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Gen Prawit allays coup rumors


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12 hours ago, colinneil said:

There will be no coup, says Ole Fatty, looking back over his shoulder.

The next lot are just waiting ready to pounce.

The next group is eager to get to the trough. They are envious of those expensive cars, watches and offshore bank accounts. 

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Coup rumours started to circulate roughly around the time Thai Raksa put forward it candidate .


for some reason I have a feeling it was done on purpose being well aware of thr consequences yet it may have set some wheels in motion for so many rifts to surface lately 

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20 hours ago, rooster59 said:

There will be no coup,” said the deputy prime minister with a laugh, adding “There is nothing to be worried about.  Everything is fine and moving toward the election.”

nothing to worry about after they have disbanded all political opposition

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3 hours ago, Creasy said:

There will be no coup, but we'll ban or dissolve any party that's a chance of winning . LoL Thailand

Which may start a new coup as street violence will sooner or later erupt if the people's choice is continually thwarted. 

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20 hours ago, jcsmith said:

It should be noted that in the vast majority of developed countries you wouldn't even think of a coup being a possibility. Trying to perform one would be treasonous. But in Thailand it's business as usual.

In the vast majority of developed countries no party threatens to form an army, threatens to split the country, blatantly uses its majority to start stealing from the country's wealth, threatens political opposers, kill political opposers, has leaders that leave their followers to pay for their deeds, bring the country to a standstill, divided the country in a massive way.

It wasn't really a surprise the army would step in, the country was near to a civil war.

Am I in favour of coups?

No way!

I am just a bystander hoping things will not get out of hand.


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6 hours ago, hansnl said:

In the vast majority of developed countries no party threatens to form an army, threatens to split the country, blatantly uses its majority to start stealing from the country's wealth, threatens political opposers, kill political opposers, has leaders that leave their followers to pay for their deeds, bring the country to a standstill, divided the country in a massive way.

It wasn't really a surprise the army would step in, the country was near to a civil war.

Am I in favour of coups?

No way!

I am just a bystander hoping things will not get out of hand.


"Am I in favor of coups?No way!"


Oh..that's good..

Now repeat that mantra 12 times.If you are not bored after that exercise in perseveration you might add on the 7 failed attempts as well.

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I'd like to ask they do the next one on May 22, I have a first time visitor coming to see me and it'd be cool for him to experience a coup, so exotic. The other shithole countries that do them are a bit too risky for the casual traveller, here it's more like looking at the northern lights, happens every so often.

Edited by DrTuner
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23 hours ago, baboon said:

A trial in an international court under the existing (arbitrary) law(s) the junta imposed on their own citizenry would be adequate justice. We are and ought to be better than these gangsters.

Yeah, along these lines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials


And then drag the corpses through the streets of Bangkok.

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45 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Yeah, along these lines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials


And then drag the corpses through the streets of Bangkok.

Being a bit of a liberal poofter, I don't want to see mutilated corpses dragged round the streets of Bangkok or anywhere else for that matter. 

Corrupt coupmongers being publicly stripped of their worthless bling and being sent to prison for a very long time works for me, not that it will actually happen.

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it's the way it's meant to be.

48 minutes ago, baboon said:

Being a bit of a liberal poofter, I don't want to see mutilated corpses dragged round the streets of Bangkok or anywhere else for that matter. 

Corrupt coupmongers being publicly stripped of their worthless bling and being sent to prison for a very long time works for me, not that it will actually happen.

You're right of course, but consider the track record.


1. What will the Thai people do if Prayuth wins by cheating? Nothing, nothing at all.


2. What will the Thai people do if Prayuth loses, and a coup follows quicktime (as it will)? Nothing. Nothing at all.


Thais talk a good game, and they'll huff and puff and bluster, but at the end of the day, the Sugar cane is being cut in Isaan, the price of rubber is through the floor and the government has agreed with 2 or 3 other exporters not to export any more rubber for some months (4 as I recall but that may be wrong). The economy is down the toilet, people in the street are very very short of money and the banks and finance companies are busy doing little war dances about the number of NPL's, same as last year..


Next month will look a lot like the past 4 years, nothing will happen, and the price of somtam and rice with chicken will stay about the same.


Always remember, TiT - nothing untoward will happen, the amrtya will continue to rip off the country as they have done in good times and bad for the last 85-odd years and the police and army will continue to be the biggest  mafias in Thailand.



Edited by MisterPenguin
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