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G Suite email


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Hi Everyone,


Does anyone have any experience with G-Suite? I'm looking at transferring my email over to there as I've been having some issues with my current provider. What I'm wondering about is it possible, while I trial it, to only switch my email over (ie [email protected]) and leave my employees emails with the current server.


The way my IT guy is explaining it is that I have to take them all over given the setting changes he has to make and I'm not sure I want to do this.


Any tips/experience would be appreciated.

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The first problem you need to solve is getting all the individual email messages that you want included in G-Suite exported from your current server.  Find out in what format(s) your emails can be saved.  Then find out if that format can them be imported into G-Suite.

How do you currently access the email stored with your current server?  Do you use a special email program or is your access to them through a browser interface?

Edited by gamb00ler
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1 hour ago, gamb00ler said:

The first problem you need to solve is getting all the individual email messages that you want included in G-Suite exported from your current server.  Find out in what format(s) your emails can be saved.  Then find out if that format can them be imported into G-Suite.

How do you currently access the email stored with your current server?  Do you use a special email program or is your access to them through a browser interface?

Thanks to you both. I'll try to explain the best I can.


For your question, I use outlook on windows 10 and simply download all the emails to my main PC. No need to transfer any old emails from the server. So hopefully that simplifies things



1 hour ago, johng said:

Ask you IT guy to setup forwarding of (just) your mail to gmail...or if still "not possible"
setup a (new) test gmail address for yourself to trial without effecting you work address.


I run a small business, and I have my email plus that for 2 employees.


I guess what I'm asking is if the two emails for the employees can stay outside of the G-Suite universe while I trial my own work one within it. My IT guy says this is not possible, and while he is a good guy and usually pretty confident on his work, I just wanted to make sure the two emails of my employees can continue to function with my original server.

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28 minutes ago, pattayapip said:

If all 3 of your emails are the same domain, for example @samran.com then no, you cant have the domain registered/hosted in 2 different places

Thanks for confirming. Frustrating, but I guess it makes sense.

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It should be possible to forward your emails from your email server to an address you setup in G-Suite for the purpose of a trial anyway. When setting up forwarding make sure you keep the original on the mail server. That way at least you keep a copy of your mail (in the g-suite) if disaster happens.


Drawback to this would be you may not be able to reply from the original mail's address. Ie, if you forward [email protected] to [email protected] you may only be able to reply from the later.

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FWIW, G-Suite mail is 99.9% the same as a normal free Gmail account. So you could just setup a free gmail account and do your testing with it. If you're satisfied with it, you'll be fine with G-Suite.


I use G-Suite for my personal email domain (I have a grandfathered free domain) and when I initially migrated over I imported my Outlook emails into the account going back to 1995.

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I use it for all businesses I'm involved with. Very good service. Also good discounted rate for Asian countries from monthly $5 p.u. to $3 p.u. Prices will be going up start of next month, so you can lock in annual rate now.


In answer to your questions about all or nothing - you could set up a forwarder for your own account, but I suspect you will not be able to get full usage this way. Migrating all emails to them for the trial, and then to a different provider if you're unhappy should be trivial. 

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