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Video: Accidents narrowly avoided as driver does unexpected U-turn


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its so boring reading the thai-defenders attacking anyone who slights the thais on the road. I am irish and when people crtiticise the irish for drinking I dont go on the offesive or take it personally. I know the irish drink too much its a REAL problem. Most Thais accept the stats that show the roadss here are amongst the most dangerous in the world. and yet there are always the thai-defenders out here attacking anyone who laments thai driving culture. Idiocy..........

stop your cringy virtue signalling.......

rant over. 

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19 hours ago, JAG said:

You made the cardinal error of disagreeing with one of his pronouncements elsewhere today. You will get this for a few days until someone else becomes the duty target. But then I'm sure you know this.


Look at it as like interference on the telly, you just have to put up with it!????

Right JAG, i could not possibly be annoyed by how this poster always puts Thais down with his colonial attitude even when there is no cause for it. 


I make remarks like this always when I see the same posters always putting Thais down. Maybe I just like living here and dislike people putting Thais down at each and every chance they get. 


Maybe your projecting your own attitude towards people on my post. I hold no grudges.

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22 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


DRUNK DRIVING is seen as a major cause for fatalities after 323 people were killed and 3,140 others were injured in 3,001 crashes during the first five days of the Songkran seven-day accident-monitoring period (April 11-17), the Road Safety Centre announced yesterday. 

On Sunday alone, drunk driving was the cause of 42 per cent of 552 road accidents in which 69 people were killed and 589 injured, Damrong Limaphirak, the Education Ministry adviser on policy and strategy, said at the centre’s press conference.



if someone is drunk here. sure it is the driver of the truck to me.

and really, better no such nonsense generalizations like all thais are drunk on roads etc.

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