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Pope declares war on sexual abuse but victims feel betrayed


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Pope declares war on sexual abuse but victims feel betrayed

By Philip Pullella



Pope Francis is seen during the last day of the four-day meeting on the global sexual abuse crisis, at the Vatican, February 24, 2019, in this screen grab taken from video. CTV via REUTERS


VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis ended his conference on the sexual abuse of children by clergy on Sunday by calling for an "all-out battle" against a crime that should be "erased from the face of the earth".


But victims and their advocates expressed deep disappointment, saying Francis had merely repeated old promises and offered few new concrete proposals.


In his closing address to the almost 200 Church leaders he had summoned to Rome, Francis said national guidelines on preventing and punishing abuse would be strengthened and the Church's definition of minors in cases of possession by clergy of pornography would be raised from the current age of 14.


At least two Vatican officials have been convicted in recent years of possessing child pornography.


Shortly after the conference, the Vatican said it would enact a law to protect minors and vulnerable adults within the Vatican City - the tiny enclave surrounded by Rome which is one of the few countries without one.


The Vatican will also issue a "guidebook" to "help bishops around the world clearly understand their duties" and set up teams of experts to be sent to countries to help inexperienced bishops handle cases of abuse.


A list of 21 "reflection points" circulated at the conference included actions such as informing civil authorities of substantial accusations and making sure non-clerics are involved in Church investigations of abuse.


Francis vowed the Roman Catholic Church would "spare no effort" to bring abusers to justice and would not cover up or underestimate abuse.


But he dedicated much of the first part of a speech lasting more than half an hour to statistics from the United Nations and other organisations showing that most sexual abuse of children takes place in families.


"We are thus facing a universal problem, tragically present almost everywhere and affecting everyone. Yet we need to be clear, that while gravely affecting our societies as a whole, this evil is in no way less monstrous when it takes place within the Church," he said.



Anne Barrett-Doyle of the U.S.-based clergy abuse tracking group bishopaccountability.org, called it a "stunning letdown".


"As the world's Catholics cry out for concrete change, the Pope instead provides tepid promises, all of which we've heard before," she said in a statement.


"Especially distressing was the pope's familiar rationalization that abuse happens in all sectors of society ... We needed him to offer a bold and decisive plan. He gave us instead defensive, recycled rhetoric," Barrett-Doyle said.


Italian abuse survivor Alessandro Battaglia cried in St. Peter's Square along with other victims.


"I did not hear a 'sorry' ... I didn't hear anything, anything concrete, nothing that was fair," he said. "It is they who destroyed us. This isn't enough, we are not satisfied."


The conference brought together bishops from countries such as the United States, where cases of abuse have fallen dramatically because of measures enacted nearly 20 years ago, and bishops from mostly poor countries that still have not come to terms with the problem.


Several cardinals, archbishops and canon lawyers at the conference said the Church should stop applying the "pontifical secret" sex abuse trials, because, instead of guaranteeing confidentiality it was often used to hide problems.



The meeting took place after events in 2018 made it the most problematic year for the pope since his election in 2013.


In Ireland, which he visited in August, the sexual abuse scandal shattered the power of the Church had dominated society.


In Chile, which he visited in January, all of the country's bishops offered their resignations last year over a widespread cover-up. Francis accepted seven of the resignations and dismissed two others from the priesthood.


A report by a grand jury in Pennsylvania last year revealed that priests had sexually abused about 1,000 people over seven decades in that U.S. state alone.


Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, Australia, delivered a homily at the Mass that formally ended the conference, with words that were in many ways more pungent than the pope's.


"We will not go unpunished," Coleridge said. "In abuse and its concealment, the powerful (of the Church) show themselves not men of heaven but men of earth ...


"At times, however, we have seen victims and survivors as the enemy, but we have not loved them, we have not blessed them. In that sense, we have been our own worst enemy."


(Additional reporting by Antonio Denti, Editing by Robin Pomeroy)




-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-02-25
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I genuinely like this Pope (as far as Popes go) and respect his focus on the poor and downtrodden. And, unlike others on this Forum, I don't really have a problem with religion; as far as I am concerned, anyone can believe anything that they like. Finally, I think freedom of religion, and freedom from religion, are very good things.


However, as much as I am willing to give the Catholic Church a pass to deal with spiritual matters, I am unwilling to give them a pass on secular crimes.


Sexual assault, sexual assault on children, molestation, child abuse and the like are all CRIMES. And, unless the Church can treat them as CRIMES, it should not be allowed to continue its mission.


If Microsoft was responsible for a hundred thousand plus sexual crimes over the last few decades, it would be disbanded.


If FIFA was responsible for a hundred thousand plus sexual crimes over the last few decades, it would be disbanded.


If The United Nations was responsible for a hundred thousand plus sexual crimes over the last few decades, it would be disbanded.


If Sony was responsible for a hundred thousand plus sexual crimes over the last few decades, it would be disbanded.


If The Red Cross was responsible for a hundred thousand plus sexual crimes over the last few decades, it would be disbanded.


If the Catholic Church cannot stop the sexual assault on women and children immediately, it should be shut down. 


The days of Popes making promises have passed; too many victims are out there to allow it to continue.


It has to stop.



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*Deleted quote edited out*


MOST on this forum have no problem with people believing whatever flavor of superstition they like. We DO, however, have a problem when they start legislating and forcing their ignorant, very subjective beliefs and ideals on those that don't agree...like health care, who can have sex with whom, abortion, contraception and on and on. We DO have a problem when they get special treatment and privilege from governments. We DO have a problem when they deny science, facts and evidence and try to stop public schools from teaching the truth and the facts. We DO have a problem when they kill, harm or cause terror based on these very subjective and unproven, ancient beliefs. We DO have a problem when governments kowtow and show special treatment to groups because they claim some sort of god-knowledge. We DO have a problem when they let a "for profit" institution dodge taxes because they falsely claim to be a non profit AND we DO have a problem when they get a free pass and are not held to the same criminal law that any other institution and people would be subject to for using their authority for misleading, then sexually abusing, assaulting and raping children. We also have a problem when those that harbored, lied for, transferred, sheltered and covered up for the predators are not held responsible in kind. :bah:


Freedom of religion...good.

Freedom to break the law, change the law based on ignorance, do whatever they please, deny science and teach ridiculous bullcrap, get preferential treatment and rape kids...NOT GOOD. :post-4641-1156693976:

Edited by Scott
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