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If you are British and value your pension and other UK arising income, sign this!

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On 3/28/2019 at 11:29 AM, Bangkok Barry said:


Do you have any facts to back up your claim - a link perhaps - or are you just spouting rubbish because you have nothing better to do?


Have you any facts to back up,the claim of remainers,that all those votes were genuine, and made by British subjects?

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On 3/28/2019 at 11:48 AM, lincolnshire poacher said:

Have a second referendum when people know the truth of the effects of leaving the EU as opposed to lies on the side of Boorish's bus and a different result will be seen. For your information. Corbyn and his "communist" friends were mainly '"leavers", Tory boy.


 You could have added, that the people of Lincolnshire voted overwhelmingly to leave this so called union. The reason being,that they have been badly effected by all the cheap labour coming into the county from the E.u.


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On 3/28/2019 at 12:15 PM, Kalasin Jo said:

Well I put this up to draw Brits attention to the Parliamentary Petition and how Brexit, if you are a Brit, is affecting the the cash in your pockets. It's stimulated quite a few reactions beyond that. Seems to me, ignoring the financial effect which is why I put up the post, evenly split on whether Brexit is good or bad. Just like the UK itself and it's' Parliament.


Do you not realise that the vast majority in the U.K are not bothered one dot, if the exchange rate is making it difficult for you to remain in Thailand.

 If we had left the E.u. On the day after the people’s referendum in 2016, there is a good chance that any economic disruption would have already settled, and more than likely the £ would have strengthened. Unfortunately some remainers decided to collaborate with the Bureaucrats in Brussels, consequently this shambolic affair has dragged on for nearly three years, for what? In the hope that a Democratic decision can be overturned,for the benefit of the establishment and the large corporations.





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On 3/28/2019 at 1:10 PM, Mansell said:

Agreed. Both sides seemed to have no comprehension of the ramifications of voting either way......a lot of disingenuous information thrown out to the public, so the voters on both sides really didn't have a clue what would happen. Now through the last two years of murk people are more informed on many levels of how the whole thing is playing out. Time for a real referendum based on facts and not fears and hyperbole on both sides. I think the turn out will be much higher on both sides a second time around. What is everybody afraid of with a second chance to get clarity?


In the 1975 EEC referendum, we were lied to and basically conned into believing that we were joining a trading block. Since that date with the help of our own conniving politicians, we find ourselves in this political and future military union. Then 2016 came around, and thanks to w.w.w. everyone become better informed. And on that knowledge we voted to leave, but as is now obvious some people do not agree with Democracy.

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55 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Do you not realise that the vast majority in the U.K are not bothered one dot, if the exchange rate is making it difficult for you to remain in Thailand.

 If we had left the E.u. On the day after the people’s referendum in 2016, there is a good chance that any economic disruption would have already settled, and more than likely the £ would have strengthened. Unfortunately some remainers decided to collaborate with the Bureaucrats in Brussels, consequently this shambolic affair has dragged on for nearly three years, for what? In the hope that a Democratic decision can be overturned,for the benefit of the establishment and the large corporations.





more than likely not strengthened more likely and large corporations happen to employ large amounts of people,i ask again are you a communist 

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49 minutes ago, nontabury said:


In the 1975 EEC referendum, we were lied to and basically conned into believing that we were joining a trading block. Since that date with the help of our own conniving politicians, we find ourselves in this political and future military union. Then 2016 came around, and thanks to w.w.w. everyone become better informed. And on that knowledge we voted to leave, but as is now obvious some people do not agree with Democracy.

we are in nato if you hadnt noticed and it is bossed by uncle sam to a much bigger extent than the EU bosses the UK which you keep telling us,perhaps the cost could be put on the side of a bus along with the amount of dead UK soldiers who blindly followed uncle sam,trillions of pounds and 1000s of dead

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On 3/28/2019 at 8:33 AM, nahkit said:

Why would anyone need to start a leave petition when the vote to leave has already been made?


I'd never heard of the leave petition until your post.

The Leave petition is to leave without any deal and has been running for some time. It has been debated, but is still open for signature.  As other comments have pointed out these petitions are debated in a second chamber and are non binding , BUT the numbers of signatures are noticed by MPs if high and are an indicator of public perception on the issue of the petition. There is a link on the petition page to see those numbers broken down by constituency. Both this Leave petition and the Revoke petition have generated the highest number of signatures in the history of these petitions. Revoke is at over 6 million. Leave on No Deal at 600,000 when I looked yesterday.


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On 3/30/2019 at 4:09 PM, nontabury said:


In the 1975 EEC referendum, we were lied to and basically conned into believing that we were joining a trading block. Since that date with the help of our own conniving politicians, we find ourselves in this political and future military union. Then 2016 came around, and thanks to w.w.w. everyone become better informed. And on that knowledge we voted to leave, but as is now obvious some people do not agree with Democracy.

Lied to in 2016.

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On 3/30/2019 at 3:38 PM, nontabury said:


Have you any facts to back up,the claim of remainers,that all those votes were genuine, and made by British subjects?

Check out petition.parliament.uk/petitions/241584. There you can also use a link showing signatures by constituency

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On 3/28/2019 at 2:22 PM, allanos said:

If you firmly believe your last comment, and which I don't, because hard-nosed traders don't really sit around on the sidelines hoping for a particular event to happen, in case they miss the boat, you would have a sell stop sitting at around GDPUSD 1.3050 so that when the pound plummets due to a default Brexit on 12 April you will make a small fortune.

Wish I ad the spare cash to do so.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/28/2019 at 10:42 AM, sniggie said:

The original post referred to the value of the pound. The catastrophic fall on the very day of the referendum shows that project fear was actually project truth. If and when Brexit is settled on reasonable terms or even cancelled altogether maybe these years of national penury will come to an end. Back to 2 dollars to the GBP anyone? I'd settle for where it was the day before the referendum!

i remember the 2 buck to the pound about 10 years ago,i was in PP it sure was cheap as chips,brexiteers on here have said it will be back to pre referendum levels within 3 months of a no deal brexit,i think me and you and all sensible folks know better.

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I don't understand the legalities involved in this Brexit and what laws apply.  National referendum, while the results were very close settled the issue yes no?  Now like any court case I can understand appeals, counter suits etc.. but for how long and to what judicial body?  Is Britain exiting or not?  Who or what decides?  never mind the mechanisms that may be involved

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