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I really want to travel to Thailand


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<deleted> bros, this is the #1 thing I want to do in my life right now but I don't want to travel solo. All my friends are either busy with their work/career, tied down with gf, or some other chit. Right now I'm waiting on one of my friend's who said he'd be down, but he lives pretty far from me and he doesn't seem as hyped about it as me, so it's tough to push him into and commit. His other friends also said they'd be down and that they just need to set it up, but who knows when that can be or if they even will. 

All the travel stories I hear from you guys seem like it was one of the best moments of your lives, and I know it would be for me also. The reason I don't go solo is because I don't have that type of personality and I feel I'd have a lot more fun if I had at least one buddy to go with. Then I could travel other places from there after like Amsterdam and Spain. 

I'm just so bored in my town right now, I need to get out of the country and experience new chit.

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Just do it. Don't do stupid stuff like getting staggering drunk walking on the beach at 3:00 a.m.  Lurk as you've been doing on ThaiVisa to get a feel for the place. Remember you are the foreigner, this is THEIR country.  Don't quarrel with the locals, you will ALWAYS lose.  Ask up front how much a motorbike taxi will cost and tip them 10 baht.  If in Pattaya, go to Tiffany's show. If in Phuket, go to Fantasea.  Enjoy your trip!

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One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble, can't be too careful with your company..... (like the song goes).
You sound like a young guy, this place can ruin you, mentally, physically and financially. Not to mention give you a severe case of Cockitis. (Singing) ..... and if you're lucky then the God's a she....
Do yourself a favour, when you arrive at Bangkok Airport, give all your money to the first Thai you see and get back on the plane. Otherwise you may end up old and stuck on Thai Visa for life like the rest of us here.

I’m happy (ish) being stuck thank you very much.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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As I've written several times before, I left Thailand after 10 years of putting up with their nonsense and was back six weeks later with a new appreciation.  I've been in the states caring for a very sick relative since 1 Aug 2018 and get to return in June. I guess thoughts and prayers DO work <sarcasm>. Each time I leave for an extended period of time reminds me of why I still live in Thailand. Traveling to a new country solo can be daunting, but to the victors go the spoils. Take the plunge, be cautious and DON'T fall in love! This is a great place to rent, don't purchase so early in your life (and I'm sure you know I'm NOT talking about real estate).

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  • 4 weeks later...
3 hours ago, KevinYah said:

Hi there!

Don't worry at all about traveling solo to Thailand. I was last year for about a month and I had no problems at all. 

I was traveling alone as well and it was the best trip ever. You´ll meet a lot of cool people. It is really easy to travel solo in Thailand. In most tourist/travellers areas in Thailand there is always someone who will speak English, but if you can learn a few thai words, it will make things easier for you or just use Language Learning Sites to get some things translated


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Just now, RJRS1301 said:


Please learn some basic Thai, use Google Translate and practice for some time before arriving, set aside an hour a day, learn to count first then move on from there.

Read about Thai culture and customs, most of all relax and enjoy, there so much more than the bars and sex.

Go rural, be adventurous, watch your wallet and passport 


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