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New Visa Extension rules

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32 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

Thanks for the giggle. With your multitude of assets just stick 800k in Thai bank fixed account and don't touch it. Money in bank method. Easy peasy. Can I borrow the term " world wide income" next time I'm telling a gag in some random bar.

What gag? Like I said the Income Letter clearly states what we are declaring, no where in it does it state "Thailand only income"....So not sure if you have ever viewed one?

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25 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

No, it does not.  Many had that income, but did not transfer the required amount "every month" - but the average transferred may have been higher.  Others had the required gross-income, but needed to spend some to maintain a base in their passport-country, so the total transferred was less than the minimum gross-income required. 


I have changed my money-xfers to meet the monthly standard, whereas I used to transfer only a few times / yr (saving lots of fees, and transferring when the exchange-rate was favorable).  Some may not be able to do this, yet may still have the required total gross-income. 


There is no way in hell I would sign a Stat-Doc claiming income I did not have - a federal felony in the USA.  That's scary - could get me arrested, jailed, and - worst of all - trapped in the USA w/o a passport to escape for who knows how long.  I doubt all that many people were that reckless.


On the contrary, being fully-aware of what one is dealing with at immigration would have been of great value to me, when I walked in to immigration under the false-impression they actually cared about "honest applicants." 


I never had problems at the "tourist" desk with 30-day extensions, so I thought (like many here who haven't had problems, yet) that those who get shafted were just making errors / misinformed.  That phony "agent" app racket wouldn't affect me - since I was doing it all "by the book" - right?  Boy was I wrong - totally unprepared for what lay in store, thanks in part to those who repeat these happy-tales - even if well-meaning, having never experienced the "dark side" of things. 


I sincerely hope I can help prevent others from suffering the shock my wife and I experienced, and be prepared for what they may (or may not) encounter - especially if applying based on marriage.

So, it's not impossible for you to meet the requirements. You just had to start your new monthly transfers. DrJack54 did say the ones who "now" find it impossible are the ones who were fibbing... Good for you...

Edited by BertM
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On the contrary, being fully-aware of what one is dealing with at immigration would have been of great value to me, when I walked in to immigration under the false-impression they actually cared about "honest applicants." 
I never had problems at the "tourist" desk with 30-day extensions, so I thought (like many here who haven't had problems, yet) that those who get shafted were just making errors / misinformed.  That phony "agent" app racket wouldn't affect me - since I was doing it all "by the book" - right?  Boy was I wrong - totally unprepared for what lay in store, thanks in part to those who repeat these happy-tales - even if well-meaning, having never experienced the "dark side" of things. 
I sincerely hope I can help prevent others from suffering the shock my wife and I experienced, and be prepared for what they may (or may not) encounter - especially if applying based on marriage.
I thought Immigration were meant to show leniency? I guess they didn't get the memo like most offices
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35 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

No, it does not.  Many had that income, but did not transfer the required amount "every month" - but the average transferred may have been higher.  Others had the required gross-income, but needed to spend some to maintain a base in their passport-country, so the total transferred was less than the minimum gross-income required. 


I have changed my money-xfers to meet the monthly standard, whereas I used to transfer only a few times / yr (saving lots of fees, and transferring when the exchange-rate was favorable).  Some may not be able to do this, yet may still have the required total gross-income. 


There is no way in hell I would sign a Stat-Doc claiming income I did not have - a federal felony in the USA.  That's scary - could get me arrested, jailed, and - worst of all - trapped in the USA w/o a passport to escape for who knows how long.  I doubt all that many people were that reckless.


On the contrary, being fully-aware of what one is dealing with at immigration would have been of great value to me, when I walked in to immigration under the false-impression they actually cared about "honest applicants." 


I never had problems at the "tourist" desk with 30-day extensions, so I thought (like many here who haven't had problems, yet) that those who get shafted were just making errors / misinformed.  That phony "agent" app racket wouldn't affect me - since I was doing it all "by the book" - right?  Boy was I wrong - totally unprepared for what lay in store, thanks in part to those who repeat these happy-tales - even if well-meaning, having never experienced the "dark side" of things. 


I sincerely hope I can help prevent others from suffering the shock my wife and I experienced, and be prepared for what they may (or may not) encounter - especially if applying based on marriage.

You have been reading ThaiVisa since 2015 and you were shocked by something Immigration did when applying for a marriage extension?  Aw come on......

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41 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

No, it does not.  Many had that income, but did not transfer the required amount "every month" - but the average transferred may have been higher.  Others had the required gross-income, but needed to spend some to maintain a base in their passport-country, so the total transferred was less than the minimum gross-income required. 


I have changed my money-xfers to meet the monthly standard, whereas I used to transfer only a few times / yr (saving lots of fees, and transferring when the exchange-rate was favorable).  Some may not be able to do this, yet may still have the required total gross-income. 


There is no way in hell I would sign a Stat-Doc claiming income I did not have - a federal felony in the USA.  That's scary - could get me arrested, jailed, and - worst of all - trapped in the USA w/o a passport to escape for who knows how long.  I doubt all that many people were that reckless.


On the contrary, being fully-aware of what one is dealing with at immigration would have been of great value to me, when I walked in to immigration under the false-impression they actually cared about "honest applicants." 


I never had problems at the "tourist" desk with 30-day extensions, so I thought (like many here who haven't had problems, yet) that those who get shafted were just making errors / misinformed.  That phony "agent" app racket wouldn't affect me - since I was doing it all "by the book" - right?  Boy was I wrong - totally unprepared for what lay in store, thanks in part to those who repeat these happy-tales - even if well-meaning, having never experienced the "dark side" of things. 


I sincerely hope I can help prevent others from suffering the shock my wife and I experienced, and be prepared for what they may (or may not) encounter - especially if applying based on marriage.

Great post and I am almost ditto everything you said.

I also found it a shock when I saw that IM does not care one bit about us. In fact, they always try to find ways to make it harder for us.

I get the marriage extension for 9 years now and have the monthly income money deposited every month, but I have not been doing it by bank transfers from overseas and there's the rub. With the new rules, I'm in big trouble and have to hope for leniency when it's renewal time. This is not fair and I'm scared as hell. I have no other options. Not dramatic, just fact so here I am an honest, law abiding by the rules for 9 years and now because of a rule change, I must depend on leniency. My empathy to all those in the same boat.

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3 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

You have been reading ThaiVisa since 2015 and you were shocked by something Immigration did when applying for a marriage extension?  Aw come on......

I followed the instructions from here - including the "extra rules" known and reported when dealing with that particular office.  When I applied, they had moved the goalposts, to prevent those solutions from avoiding the payoffs.


3 hours ago, BertM said:

So, it's not impossible for you to meet the requirements. You just had to start your new monthly transfers. DrJack54 did say the ones who "now" find it impossible are the ones who were fibbing... Good for you...

I guess you missed the examples I listed of those who were not fibbing but cannot comply with the "new rules."  And, unless my local-office will accept non-"pension" income next year, I still cannot comply with them. 


But, as I put in another thread, I will take along a "negotiator" from my village next time - one who has experience dealing with "how things are" here.  I'll probably need a witness, anyhow - so might as well pick someone who has experience in the local "politics."  I know just the guy, who was at our wedding - the type who could sell ice to Eskimos.  No doubt his "fee" will involve a good amount of whiskey.  It should be an entertaining report, however it works out.

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3 hours ago, racyrick said:

With the new rules, I'm in big trouble and have to hope for leniency when it's renewal time. This is not fair and I'm scared as hell I have no other options.

Don't forget the Non-O-ME Visa - still going for now, and could be a lifesaver.  At the least it, or even a couple single-entries extended, could buy time to build more "foreign transfer" history.

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On 2/25/2019 at 10:29 PM, ocddave said:

If it were me, I would go the lump sum method first (Marriage/Retirement), then verify that monthly transfers were working properly over an extended period (preferably 12 months), at least before ever considering drawing from the lump sum.


 Words  of wisdom , thank you.

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