it's not a money issue at all, plus her mother isn't asking for a dowry either, so it's the jewelry and that's it and we have agreed to marry in both Thailand and in the USA. So both familes will be involved.

I can't stress enough how greatful I am for your opinion. This Thia culture is a lot different from the one here in Northeastern USA...haha. Thank God she wants to live in AMERICA....not sure if I'm ready for Thailand full time.....(just kidding) :o

I do wonder what the markup is for the jewelry is though....her price versus my buying it. I did go to jewelry stores in Pattaya last month with her and it was pretty reasonable, but I wonder how much it would drop if it was just her. I can't stress to her though that she needs to get involved when bartering for price, she claims it's rude for her to butt in when I'm trying to buy something, but if she can get it for a better price....I'm all for her getting involved. Plus, I'm not aa macho guy, I look at things as 50/50.

Thanks again though!


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Not sure what the price difference is since I just let my wife deal with it!

As for living in Thailand vs USA, I am lucky (I think), my wife didn't want to leave Thailand and I didn't particularly want to go back to work in the USA, so........

The Surin area is beautiful and the people are great. My wife is from a small town between Buriram and Surin.

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Actually I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited about seeing Surin. Everytime I have gone to Thailand, I have been going to Pattaya or Bangkok and never ventured north, even after meeting my fiancee I would have her meet me in bangkok andhead to the beach area. I'm a school teacher and have also discussed living in Thailand with her too, which wouldn't be a problem at all. With me though, its financial ruling where I go right now.....if it comes down to me moving to Thailand to be with my fiancee.....that would be fine too. I'd go ANYWHERE to be with her and this long term relationship is getting old fast, even though I talk to her for at least an hour a day, you can't hug someone through a phone and it's been 5 weeks and I need a HUGE hug...haha. It's funny though, I try and explain Thai ways to people here in my rural USA town and they just don't get it. In reflection though, I might be better of living in Thailand versus in the USA. I have told her that once I fully retire, I'm semi now I will buy a home in Thailand and bounce back and forth (winters in Thailand and summers here). But your comment about liking Surin, you're about the tenth person who has said that. It's a shame not many have posted much about Surin online....all you ever see is about the outskirt ruins and the Elephant Roundup. My son wonders how Thai's would handle a Scotsman (me) in my kilt....might scare them at the roundup if I wore it...haha.

After my previous posting, I remembered a comment my fiance said this morning on our daily call.....I was asking her about the necklace. When I was there a month ago, we got into a discussion about the importance of the necklace and she said initially when you feel very strongly for someone, you give a silver necklace and a charm. Which I bought, she did pick it out and the charm was of the 5th King of Thailand.....the 5th being her favorite and the 9th (current King) being a close second or equal liking King.It was at this time we discussed the gold necklace and after the last month we were together, I unofficially asked her to marry me. So now I was trying to get all of this necklace meaning together in my mind, versus the US engagement ring. My GF says you get the silver necklace first, then the gold one, then the Big Big.....her phras-o-logy...hahaha. My fiancee did say this morning after much proding about what kind of gold chain.....she said the gold necklace is 5 or 10 baht gold chain......Is that 5,000 baht or 10,000 baht gold chain or is she refering to the weight of the gold chain or what. I asked her and she just said...."Me show you when you come to Thailand".....leaving me high and dry with what she was saying...hahaha. Also, with the silver chain, it was crucial to have the right pendant too.....she said when we bought the silver chain that "When she look in mirror, she see chain that I buy her and picture of 5th King and that with this, both me and King (her two most special people) are in her heart everytime she look in mirror". Will she get a pendant for the new gold chain too or is it a personal decision depending on the woman? It's always amazed me how much they love the kings of Thailand. I knew her love for Thailand and the King was strong but when I bought the chain and we went on a hunt for the pedant, I thought she would have liked a locket with her sons picture or my picture in it, it never entered my mind she would pic the Kings picture.

as I stated previously, the money amount isn't even an issue, it's her happiness is what I most want. I was kidding with her and was asking her......so I buy you all this jewelry, what do I get.......she laughed and she said ......"hmmmmm ME and Game (her sons name)." and I said "That's it?" and she said....."What you want? Me can get you buffalo" and I said......"Can you see me trying to bring buffalo back to America.".....it was a very funny discussion.

Thanks again for your info, you've been very good to chat with on here and I look forward to spending 2 or 3 weeks in Surin on this trip.


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I REALLY REALLY appreciate the quick comeback and feedback on this. I spoke to her this morning in Surin and she expressed a strong interest in picking it out herself but in the states, it's usually more romantic to pick it out and then give it to the intended bride but her response was....."What if I don't like it?" good point huh?...haha. Plus, if I but it in the states and bring it back because she didn't like it, then we're talking months of time, I may not be able to get my $$$ back too.

Trust me, I don't want to come off as a Cheap Charlie......I adore and love this girl, so it's not a money issue at all, plus her mother isn't asking for a dowry either, so it's the jewelry and that's it and we have agreed to marry in both Thailand and in the USA. So both familes will be involved.

I can't stress enough how greatful I am for your opinion. This Thia culture is a lot different from the one here in Northeastern USA...haha. Thank God she wants to live in AMERICA....not sure if I'm ready for Thailand full time.....(just kidding) :o

I do wonder what the markup is for the jewelry is though....her price versus my buying it. I did go to jewelry stores in Pattaya last month with her and it was pretty reasonable, but I wonder how much it would drop if it was just her. I can't stress to her though that she needs to get involved when bartering for price, she claims it's rude for her to butt in when I'm trying to buy something, but if she can get it for a better price....I'm all for her getting involved. Plus, I'm not aa macho guy, I look at things as 50/50.

Thanks again though!


No need to be concerned. Gold shops in Thailand always have the price in the window, something like Bt 11,000 per Baht weight.

No bargaining for gold ever. :D


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I'll echo the above, buy the gold in Thailand, let the (soon to be) wife choose it, foreign gold just won't cut it with the family. Prices are fixed but if you know someone in the industry discounts are available :o

It probably doesn't apply to you, but many foreigners get miffed when they buy a GF gold and then find later that it's gone or been exchanged for something else. Just remember giving gold to a Thai lady is simply giving her money she can wear :D (now where did I read that?).

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