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British family rushes to Thailand to be by their unconscious son’s side after tragic accident


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9 hours ago, PhilAtUbon said:

My latest return flight cost £515.41.

The insurance that I opted to get with the deal is extremely wide ranging and covers a huge number of eventualities; not least medical.


A quote from the policy:

"Emergency medical and associated expenses:
We will pay up to £10 million if you are
taken into hospital or you need to come
home early or extend your journey because
of illness or accident."


The policy cost a mere £28.00.


That is less that 550 sobs for all of it.

As far as I'm concerned, there is simply no excuse whatsoever for not getting insurance.


That's my tuppence worth.



I think your comment is worth quids don’t undersell yourself here’s one who agrees.

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2 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Could you self-insure me please?





didnt you save pennies or did you blow it all?


thats at your own risk sir not mine 



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4 hours ago, hobobo said:

Agree on one point only: they do not cover stupidity and recklessness. Self insurance? If you know that the worst that you'll suffer is a runny nose, go for it. But a friend who went this route had 11 years of "generous self insurance" wiped out in under a week by a massive stroke and the need for ICU. For me it's Aetna all the way!

A fair point. Although the fine print is worrisome with many of these contracts. It’s not always recklessness and stupidity that voids insurance claims and it’s easy to say when your younger and feeling invincible. Health insurers are renowned for trying not to pay out and the fine print can be extensive. 


I wonder which hospital your friend received treatment from?


The high end hospitals will charge over the top whereas government hospitals will save a life for much less.


It would be interesting and if would clarify your point if you mentioned how much your friend paid and to which hospital.


The reason I ask is because I know someone who was in a government hospital icu for 3 weeks and the bill would have been 180,000 baht


I admit the hospital fittings were to be desired although the hospital saved the persons life and the cost seemed very reasonable for Icu care


im sure in a top end hospital this would have cost a small fortune


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On 2/28/2019 at 2:54 PM, fisherd3 said:

Bangkok Hospital Rayong charge 34,000 thb for a 1st in course Rabies injection wrap an insurance policy around that.

I find this charge hard to believe.     A couple of years ago I had the entire rabies series done at a private hospital here in Minburi (Bangkok) and it cost B6200 which also included the tetnaus series.     Your bill must have included other services.

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15 hours ago, Vacuum said:

How about a quote from the fine print of said policy? :whistling:

I can post the entire 32 page PDF document if you like. It is laid out in an easy-to-understand table about "What is insured", and by its side is "What-is-not-insured".

It is not small print - it's the main body of the document so that the purchaser knows exactly what they are getting.


One of the things that stands out for me is:
Cover is not provided for:

• Travelling on a motorcycle unless the rider
has a valid driving licence and crash helmets
are worn.

Although possibly not pertinent in this case, it may be an idea for folks who do actually bother getting insurance in the first place to check stuff like that.



Tuppence worth? More like thruppence worth now.



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On 2/28/2019 at 9:48 PM, Thaiwrath said:

Try telling that have aged people, or people with pre=existing conditions !

You didn't read the post properly, and in particular missed:


Emergency medical and associated expenses:


It's not so some old fart can limp down to the nearest apothecary to pick up their lumbago ointment and claim it back.



Thruppence worth? At least a florin now ????


Edited by PhilAtUbon
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Good Luck with the GoFundMe campaign. My contributions go to Soi Dog where it can help voiceless, abandoned, neglected street dogs surviving miserable lives.

People are that stupid not to get travel insurance have a voice to sort out their own mess.

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This repeats itself like a broken record over and over and over and over again


1) Person XYZ travels to Thailand

2) Gets shit-faced and decides to ride a bike/scooter/motor vehicle

3) Crashes and gets pretty banged up

4) Hospital bill spirals out of control, but mai mee Insurance

5) Family starts GoFundMe page


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3 hours ago, varun said:

This repeats itself like a broken record over and over and over and over again


1) Person XYZ travels to Thailand

2) Gets shit-faced and decides to ride a bike/scooter/motor vehicle

3) Crashes and gets pretty banged up

4) Hospital bill spirals out of control, but mai mee Insurance

5) Family starts GoFundMe page


Where do you get the shit-faced riding a motorbike from? It’s suspected he fell down stairs and hit his head. 

But your right, it does repeat itself like a broken record over and over and over again. 

1, Grumpy XYZ joins TV.

2, Grumpy XYZ loves to bitch & moan.

3, Grumpy XYZ doesn’t read OP.

4, Grumpy XYZ adds 2+2 and comes up with 11.

5, Grumpy XYZ posts comment which without allowing a grown up to review first. 

Happens all the time here on TV so your not alone. 


I don’t agree with people travelling without adequate insurance.  I do believe it should be mandatory when booking flights. I also don’t agree with people making up and posting false comments on TV either. 

However, hopefully the gofundme me page raises the required funds for the young lad and he makes a full recovery. 


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20 hours ago, Tongjaw said:

Where do you get the shit-faced riding a motorbike from? It’s suspected he fell down stairs and hit his head. 

But your right, it does repeat itself like a broken record over and over and over again. 

1, Grumpy XYZ joins TV.

2, Grumpy XYZ loves to bitch & moan.

3, Grumpy XYZ doesn’t read OP.

4, Grumpy XYZ adds 2+2 and comes up with 11.

5, Grumpy XYZ posts comment which without allowing a grown up to review first. 

Happens all the time here on TV so your not alone. 


I don’t agree with people travelling without adequate insurance.  I do believe it should be mandatory when booking flights. I also don’t agree with people making up and posting false comments on TV either. 

However, hopefully the gofundme me page raises the required funds for the young lad and he makes a full recovery. 


It's perfectly OK to be butthurt and throw a hissy-fit like you,

but facts don't care about your feelings.

Too many irresponsible tourists come to Thailand,

underestimate the importance of their safety and choose to opt out of insurance,

just to save a little bit of money.


A disproportionate number of these tourists are young, naive gap-year types

who're traveling on a shoe-string budget with safety being the last thing on their mind. 

When the sh** finally hits the fan, up goes the GoFundMe page.

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51 minutes ago, varun said:

It's perfectly OK to be butthurt and throw a hissy-fit like you,

but facts don't care about your feelings.

Too many irresponsible tourists come to Thailand,

underestimate the importance of their safety and choose to opt out of insurance,

just to save a little bit of money.


A disproportionate number of these tourists are young, naive gap-year types

who're traveling on a shoe-string budget with safety being the last thing on their mind. 

When the sh** finally hits the fan, up goes the GoFundMe page.

So why are you throwing a sissy-fit? Is it coming from your pocket, has the young fellows family called you for cash, no I don’t think so. 

Anyway as someone said earlier don’t bother with trolls so I’ll just fire you on the ignore list where you belong. 

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On 2/28/2019 at 6:36 AM, Moonlover said:


There is nothing in the article that says the lad was not insured. But we all know that brain surgery does not come cheap and it's possible that his cover has been exceeded by being in such an expensive hospital.


Surely he would not have ended up in there without any cover.


Impossible. Decent UK insurance usually have a medical cover minimum of £10,000,000. Even a cheap policy would cover any medical emergency around the world, including the U.S.A.

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On 2/28/2019 at 5:37 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Perhaps the GoFundMe was to cover the cost of flights for his parents.... ???


Given the low GoFundMe request maybe he has insurance to cover his medical costs, or at this stage the costs have been underestimated in the extreme as I imagine the medical care exceeded £2000 within the first few hours of emergency care.


Hopefully this is the case.

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