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I have just heard that one of our prolific posters (wont say who as he may not want it known) had a motorbike accident last night and is in hospital.

He needs the number of the guy above's clinic as he does not want anyone from the hospital he ended up in touching him

For the life of me I had it for sure but just cannot find it...My Missus would know but She is away ...and cannot remember where it is

Can anyone help me out here...I cannot speak Thai so cannot phone directoory enquiries.

Many Thanks



Just a little update:

The gentleman in question was knocked off his bike yesterday. He suffered concussion and a broken arm. He came round in hospital where he is currently drugged up to the eyeballs with painkillers, sleeping it off.

Please do not phone him, he needs the rest more than anybody's commiserations or best wishes.

He is due to check out from hospital in the morning and will visit Ajarn Sutee's clinic then.

He has no recollection of the accident.

Is that the Loi Kroh Clinic?

The Loi Kroh clinic is run by Dr. Tawachai. One of Chiang Mai's best GPs.

He is fluent in English, which makes him the GP of choice for many members of the Farang community here..

Dr Suthee, on the other hand, is Chiang Mai's best Orthopaedic surgeon.

Is that the Loi Kroh Clinic?

The Loi Kroh clinic is run by Dr. Tawachai. One of Chiang Mai's best GPs.

He is fluent in English, which makes him the GP of choice for many members of the Farang community here..

Dr Suthee, on the other hand, is Chiang Mai's best Orthopaedic surgeon.

I heard a rumour some years ago that Dr. Suthee is so good that he has been a consultant to the King.

Just a little update:

The gentleman in question was knocked off his bike yesterday. He suffered concussion and a broken arm. He came round in hospital where he is currently drugged up to the eyeballs with painkillers, sleeping it off.

Please do not phone him, he needs the rest more than anybody's commiserations or best wishes.

He is due to check out from hospital in the morning and will visit Ajarn Sutee's clinic then.

He has no recollection of the accident.

Will he be able to make it to the track by 11 am?


Not GTR. He was fine a few minutes ago when I spoke to him.

Please don't speculate. Just know he is a genuine good guy.

Apart from that, I should let him tell you all about it himself when he has use of his typing hand again.

Not GTR. He was fine a few minutes ago when I spoke to him.


There are a bunch of other people who I hope that it isn't, but no more non- PM speculation.


GTR came a cropper big-style in Laos a couple of weeks ago and broke his upper right arm at the ball joint. After getting recovered from Laos (in a pick-up truck!!!) and a visit to Dr Sutee, he is now rapidly recovering.

best wishes to both guys for speedy & full recoveries.



GTR came a cropper big-style in Laos a couple of weeks ago and broke his upper right arm at the ball joint. After getting recovered from Laos (in a pick-up truck!!!) and a visit to Dr Sutee, he is now rapidly recovering.

best wishes to both guys for speedy & full recoveries.



Whaddya mean a big cropper? It was a gentle 25 kph fall off the bike, totallywihtout warning, but unfortunately shoulder first into the bulldust & stones. Didnt even hurt the bike apart from a broken indicator & mirror. Hurt the rider a bit more though. Took a mere 2 days to get back to Cnx & a real doctor (Sudhee).


Above: Of course im alright.

And yes Dr Sudhee has looked after members of the royal family. So he's good. Most of the ortho docs in Cnx have been taught by him at Suan Dok & if you mention his name when your being patched up you can see a more concerned look on their face, especially when you say you are off to see Sudhee at his clinic for a real opinion.

I reckon that 1 upcountry doc in Khum Yuam nearly wet himself, after he had plastered 1 of my banged up motorcycle mates up & requested he spend a night at the KY hospital; we declined saying we were straight off to Cnx to see Dr Sudhee for a real check up. Before he let us go from KY he double checked everything & rewrote his medical report!

Dr Sudhee Sudasna

38/4 Chiang Mai - Lampang Road.

Mon - Frid: 1800 - 1930 hrs

Sat closed.

Su: 0930 - 1130 hrs

Phone: 053 - 214 139

Just back from the good doc's clinic & checked the days open / closed.

OPEN 5 pm - 7.30m




Sunday 9.30 - 11.30 am





Is that the Loi Kroh Clinic?

The Loi Kroh clinic is run by Dr. Tawachai. One of Chiang Mai's best GPs.

He is fluent in English, which makes him the GP of choice for many members of the Farang community here..

Dr Suthee, on the other hand, is Chiang Mai's best Orthopaedic surgeon.

I'd very much like to note the location/tel no of Dr Tawachi and the Loi Kroh clinic. If someone could post it here I'd be grateful.


david (pardon me, chuchok, for changing the topic slightly),

How badly was your humerus injured? Mine fractured, died, and had to be removed when it got infected. I, too, may have only been going 25 kph (Nok Lek said recently he thinks we were going slowly), and I haven't replaced one part on the CBR150 since the wreck 19 months ago.

I forget the name of the ortho at Chiang Mai Ram who did my original surgery, but he had no clue how to solve the infection, so Dr. Chanakhat at Suan Dok did the second surgery.

You can be at a standstill, fall to the ground, and die. Happened to one of my students.

Is that the Loi Kroh Clinic?

The Loi Kroh clinic is run by Dr. Tawachai. One of Chiang Mai's best GPs.

He is fluent in English, which makes him the GP of choice for many members of the Farang community here..

Dr Suthee, on the other hand, is Chiang Mai's best Orthopaedic surgeon.

I'd very much like to note the location/tel no of Dr Tawachi and the Loi Kroh clinic. If someone could post it here I'd be grateful.

Loi Khro Clinic is a few hundred meters down from Khotchasan Road on the south side of Loi Khro Road. Past the soi for Number 1 bar, opposite a wat, but not as far as Chiang Mai Saloon. Their number is 053-271-571

Loi Khro Clinic is a few hundred meters down from Khotchasan Road on the south side of Loi Khro Road. Past the soi for Number 1 bar, opposite a wat, but not as far as Chiang Mai Saloon. Their number is 053-271-571

The Wat opposite is Wat Loi Kroh

Loi Khro Clinic is a few hundred meters down from Khotchasan Road on the south side of Loi Khro Road. Past the soi for Number 1 bar, opposite a wat, but not as far as Chiang Mai Saloon. Their number is 053-271-571

The Wat opposite is Wat Loi Kroh

Thank you very much.

david (pardon me, chuchok, for changing the topic slightly),

How badly was your humerus injured? Mine fractured, died, and had to be removed when it got infected. I, too, may have only been going 25 kph (Nok Lek said recently he thinks we were going slowly), and I haven't replaced one part on the CBR150 since the wreck 19 months ago.

I forget the name of the ortho at Chiang Mai Ram who did my original surgery, but he had no clue how to solve the infection, so Dr. Chanakhat at Suan Dok did the second surgery.

You can be at a standstill, fall to the ground, and die. Happened to one of my students.


The injury is a serious break, the head of the humerus is "mashed," Dr Sudhee's words, plus it is a 4 part fracture.

Luckily no nerve or (apparent) blood circulation damage. So it looks like I am real lucky, especially considering there is a main artery from the heart to the brain passing through the head of the humerus, plus it is the left arm & not the right.

After 3 weeks the bones are knitting better than normal & Im allowed to do some simple, but very limited, rotation exercises. All being well the splint comes off in 4 more boring weeks & then we will really see / know how I go. The doc says grudglingly I should still be able to ride, but will have some limited arm movement / rotation. But for me, riding the bike is the most importan thing!

Dont know who Dr Chanakhat is. Any idea how he rates on the Cnx Drs scale?

If you're still unsatisfied where you're stuck at, it is well worth going to see Sudhee for an opinion & clear English explantion of any possible options for further treatment.

Now I'm happy with my spill & what I got away with. Any non-life threatening accident is good luck in my opinion. We all have accidents sometime in our lives, but some are more seriously life threatening than others. Numerous small ones are better than one big one & to be honest the last 18 mths Id been feeling a bit nervous, as it had been 11 yrs since the last big bang. Now despite believing mc falls (accidents) come in threes, I think Im in the clear for quite awhile & if it is another 10 yrs then that will have me over 60 & it might be time to slow down on big bikes a bit. Plus Dr Sudhee might no longer be available to patch me up.

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