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Australia cuts annual immigrant cap 15 percent, puts key cities off-limits to some


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13 hours ago, sonos99 said:

The current NZ govt has already put restrictions on immigration. They have also restricted ownership of property for non NZ citizens and permanent residents. 


Where were the water restrictions imposed "because too many people arrived" ? 


The only shortages I was aware of were in Gisborne which was caused by a broken pipe and in Oamaru when a water purifying plant was overwhelmed by a large inflow of water due to heavy rain. Auckland also had a problem in 2017 but again this was because of dirty water from too much rain. 




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9 hours ago, samran said:

And at the other end of the spectrum you have Japan with a negative birth rate, negligible immigration and the economy effectively stagnant for the past 25 years.


The governtment  spending to build ‘make work’ infrastructure projects has sent the their debt to GDP ratio sky rocketing and that is just so they can tread water economically. 


There are no easy solutions. 

Very easy solution. Stop breeding more people than there are jobs for.

Australia and every other like minded country should immediately stop immigration and allow only guest workers like Saudi does.

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7 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Bludgers who won't work because of too generous dole,  stupidly high minimum wage that cripples small business.... Want me to go on? 

Dole - very high penalties if working part time whilst looking for work, in fact so harsh that people take on cash in hand work thereby inaccurate unemployment rates.. Stupidly high minimum wage - with the cost of living in Oz you cannot be serious.

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8 hours ago, ParadiseLost said:

...these bloody foreigners coming into our cities. That is the domain of us native Australians! 


Today's Australian government reminds me of the South African government back in 1980, when similar speeches were made, only thinly disguising the racist nature of similar actions, designed to entrench white supremacist values.


The recent attack displays quite clearly how warped a view of reality one white Australian developed growing up, in a country which used to be measured by the warmth and openness of the people, not the dollar value of their houses in Sydney.


Hopefully one day the world will sit up and ask why a country as large as this can have such draconian immigration laws - there are only 25 million people.


And when the old argument about no water arises, what about Dubai? If BHP wasn't sucking billions out of the economy perhaps water schemes could change the face of Australia forever.


Not likely though as then it would not be white Anglo-Saxon nirvana anymore.

LOL. Australia is a large country only in mass. The habitable areas are only on the coast and will not support a large population.


Thou jest, assuredly. A tiny country with loads of oil to desalinate sea water.

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7 hours ago, emptypockets said:

To support an ageing population. 

Except they won't. There are not enough jobs now, and in the future there will be even less due to the rapidly expanding automation of jobs.

In the past things like biscuits were packed by hand- how many people are packing biscuits now?

All that will happen is that there will be even more old people to be supported by less money than now.

If some jobs have to be filled by overseas workers, it should be on the basis of guest worker. Arrive, do the job, when job ends, or retire- go home. That's how I was employed in Saudi. The Saudis ain't stupid.

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9 hours ago, ParadiseLost said:

Today's Australian government reminds me of the South African government back in 1980, when similar speeches were made, only thinly disguising the racist nature of similar actions, designed to entrench white supremacist values.


Do you even know what's going on is SA now? Ending apartheid was a death wish for them.


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No mention of water shortages caused by immigrants in either of these articles. Water usage increases caused by the weather. Maybe climate change. 


It would seem you are making facts up to fit your anti-immigration agenda. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Very easy solution. Stop breeding more people than there are jobs for.

Australia and every other like minded country should immediately stop immigration and allow only guest workers like Saudi does.

Yeah, good luck trying to time that one properly.  No one knows what the jobs of the future are.


As for guest workers. Not a good idea. The chest thumpers here on TV love to criticize foreigners for not fitting in.


I disagree with contention that they don’t  particularly if you run a pretty good skills based migration system that Australia, NZ and Canada do. People move, contribute and build their lives. 


All a guest worker system does is create an underclass of disenfranchised workers, chained to an employer. Exploitation then becomes rife.There is a reason the Saudis like that model I guess - it’s an effective apartheid (and probably why it is attractive to the chest thumpers). 


You think you have a problem of people not fitting in now, then create a guest worker programme -take away the incentive for any integration - and see how well that works out. 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Except they won't. There are not enough jobs now, and in the future there will be even less due to the rapidly expanding automation of jobs.

In the past things like biscuits were packed by hand- how many people are packing biscuits now?

All that will happen is that there will be even more old people to be supported by less money than now.

If some jobs have to be filled by overseas workers, it should be on the basis of guest worker. Arrive, do the job, when job ends, or retire- go home. That's how I was employed in Saudi. The Saudis ain't stupid.

The Saudi economy shrank in real terms from the early 80’s to the early 2000’s.


Their economy is a one trick pony in terms of product and service diversity, where there is a chashed up, but seriously under skilled native workforce. 

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7 minutes ago, samran said:

Yeah, good luck trying to time that one properly.  No one knows what the jobs of the future are.


As for guest workers. Not a good idea. The chest thumpers here on TV love to criticize foreigners for not fitting in.


I disagree with contention that they don’t  particularly if you run a pretty good skills based migration system that Australia, NZ and Canada do. People move, contribute and build their lives. 


All a guest worker system does is create an underclass of disenfranchised workers, chained to an employer. Exploitation then becomes rife.There is a reason the Saudis like that model I guess - it’s an effective apartheid (and probably why it is attractive to the chest thumpers). 


You think you have a problem of people not fitting in now, then create a guest worker programme -take away the incentive for any integration - and see how well that works out. 

I was a guest worker, and certainly wasn't exploited.

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Geeze  Aussie politicians come up with some stupid idea's .......

So they are trying to force asian immigrants to live out the back of bourke.


I've heard some ridiculous suggestions in my time, and this one has to be up there with the best.


Why not just curb the intake to zero for a few years and let the unemployment vs jobs ratio even up more.  It's not rocket science.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I was a guest worker, and certainly wasn't exploited.

Yeah, you were white. My wife worked in the Emirates. There is a heirarchy there and as far as foreigners go, you and her were at the top of it.


Read up on the exploitation  that’s goes on for workers from the subcontinent in the Gulf. 

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4 minutes ago, samran said:

Yeah, you were white. My wife worked in the Emirates. There is a heirarchy there and as far as foreigners go, you and her were at the top of it.


Read up on the exploration that’s goes on for workers from the subcontinent in the Gulf. 

Nah, to be at the top I'd have had to be American.

The Filipinas were ranked below me pay wise, but earned enough to be more wealthy in their own country than I was in mine.

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

Stupidly high minimum wage - with the cost of living in Oz you cannot be serious.

Newstart Allowance (dole) = $7/hour; minimum wage = $19/hour.  If people prefer the dole to working you'd have to question their sanity

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Nah, to be at the top I'd have had to be American.

The Filipinas were ranked below me pay wise, but earned enough to be more wealthy in their own country than I was in mine.

Neither here nor there who was richer back in their home country. Point is this differentiation is a sure path the exploitation.


In oz itself, there is already plenty of evidence to this. To extend their working holiday visas for a year, backpackers must undertake 3 months work in a rural postcode. Nominally this is to help the rural sector get hard to find labour to help pick crops etc. however there are many reports of the backpackers being grossly under paid because the farmers know they have them over a barrel. 


Same in the franchise industry. Employers have been exploiting people on student visas, paying them award salary and then secretly forcing  that student to give back half that salary if they want to keep their job.


None of these two groups want to complain as they know if they lose their jobs they are out of the country. So employers take the piss.


And all this is in Australia. 


You want a guest worker system, good luck, as exploitation will be rife, and cause they can, employers will take a foreigner over a local, cause locals have rights and complain. 

Edited by samran
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41 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

Newstart Allowance (dole) = $7/hour; minimum wage = $19/hour.  If people prefer the dole to working you'd have to question their sanity

Shroedingers immigrant.


Simultaneously taking your job and on welfare at the same time.


The goosesteppers don’t know whether they are Arthur or Matha on this issue. 

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11 minutes ago, car720 said:

Well said but consider that Morrison is now saying that he will cut family stream and increase the new 245 for the farmers.  The same farmers who will work them like last century's slaves and pay next to nothing for working in the sun and rain.  They will take the work gladly because it is a lot more than they can earn in their own country but unknowingly this will drag down every working class Australian with them until we have a lot more poor people making the rich richer.  Already most young people cannot even dream of owning their own home any more.

The new generation are too soft, IMO, to willingly work on farms, long hours, hard physical work etc, and if it was the outback, even more reluctant- might not be an internet connection for their phone.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The new generation are too soft, IMO, to willingly work on farms, long hours, hard physical work etc, and if it was the outback, even more reluctant- might not be an internet connection for their phone.

No, there are just better paid jobs, where the farmers don't contract you at minimum wage through dodgy labour hire companies, and then, cause you are on a farm with no ready access to accomadation, charge you most of your 'wage' for a shared room in a run down house.



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3 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Newstart Allowance (dole) = $7/hour; minimum wage = $19/hour.  If people prefer the dole to working you'd have to question their sanity

I know a number of people who receive less than $19 p.h., no super, no sick pay or holiday pay - sound familiar? - in and around Noosaville which is not a low cost area. Government minimum wage is a dream for many employed by small businesses in the restaurant / hospitality sector as the government well knows, yet extremely poor with enforcement.

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15 hours ago, emptypockets said:

Bludgers who won't work because of too generous dole,  stupidly high minimum wage that cripples small business.... Want me to go on? 

Go on please, but do so from an informed point of view, and economic and evidenced based one would be good

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16 hours ago, ParadiseLost said:

That's okay by me when the official narrative is don't spread vicious lies and hate speech designed to poison the minds of ignorant social media lemmings, who would believe literally anything you serve them.

Ignorant social media lemmings? Careful, or you'll be getting your collar felt by the thought police for hate speech!

Edited by Krataiboy
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1 minute ago, ParadiseLost said:

A joke, right? The vast majority of people in the world believe the introduction of Apartheid was the death wish, for a country with incredible potential.


Perceived ownership of stolen land, unchallenged access to the vast mineral wealth of a massive country, you can hardly admire the people that gained the most from separate development, exactly what these white supremacists are advocating in Australia...

Where are these people advocating this from??

Must be on broadcasts I do not access or other media unfamiliar to me

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3 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

A joke, right? The vast majority of people in the world believe the introduction of Apartheid was the death wish, for a country with incredible potential.


Perceived ownership of stolen land, unchallenged access to the vast mineral wealth of a massive country, you can hardly admire the people that gained the most from separate development, exactly what these white supremacists are advocating in Australia...

And yet New Zealand has introduced its own form of economic apartheid, the "Treaty of Waitangi settlements" whereby the Maori are handed back land that can be used for primary industry, when the levers of political and economic power are in secondary and especially tertiary industry

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8 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

Where are these people advocating this from??

Must be on broadcasts I do not access or other media unfamiliar to me

New migrants will not be settled in existing cities. Rural areas will be designated...


Tell me, will these people be allowed on your beaches in Sydney? Will they need passbooks, to show they have permission to be in white areas? That is what they are...

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33 minutes ago, ParadiseLost said:

New migrants will not be settled in existing cities. Rural areas will be designated...


Tell me, will these people be allowed on your beaches in Sydney? Will they need passbooks, to show they have permission to be in white areas? That is what they are...

about 25% of them to regional/rural areas for 3 years

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42 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

about 25% of them to regional/rural areas for 3 years

How are they going to keep them there?


Will they be allowed to visit the Gold Coast for their holidays?


Will they have to wear a star, or something on their clothing to identify themselves? Perhaps a little brown turd because that is how it sounds, letting people into your country but not letting them near the best parts...

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19 hours ago, digger70 said:

Are you for real ,Ain't you one of them? If Australia wasn't Invaded there would be nothing for the Abbo's to claim and to Bludge from the government  they would be still living in the bush and eating Grubs .????

Oh really.  These Invaders are the lowest society produced, the aboriginals didn't necessarily want what you think is civilization, made of crimes, stealing and killing Innocents.  There is nothing to be proud of, you should be ashamed being a descendant of these trushy people.

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2 hours ago, ParadiseLost said:

New migrants will not be settled in existing cities. Rural areas will be designated...


Tell me, will these people be allowed on your beaches in Sydney? Will they need passbooks, to show they have permission to be in white areas? That is what they are...

Don't be silly, no-one is saying they will be restricted from going to the beach, city whatever. However, to monitor compliance to visa conditions - from the OP, as an example -  - Authorities will require proof of residential and work addresses in future applications for permanent residency, he added, as a way of enforcing the requirement.

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