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True Is Now Offering 4mbit Connections Lol

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Tuky, the distance *does* affect your maximum speed. But if the line can sustain a speed, then that's it, it can normally sustain that *LINE* speed indefinately. What people tend to misunderstand is that their distance from the CO is what makes their speeds slow, WHICH ISN'T SO. What makes your speeds slow is the ISP itself and contention (sharing).

Alex, that's not the point. The point is that no, the ISP isn't the only one to blame. There's also CAT, for charging outrageous prices for international links, and your neighbors, for being greedy bastards. The ISP's fault is in its policies, namely not kicking out abusive users (and no, it's not "selling but not delivering", since they're NOT selling you full exclusive bandwidth 24/7, you want that then get the big business package). Also, I've blamed True many many many many many many many times, so please don't think I'm saying that they're saints. I just want people to understand the WHOLE situation. Yes, True sucks, but there are other factors to consider too.

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Don't know the whole history behind this "True sucks" attitude (guess it's like Microsoft sucks or Google suck or [insert big successful company name] sucks) but I have the True 4mb connection and it's great. Very little down time and always 3+mb speed when I try a speed test.

I had TOT for a couple of years and the down-time was terrible. True (in my opinion) is certainly a better ISP than TOT.

Don't know the whole history behind this "True sucks" attitude (guess it's like Microsoft sucks or Google suck or [insert big successful company name] sucks) but I have the True 4mb connection and it's great. Very little down time and always 3+mb speed when I try a speed test.

I had TOT for a couple of years and the down-time was terrible. True (in my opinion) is certainly a better ISP than TOT.

I agree. In the past TRUE gave me around 600-700Kbps (international) on my 1Mbps line, for the past three weeks it is running at 950-980 Kbps international 24/7 and at full throttle domestic. But in the past ADSL hardly ever dropped out (about once or twice a month) now I have to rest the router 2-3 times a day to get it back. Never experienced a complete blackout where even a router reset won't help.

As for speeds in general, the problem is not only in Thailand. My two sisters in Germany have 6Mbps connections (in big cities) and NEVER get more than 3.5Mbps international AND domestic. Bandwidth demand outstrips supply apparently everywhere.



Only two things wrong here!

Expensive bandwidth (CAT) and terrible management/marketing strategies of the ISP's.

I wholeheartedly support decent download caps, both daily and monthly and dependent on speed and package you have.

They do it pretty much everywhere in the world, and even if it's not written in your contract, most ISP's have a "fair use" clause on which they can fall back if they want to limit a subscriber who's going over the top...

i taught true do have a download limit.

when i signed up i got the 4mb package, for 2200 a month, and there was something about 20 gigabyte's a day or something on those lines.

I did that too. The most expensive package. 2200B per month. Not because I trusted any Thai provider but to repel any complaints that I have something better than my family.

Thaivisa free test showed 380 Mb download and 24Mb upload. The download (important for web cam sessions) was at the par with dial up link. I see no diff between now and dial up before. Wild East.

In fact, what has changed? The links are where they were 6 years ago. Has True invested in any extra undersea cables? No, they are parasiting on what exists. By charging (and false advertising) they get the money to pay for some (but not advertised) speed. Crooks.


True doesn't invest in undersea cables. International communications companies do that. True has to buy bandwidth from CAT, which buys bandwidth from the communications companies. True *has* increased international link capacity, but not really by much (you can't, really, even if you could afford it since CAT is the only provider and CAT hasn't increased total capacity by much).

BKKmick, the "True sucks" attitude doesn't only stem from the internet speeds, but from the service record too. True SUCKS in that area. Really bad. Trust me, I've been with them since they just started providing ADSL many years ago. Also, like it's been said many times before, your effective speed depends on whether you have very selfish neighbors using up all the bandwidth or not. If yes, you're screwed. If not, you're happy and enjoying high speeds.

The point that people want to make here is that True is not doing anything about the really bad abusers of bandwidth (in other words, True SUCKS). Abusers in this case means people that use up all their bandwidth all the time, 24/7, 100%, doing nothing but downloading stuff that they will never use. Their favorite sayings "I paid, so I'm entitled to use it all", "######, I don't have the time to watch all this stuff", "Where will I find the money to buy more harddisks to store all this?", and "Last month I downloaded xxxxxGB, I'm so COOL".

True doesn't invest in undersea cables. International communications companies do that. True has to buy bandwidth from CAT, which buys bandwidth from the communications companies. True *has* increased international link capacity, but not really by much (you can't, really, even if you could afford it since CAT is the only provider and CAT hasn't increased total capacity by much).

BKKmick, the "True sucks" attitude doesn't only stem from the internet speeds, but from the service record too. True SUCKS in that area. Really bad. Trust me, I've been with them since they just started providing ADSL many years ago. Also, like it's been said many times before, your effective speed depends on whether you have very selfish neighbors using up all the bandwidth or not. If yes, you're screwed. If not, you're happy and enjoying high speeds.

The point that people want to make here is that True is not doing anything about the really bad abusers of bandwidth (in other words, True SUCKS). Abusers in this case means people that use up all their bandwidth all the time, 24/7, 100%, doing nothing but downloading stuff that they will never use. Their favorite sayings "I paid, so I'm entitled to use it all", "######, I don't have the time to watch all this stuff", "Where will I find the money to buy more harddisks to store all this?", and "Last month I downloaded xxxxxGB, I'm so COOL".

Yaaaawn !!

Your comments are starting to get boring and repetitive. I have a bunch of internet cafes in my area and my internet sucks in their opening hours....so what to do?

I talked to true about their business package and they dont even guarantee you the full connection on that one even though you pay more than twice the price.

True is to blame(in my case) and no one else.

Who would brag about how many gb's they downloaded.

You stated your point 4 times or so now in this post so I think we heard you.

I agree. In the past TRUE gave me around 600-700Kbps (international) on my 1Mbps line, for the past three weeks it is running at 950-980 Kbps international 24/7 and at full throttle domestic. But in the past ADSL hardly ever dropped out (about once or twice a month) now I have to rest the router 2-3 times a day to get it back. Never experienced a complete blackout where even a router reset won't help.

As for speeds in general, the problem is not only in Thailand. My two sisters in Germany have 6Mbps connections (in big cities) and NEVER get more than 3.5Mbps international AND domestic. Bandwidth demand outstrips supply apparently everywhere.


I don't know how you got those numbers. On the most advanced network on the planet, on 58 Mbps, just did Thaivisa test and received 6/1.21 bps results.

Back to Thai and True, the link there drops several times a day.

I asked wife to do TV test and today it was 620/168 kbps on a 4Mbps link.

I agree. In the past TRUE gave me around 600-700Kbps (international) on my 1Mbps line, for the past three weeks it is running at 950-980 Kbps international 24/7 and at full throttle domestic. But in the past ADSL hardly ever dropped out (about once or twice a month) now I have to rest the router 2-3 times a day to get it back. Never experienced a complete blackout where even a router reset won't help.

As for speeds in general, the problem is not only in Thailand. My two sisters in Germany have 6Mbps connections (in big cities) and NEVER get more than 3.5Mbps international AND domestic. Bandwidth demand outstrips supply apparently everywhere.


I don't know how you got those numbers. On the most advanced network on the planet, on 58 Mbps, just did Thaivisa test and received 6/1.21 bps results.

Back to Thai and True, the link there drops several times a day.

I asked wife to do TV test and today it was 620/168 kbps on a 4Mbps link.

today the speed is slightly down (see below) but I attribute this to the fact that we have two internet cafes in our soi, both running through the same true exchange as us and they are certainly full of kids today.



you can see that we get almost what we pay for.



mads, the reason they don't guarantee the so-called business connections is because you didn't ask for the actual business connection. You probably asked for the SME or internet cafe packages, which have contention ratios that are only slightly better than the home packages. It's obvious from the price they quoted. The REAL business packages cost around 10,000 baht/month for just a 512k connection (this I've stated before, many times, yet you don't seem to get it, so I'm saying it again, I hope you're not bored yet?). Now THAT's guaranteed, since there's NO CONTENTION, and you have to talk to different sales reps for that. Go ahead, pay for it, and get the bandwidth that you oh-so-crave and deserve. Otherwise, go take it up with CAT and the ICT (who looks after comms). If you're blaming True and only True, you're barking up the wrong tree. Try another ISP, any other ISP here, and the situation is the same.

Who would brag? Plenty, just not in this board (actually, I do remember reading someone bragging here, but that was some time ago). It's obvious you don't get around much. It's also very obvious that you know very little about how ADSL actually works.

mads, the reason they don't guarantee the so-called business connections is because you didn't ask for the actual business connection. You probably asked for the SME or internet cafe packages, which have contention ratios that are only slightly better than the home packages. It's obvious from the price they quoted. The REAL business packages cost around 10,000 baht/month for just a 512k connection (this I've stated before, many times, yet you don't seem to get it, so I'm saying it again, I hope you're not bored yet?). Now THAT's guaranteed, since there's NO CONTENTION, and you have to talk to different sales reps for that. Go ahead, pay for it, and get the bandwidth that you oh-so-crave and deserve. Otherwise, go take it up with CAT and the ICT (who looks after comms). If you're blaming True and only True, you're barking up the wrong tree. Try another ISP, any other ISP here, and the situation is the same.

Who would brag? Plenty, just not in this board (actually, I do remember reading someone bragging here, but that was some time ago). It's obvious you don't get around much. It's also very obvious that you know very little about how ADSL actually works.

Its very obvious that you made me fall asleep


I've had 5 days of unbroken connection....No 'can't find server' etc....

It works dammit...It WORKS!! (so far anyway)

And we still get a call everyday from True, asking how the connection is.

This is because I complained to True, everyday until it was sorted.

When I originally posted my problem on TV, I was told by another poster to put up with it or go home!

Top advice eh?

mads, the reason they don't guarantee the so-called business connections is because you didn't ask for the actual business connection. You probably asked for the SME or internet cafe packages, which have contention ratios that are only slightly better than the home packages. It's obvious from the price they quoted. The REAL business packages cost around 10,000 baht/month for just a 512k connection (this I've stated before, many times, yet you don't seem to get it, so I'm saying it again, I hope you're not bored yet?). Now THAT's guaranteed, since there's NO CONTENTION, and you have to talk to different sales reps for that. Go ahead, pay for it, and get the bandwidth that you oh-so-crave and deserve. Otherwise, go take it up with CAT and the ICT (who looks after comms). If you're blaming True and only True, you're barking up the wrong tree. Try another ISP, any other ISP here, and the situation is the same.

Who would brag? Plenty, just not in this board (actually, I do remember reading someone bragging here, but that was some time ago). It's obvious you don't get around much. It's also very obvious that you know very little about how ADSL actually works.

You're right about ridiculous prices of international bandwidth from CAT as well as contention ratios. As for distance from exchange affecting your actual speed (not the theoretical max speed, but the actual speed), I dont know enough, but it would at least make some sense that it might.

Also, as far as I have heard, TRUE have applied for and been granted a license for arranging their own international links, and do not have to buy all their bandwidth from CAT anymore. Other ISPs have applied, but have not yet been approved. Is this incorrect then?

Second, in Sweden, everyone gets the speeds they pay for, at prices that are now below Thailand's. No capping, no false advertising, no nothing (except in some university networks where internet is freely provided in housing run by university foundations).

So your sweeping statement that it's the same everywhere does not hold quite true. And don't tell me Swedes are NOT greedy bastards when it comes to downloading. Try to trace IPs in BitTorrent swarms some time (uTorrent flags everything it doesnt know as USA, but when checking closer, most of these are Swedish IPs (telia.com, comhem, spray, chello, bb, etc). Sweden has just over 9 million inhabitants... even when completely disregarding all the countries who have poorly developed Internet, you will see they represent a disproportionately large part of p2p downloads. Still, everyone seems to get what they pay for...

Mum pays 500 baht/month for a 256/128 ADSL connection, which delivers better and more consistent speeds than my so called 2 Mbit/768 kbit here in Thailand, at 1200 baht...

So CAT seems to be the main culprit. And even though the contention ratio means individual usage affects your speeds, I think it is unlikely we will be able to change our neighbours' downloading habits...


meadish, my statement that it's the same everywhere was said in two instances, one was for the fact that all ISPs around the world base their consumer ADSL pricing on contention. Yes, that's the same for everywhere, even Sweden. Second was that the performance of *Thai* ISPs everywhere (exact quote "Try another ISP, any other ISP *here*") will be similar, in that it will depend on your package and contention level (as in how many you're sharing with and how they abuse that bandwidth). This is also true, since all Thai ISPs are bound by the same particular Thai constraints.

I rarely use bittorrent, since I actually only download what I watch/use. Therefore, I really have no idea how many people from a certain country use it (and also, you don't need to trace those IPs, there are much easier ways to find out who you're connected to). Does Sweden have a history of strictly government controlled communications? Does Sweden have a history of bureaucrats dragging their feet? Is Sweden Thailand? What's the point, really, because I really don't know if you're agreeing with me or not? I did say that Thailand's situation was special, meaning that I didn't say that Thailand was like other places. Sweden used to be the location of the biggest bittorrent website, the pirate bay, so it's no doubt very torrent-centric. Of course, the Swedish gov't also closed the pirate bay down, so...

mads, you're really living up to your name. I did nothing to provoke you yet you seem determined to start a flame war with me. It's not something that's encouraged in this forum. Keep it civil. Please.

meadish, my statement that it's the same everywhere was said in two instances, one was for the fact that all ISPs around the world base their consumer ADSL pricing on contention. Yes, that's the same for everywhere, even Sweden. Second was that the performance of *Thai* ISPs everywhere (exact quote "Try another ISP, any other ISP *here*") will be similar, in that it will depend on your package and contention level (as in how many you're sharing with and how they abuse that bandwidth). This is also true, since all Thai ISPs are bound by the same particular Thai constraints.

I rarely use bittorrent, since I actually only download what I watch/use. Therefore, I really have no idea how many people from a certain country use it (and also, you don't need to trace those IPs, there are much easier ways to find out who you're connected to). Does Sweden have a history of strictly government controlled communications? Does Sweden have a history of bureaucrats dragging their feet? Is Sweden Thailand? What's the point, really, because I really don't know if you're agreeing with me or not? I did say that Thailand's situation was special, meaning that I didn't say that Thailand was like other places. Sweden used to be the location of the biggest bittorrent website, the pirate bay, so it's no doubt very torrent-centric. Of course, the Swedish gov't also closed the pirate bay down, so...

mads, you're really living up to your name. I did nothing to provoke you yet you seem determined to start a flame war with me. It's not something that's encouraged in this forum. Keep it civil. Please.

Lol !! starting a flame war with you because I state something you post yourself (regarding you make me fall asleep). No im not trying to start a flame war with you im trying to tell you that you have repeated yourself in numerous posts and its time to move on. Im just not agreeing with you, thats all. No matter how many times you repeat it, hence the comment that you are making me fall asleep. I believe you most be Danish, hence the comment of me living up to my name.

And.....by the way. Im starting to doubt your facts. piratebay is alive and kicking, they got pulled off from a host company. But through lawyers etc they proved that they were actually not providing any illegal material. They are not to blame for the user uploaded torrents.

Try to google piratebay and you will find it as the first result.


I agree with meadish. Back home in the states for 2000baht I can get 15mbps FIOS. I can run it all day long sucking down TV show after TV show and have all my neighbors do the same without getting capped or getting less than I pay for. hel_l my parents are paying for 5mbps cable and when I went home in Oct I did a speed test and was quoted 17mbps, did it again and again over the next fer days and was quoted 13-17.

Of course I am going to put up with what I get, internet isn't why I relocated to Thailand, but dammit sometimes I miss being able to nab a TV show in 30mins to 1 hr...

We (UBC customer) inquired and were told that we can upgrade our current 1Mbps to 2Mbps after March 06, '07 for the same price (890.-/month)

Probably because 1mbps and 2mbps have the same speed, according to TRUE :o

We (UBC customer) inquired and were told that we can upgrade our current 1Mbps to 2Mbps after March 06, '07 for the same price (890.-/month)

Probably because 1mbps and 2mbps have the same speed, according to TRUE :D

:D Unfortunately, you are correct. You can never get more than 2700kbps/580kpbs, I for one, never got it and I am paying for 4Mb :o


I'm paying 890 per month for 1mbps. Download speed is never more than 120kb/sec WITH a download accelerator. Its never more than 50kb/sec without.

:D Unfortunately, you are correct. You can never get more than 2700kbps/580kpbs, I for one, never got it and I am paying for 4Mb :o

Mine is currently 3425kbps/421kbps at 16:50 on a Monday afternoon.


To Singapore it's 3351kbps/403kbps


I'm paying 890 per month for 1mbps. Download speed is never more than 120kb/sec WITH a download accelerator. Its never more than 50kb/sec without.

This is actually full speed, you can't get more than 120kb/sec with a 1MB package...

Oh, and by the way, True has just upgraded their backbones with 2GB/s extra pipelines, now their connection rocks.

I'm paying 890 per month for 1mbps. Download speed is never more than 120kb/sec WITH a download accelerator. Its never more than 50kb/sec without.

This is actually full speed, you can't get more than 120kb/sec with a 1MB package...

who says you can't get more than 120Kbps on a 1Mbps link? I get 80-95% of the speed I pay for on a 1Mbps connection.

see my post here:




I'm sure I already posted a month or two ago that, when introducing the new "super hi-speed" packages, that True was also installing new packet-filtering software to slow down "excessive" users.

Personally - I'm a reasonably heavy user. I'll even admit to using BitTorrent to download the odd TV programme... (It's a habit I got into when I was in Japan - where literally every expat downloads TV from home to watch as Japanese TV is dire...). Personally I see no issues with it, as I'm paying for my Sky subscription, and my TV licence at my place in London. (and I do watch everything I download...)

As for laying new cables...

You don't actually need to lay new cables to increase the bandwidth of a fiber optic cable. You could also use lasers that transmit across more bandwidth. (pretty expensive lasers admittedly). - That's the reason why the companies that were laying lots of fiber around the US in the 90s went bust. The existing cables were perfectly capable of handling the bandwidth with the improvement in the lasers being used.

I'm paying 890 per month for 1mbps. Download speed is never more than 120kb/sec WITH a download accelerator. Its never more than 50kb/sec without.

This is actually full speed, you can't get more than 120kb/sec with a 1MB package...

who says you can't get more than 120Kbps on a 1Mbps link? I get 80-95% of the speed I pay for on a 1Mbps connection.

see my post here:



They were talking it with the big 'B' behind the k! :o

I'm paying 890 per month for 1mbps. Download speed is never more than 120kb/sec WITH a download accelerator. Its never more than 50kb/sec without.

This is actually full speed, you can't get more than 120kb/sec with a 1MB package...

who says you can't get more than 120Kbps on a 1Mbps link? I get 80-95% of the speed I pay for on a 1Mbps connection.

see my post here:



They were talking it with the big 'B' behind the k! :o

I had the same thought. some people appear not to understand that a B = 8b

1Mbps = 1,024Kbps = 128KBps

B=Byte, b=bit



We tried to get the upgrade today, but were told that all truevision customers have to now wait until 15th March.

We tried to get the upgrade today, but were told that all truevision customers have to now wait until 15th March.

same here. were told that True Move customers have priority.


  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday we tried to do our upgrade online and everything went well until we came to the screen to select the speed we want. Every speed above 1Mbps (our current subscription) was greyed out and not click-able. Called them while still online and were told that their system checks the possible max speed and ours is 1Mbps. Result we got a reduction in price (from 890 to 599 B/m) but no speed increase.

They said the reason may be that we are on a "parallel line", anybody knows what that means?

I find the speed limit strange because when we first subscribed long time ago their system also checked our line and we were told that it can handle speeds of up-to 3.2Mbps.

How can we push them to give us the 2Mbps we want? We are located in a suburb (Tungkruh) of BKK and even have UBC via cable.


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