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Under pressure, Britain's May scrambles to win support for Brexit deal


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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

I wasnt "offended" though  , I just feel that its unpleasant to celebrate people dying , just you disagree with their opinion .

   Other posters have also mentioned that its rather unpleasant and so you mention it even more , just to be antagonistic ,.

  As thats a rather juvenile way of behaving , you are quite probably one of those youngsters who will now be eligible to vote in future elections 


Funnily enough Max, my country decided that, as I'm not there during the vote, I am not allowed a say in fundamental changes to my passport and citizenship ... another reason why I hate Brexit.  


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19 hours ago, nauseus said:

You need to get up to date on definitions mate.

Image result for snowflake generation


The definition of abuse?  That was what the site was taken down for, Leave supporters posting abusive messages, the gentle little snowflakes that they are went into full meltdown when they read some stats.  Reporting abuse, you seem to imagine parallels the Leave supporters abuse, when in reality it is just a basic human right to not have to take abuse from people.  Sorry darling, but that does not make them snowflakes like the Leave supporters melting when they hear the truth.

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18 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Funnily enough Max, my country decided that, as I'm not there during the vote, I am not allowed a say in fundamental changes to my passport and citizenship ... another reason why I hate Brexit.  



But they did not decide that you have to be there, they decided that you have to be on the electoral role there, hardly a new decision and nothing to do with Brexit, if you want to vote you need to register.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Could have been that the reason for the abuse wasnt because of the stats .

Its highly insensitive to use peoples deaths to try to get another referendum .

Would be quite unpleasant for families of the recently deceased for a website to say "They are dead now , lets have a rerun and try to get a different result ".

   Its not the actual stats , its people using their Parents deaths for political reasons .

Most distasteful 


The little problem with your imaginary scenario is that they did not try to get another referendum but only posted the stats.

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On 3/19/2019 at 5:33 PM, Kieran00001 said:


They took down deatheredum.com, the running count of Leave supporters deaths.


We know that about 600,000 old people die each year.

We know that older people voted Leave 2 to 1.

We know that older peoples turnout was about 80%.

So, we can estimate that 480,000 past voters die, 320,000 of them Leave supporters, per year.


We know that about 700,000 young people reach the legal age to vote each year.

We know that about 65% of young people would vote in a referendum today.

We know that of this age group 87% would vote Remain.

So, we can estimate that 455,000 more would take part, 400,000 of them Remain supporters, per year.


Calculating losses on both sides against gains on both sides it equates to about 1,300 to Remain per day. 

A long delay, perhaps another two years, is a likely scenario, by which point Remain is set to be far in the lead.




"They took down deatheredum.com, the running count of Leave supporters deaths."


People found this offensive?  How suprising.....


56 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


The little problem with your imaginary scenario is that they did not try to get another referendum but only posted the stats.

Of course the website wasn't trying to get another referendum.......


I'd also point out that "the running count of Leave supporters deaths" -  isn't a "stat", it's an offensive 'guesstimate' by those that have no shame.

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26 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"They took down deatheredum.com, the running count of Leave supporters deaths."


People found this offensive?  How suprising.....


Of course the website wasn't trying to get another referendum.......


I'd also point out that "the running count of Leave supporters deaths" -  isn't a "stat", it's an offensive 'guesstimate' by those that have no shame.


Did people find it offensive?  I have no idea, where did you get that from?  What I know is that Leave supporters posted offensive things on their feed.  We know that the Leave supporters were offensive and threatening.


And no, the website made no attempt to do anything other than inform people of the Leave voter demographics, if that makes you want another referendum then that is what you made of the demographics, rather than what the site owner made you want, do you not get that?


The running count was an application of the stats, just a creative way of posting them, and not a guesstimate as it used polling data, therefor an estimate. 


And why should anyone have shame for accepting that people die?  Its weird as hell to pretend to be offended by the fact that people age and die.  There used to be a majority in favor of slavery at one point, is it offensive to you if I note that those people are now dead and have been replaced by a majority who oppose it?

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4 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


The definition of abuse?  That was what the site was taken down for, Leave supporters posting abusive messages, the gentle little snowflakes that they are went into full meltdown when they read some stats.  Reporting abuse, you seem to imagine parallels the Leave supporters abuse, when in reality it is just a basic human right to not have to take abuse from people.  Sorry darling, but that does not make them snowflakes like the Leave supporters melting when they hear the truth.

No. Snowflake.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

No. Snowflake.


"Snowflake - one who believes they are entitled to special treatment "


There is no expectation of special treatment in reporting abuse, we are all legally entitled not to be abused, do you also think burglary victims are snowflakes if they call the police?  It was the abusive Leave supporters who were being the snowflakes as they made that abuse with the expectation of the special treatment of not having to hear stats that don't support their agenda, and they got that special treatment as the site was taken down for the snowflakes.


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9 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


But they did not decide that you have to be there, they decided that you have to be on the electoral role there, hardly a new decision and nothing to do with Brexit, if you want to vote you need to register.

Not if you are living overseas. Where would I register?

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