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That's not cricket!


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The Gymkhana Club is preparing to hold its annual international test match on a playing field that for the past several weeks has been under an almost continuous pall of noxious smoke haze.

How could they even consider playing cricket under such terrible conditions?

They should cancel the match and publicize the reason why - loud and clear.

Where's their spirit?  It is only by public protest and economic squeeze that action will be taken to stop the burning and start to put an end to other forms of air pollution as well.

Corrupt and incompetent government officials all over the world understand only one language and that is public anger sparking economic losses and their continued tenure in office.

Come on Gymkhana Club members, stand up and speak out.  You have a history and traditions going back to 1897. 

Let the world [or at least the cricket world] know that our hometown is choking to death because of the inability of the authorities to handle the situation.

The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton - don't let the battle for the health and well-being of the Chiang Mai people be lost on the cricket grounds of the Gymkhana Club.

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