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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Please refrain from projecting your simplicity onto the entire populous, thanks.

Its was quite a simple question, thus, it can be explained simply

A one sentence question with two possible one word answers .

"Simplicity" can explain it 

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40 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

Without Honda, Nissan and Toyota and with the City financial institutions already moving to Luxembourg, UK will be lucky to make the top 10.


Perhaps Putin will take pity and annexe England.

He's not done a bad job of annexing the brains of some of our compatriots with his troll farms and disinformation campaigns. Reminds me of when Castro got rid of his criminals to the US in the 80s by framing it as refugees from Communism.  

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Its was quite a simple question, thus, it can be explained simply

A one sentence question with two possible one word answers .

"Simplicity" can explain it 


The question was simple but that does not equate to what you claimed the people want, that is just what some simple folk want, the majority want what is best for the country and that is not the simple line, "leave means leave".

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1 hour ago, mercman24 said:

all tyhis talk about what the UK will lose, dont see much about what various EU countries will lose, they are being kept in the dark by their respective leaders.its going to hit a lot of them pretty hard, for a start they will all have to cough up a big wedge of money left by the void of the UK leaving, that is what JUNKERS is realy pissing himself about, using blackmail tactics to frighten MAY, who never had a backbone from day one, * PLEASE SIR, * etc, etc.

I can assure you people in the EU are not ‘left in the dark’ by their leaders. But be free to think so, if that helps you........

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5 minutes ago, damascase said:

I can assure you people in the EU are not ‘left in the dark’ by their leaders. But be free to think so, if that helps you........

It doesn't help me but I do believe it. ????

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28 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


The question was simple but that does not equate to what you claimed the people want, that is just what some simple folk want, the majority want what is best for the country and that is not the simple line, "leave means leave".

Leaving the E.U.means LEAVING the E.U.

What is so difficult about the question ?

You have no idea whether the majority want a deal or no deal Brexit .

But leaving means leaving without a deal 

That wasnt even asked , "Do you want to leave the E.U? "


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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

I am informed that sometimes night follows day.


2 hours ago, Loiner said:

But if enough Remainers claim the contrary do you think that will change? How are you going to trick that away?

There is a simple process to claim and that is if no-deal is voted down today, then Withdrawal Postponement Request will be voted in favour tomorrow. After that the EU may or may not agree to extend. Spin away.

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Politicians want to leave with no deal and that is what they are insisting on and that is why this deal was rejected , Leave means Leave , no deal

They will vote today on a no deal Brexit, it will be defeated by a very large majority. Politicians want a no deal Brexit? What planet are you on?

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Where have you been for the last 3 years on TV. We have had at least two of the biggest threads on the subject of brexit removed, so either you haven't been here long or you didn't read any of those and current threads.


I would go over it all but it has been done to death.

It seems like, therefore, you cannot understand my POV. Read my post again. To make it easy for you, what PERSONAL benefits will YOU get out of the UK leaving the EU? As I said before, trade deals with the Falklands doesn't rock my boat. 

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

What was written on the side of a bus was a suggestion as to what the U.K could do with the savings it will make by leaving the E.U , it wasnt a promise or a certainty, just a suggestion 

Sone say "suggestion" most say blatant lie.

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