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Under pressure, Britain's May scrambles to win support for Brexit deal


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9 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

How bitter you are. More brexiteers dead. What a charmer you are. If you are not threatening to punch people in the face you are wanting them dead.

I am glad you are such an advocate for compromise.????

Have you ever thought there will be more anti EU. Of course not you are so full of compromise you wouldn't be able to see that.


It's simply a demographic reality. All those daft old idiots who hark back to the "war" and "white" Britain will be dying out ... I'm not saying that's you, how could I possibly know that? I won't miss them.



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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Only that uk MPs who are overwhelmingly remain supporters, are not keen on another referendum 'at the moment'.


Make of that what you will ????.


And as a result of your post going on about "millions of Brexit voters have died" (????) - I've no choice other than to (belatedly) 'like' LG's post.


Another failure to face up to the demographic reality.


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3 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


There is no evidence that there are more anti EU people, only that millions of Brexit voters have died and millions more are now old enough to vote and are predominantly Remain supporters.  If you have some evidence that there are more anti-EU people today then present it.


He has no evidence. He's doing what they all do ... pretending to be "offended" ... an overused tactic nowadays. Reality bites.


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10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


Another failure to face up to the demographic reality.


Morbid Report No. (ah crap. lost count).


Maybe you are confusing demography with democracy? You can't prove anything either. 

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

You are being rather unpleasant  , although you are probably being deliberately antagonistic , along with your vow to go back to the UK and attack some Brexiters , you are coming across as being violent, abusive and antagonistic 

Keep up the “fake” offended Max ... it doesn’t sound any more convincing on the third hearing.


i don’t mind people of a sensitive disposition for being “offended” as long as they can show some consistency, and are not just “offended” by someone who doesn’t happen to agree with them but stay silent when Brexiteers warning about the “consequences” of denying them their unicorn Brexit pipe up on here, the “consequences” being riots in the streets ... give us our unicorn or else! Now I could jump on the “offended” bandwagon but I simply can’t because I don’t want to join the fakery.

Edited by AlexRich
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Methinks you can always tell remoaners by looking at the way they dress
Male remoaner...benny hill hair with overalls and welly boots..pitchfork optional.
Female remoaner..crew cut..braces..knuckle duster earings..denims..bovver boots..buck teeth etc..think Dick Emrey's boy
Think I've got it spot on [emoji6]

You are being rather unpleasant  , although you are probably being deliberately antagonistic , along with your vow to go back to the UK and attack some Brexiters , you are coming across as being violent, abusive and antagonistic 

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:


I think that your fave website doesn't know anything. Probably why they took it down.

They took it down to placate the “fake” offended. Of course if the opposite demographics applied the very same “offended” people would be citing it to suggest that Brexit support was strengthening. 


The hypocrisy is palpable.

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Just now, AlexRich said:

They took it down to placate the “fake” offended. Of course if the opposite demographics applied the very same “offended” people would be citing it to suggest that Brexit support was strengthening. 


The hypocrisy is palpable.

I think not. Unlike remainers, leavers do not feel the need to use the deceased to support an argument. In any case, your site stats are probably dead wrong!  

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

I think not. Unlike remainers, leavers do not feel the need to use the deceased to support an argument. In any case, your site stats are probably dead wrong!  

That’s because the deceased would not support their argument. Because if it did they’d be citing demographics in their arguments.


As I said, the word your looking for is hypocrisy.

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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I think not. Unlike remainers, leavers do not feel the need to use the deceased to support an argument. In any case, your site stats are probably dead wrong!  


They may be way off, I don't know, they are only estimates which rely on survey and poll data.  However, all surveys and polls do indicate this basic pattern, there are none to indicate a growing trend of Leave supporters.  We know that 1.2 million more voted Leave than Remain.  No one is arguing that older people predominately voted for Leave and we know that old people die.  No one is arguing that young people predominantly want to vote Remain and we know that children grow up.  We can see what is happening and no one is denying it, at least no one with any evidence.


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26 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I think not. Unlike remainers, leavers do not feel the need to use the deceased to support an argument. In any case, your site stats are probably dead wrong!  



This is the reason they give - the snowflakes couldn't handle it.


ERROR 418: Abuse limit reached

Thanks for the feedback, what can I say? It's been horrific. What started out as a website to show the statistics from this article, has quickly turned into a platform for Leavers to hurl abuse my way. If you want the stats, they're still in the article.




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3 hours ago, nauseus said:

I think not. Unlike remainers, leavers do not feel the need to use the deceased to support an argument. In any case, your site stats are probably dead wrong!  


You don't use the deceased in your arguments because it does not support the view that the cause of Brexit is strengthening ... the demographics and time are not your friend.



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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

Oh, the remainers you mean.


When reading a statistic the Leaver snowflakes were so effected that they posted abusive messages on the site.  You want to say that it is the owners of the site providing the statistics who were the snowflakes for not maintaining the feed that was being filled with abuse by Leave supporters.  Funny.

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7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


They took down deatheredum.com, the running count of Leave supporters deaths.


We know that about 600,000 old people die each year.

We know that older people voted Leave 2 to 1.

We know that older peoples turnout was about 80%.

So, we can estimate that 480,000 past voters die, 320,000 of them Leave supporters, per year.


We know that about 700,000 young people reach the legal age to vote each year.

We know that about 65% of young people would vote in a referendum today.

We know that of this age group 87% would vote Remain.

So, we can estimate that 455,000 more would take part, 400,000 of them Remain supporters, per year.


Calculating losses on both sides against gains on both sides it equates to about 1,300 to Remain per day. 

A long delay, perhaps another two years, is a likely scenario, by which point Remain is set to be far in the lead.




But Millions of leavers have died...


That sounds more like the excuse that brexiteers will come up with if there is another Referendum, and they will be shouting don't their view count...

Edited by Basil B
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8 hours ago, nauseus said:

remainers took the snowflake slot as soon as the vote was known. 


I dopn't recall any stories of Remainers venting their hatred by posting threatening comments on statistic site feeds, but if you have some evidence....  Oh yeah, you don't do evidence.

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18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I wasnt "offended" though  , I just feel that its unpleasant to celebrate people dying , just you disagree with their opinion .

   Other posters have also mentioned that its rather unpleasant and so you mention it even more , just to be antagonistic ,.

  As thats a rather juvenile way of behaving , you are quite probably one of those youngsters who will now be eligible to vote in future elections 


There is nothing unpleasant nor celebratory about stating that old Brexit voters are dying, and if you think there is you need your head examined.

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