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One in five deaths worldwide linked to unhealthy diet


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12 minutes ago, justin case said:


money of his claims ?


he gives you scientific proof FOR FREE, for everybody to open their eyes


"Everyone should exercise 1 hour"  ???


lol .... I prefer like many, to skip breakfast and not eat 300-400-500 calories


and save my joints ....


there is not one animal that is doing 1 hour in gym....  hunt, short bursts , feast and rest


if you are over 40 like many geezers here, you only need 2 meals per day anyway




You have a big mouth but you don't back it up with scientific studies like most of the drones following internet guru's.


I showed you a study and all you show is hot air. I can grantee you I don't look like a Michelin man and guess what I don't fear carbs. I believe in moderation and unprocessed food. 

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1 minute ago, Radar501 said:

So any fat 16 year old boy in your country got into that condition due to his army service??



Not sure where your from but most countries don't let 16 year olds join. So how could that be a result of army service. What i often find is old people who served feel that others should serve too.


Do you really think it helps if someone loses weight in bootcamp then gets out of the army and goes back to his normal life and gains it all back ? That is what happens. Its not about exercise, bootcamp. Its about making lifestyle changes food wise. You don't need the army for that at all. 


But In my country (i know weak Dutch army) there was loads of drinking going on by conscripts and they did not come out healthy. Maybe its different in other countries. But it still does not change the fact that once people are out of the army they fall back to their old habbits if they have not been taught about healthy foods and trained to change their foods. 


The army does no such thing it just serves you some food and that is it, does not educate you food wise. The people leaving bootcamp wont keep on doing the same exercise and will regress without proper education. 

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3 hours ago, Lungstib said:

A fine example of what occurs when you leave 'safety' in the hands of profit making businesses. Governments around the world appear to be powerless to stop the production of food that is bad for health, pesticides that contaminate and air that is poisonous. 

Yep, most governments around the world are in reality working for mega corporations! allowing and encouraging their products to be freely sold, strange how so many end up on the payroll after they have done their government "stint" ????

Thai government cannot even ban known carcinogens due to pressure from multi-nationals, not alone there though are they!

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I've posted similar to this before, so I expect yawns and worse from soothsayers and the like on this forum. It addresses health and diet and the military discussion.


I did join the army at 16 and served for 20 years, it was the best thing that ever happened to me as I was about to take the wrong fork in the road.


There arer fitness advocates on this sight, robblok immediately springs to mind, who live their lives the 'right' way, that's commendable.


I was a Physical Training Instructor in the army and stayed in fitness until age 49 when despite all my exercise and careful eating, I had a stroke at age 49. I've since had surgery for an abdominal hernia, caused by exercise? Have had pneumonia, am now a Type 2 diabetic and had a more serious stroke 2 years ago which has left me disabled. All this despite exercising 3 times a day 5 or 6 days a week during the 13 years I was in the finess business after I left the army. And yes, I can already hear bleats of "you did too much exercise".


There is no bitterness on my part, exercise and healthy eating are useful, however, they are no silver bullet. Winston Churchill, a cigar smoking man who liked his alcohol and food, and who did little or no exercise, died at 90. Hi subordinate Field Marshall Montgomery never smoked, was teetotal and careful about his diet, he died when he was 88.


I believe that when we enter this world and they smack your backside, it's already pre-ordained when your time is up. There are a considerable number of my contemporaries in the Army Physical Traing Corps, seemingly fit and healthy who have already made their exit.


IMHO, we should live life as we want to and always remember that one man's meat is another man's poison.


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yea its sad to see so many overweight thai people these days. when i first came here you hardly ever saw a fat thai- now there are a lot. strangly when i first got here there weren't a lot of mcdonalds and burger kings too lol.

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Maybe you should read the research better, there is no direct link it states MAY. I know that extremists like Dr lustig use stuff like this to justify claims that have not been proven. 

Fact remains they have no calories and are therefor better then sugary drinks. 


You can't store zero calories in fat mass. You should study a bit yourself besides believing everything you read. I prefer independent research over that of extremists.  



A zero calorie soda drink with who knows what in it including aspertane or whatever sugar substitute is simply not good for you. The best drink is clean water. It does the trick for quenching your thirst and it’s what a body needs. No soda should be consumed except for an occasional Barcardi and Diet Coke lol 

Nearly every time you see an obese cow grazing at a food court or restaurant you see a large soda or a beer next to the 1/2 dozen or so plates of crap they are consuming. 

Just watch a few episodes of my six hundred pound life and see how all fat people start their diets off when 6,7 8 etc years old. All soda sucks. 

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yes i hear ya on the soda. i live in alaska and I'm friends with some of the natives across the bay from where i live. the obesity and diabetes is terrible there! first thing they load up every time on the skiff is cases and cases of soda. also i think they are the first generation to eat so much sugar so their bodies arnt used to it as much. i grew up in new jersey and they have been pushing sugar on us there for a long time lol.

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8 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

A zero calorie soda drink with who knows what in it including aspertane or whatever sugar substitute is simply not good for you. The best drink is clean water. It does the trick for quenching your thirst and it’s what a body needs. No soda should be consumed except for an occasional Barcardi and Diet Coke lol 

Nearly every time you see an obese cow grazing at a food court or restaurant you see a large soda or a beer next to the 1/2 dozen or so plates of crap they are consuming. 

Just watch a few episodes of my six hundred pound life and see how all fat people start their diets off when 6,7 8 etc years old. All soda sucks. 

So far nothing bad has been discovered about aspertane, I have no doubt that water is better. However I also have no doubt that its better to have a drink with aspertane then one with normal sugar.


Its a step into the right direction, my point is perfection is hard and this can bring improvement. I am certainly no fat slob. To the contrary but I get bored with water and tea and like a drink with aspertane once in a while. Its better to take something less harmful then to not improve at all because the alternative water is not something everyone will take.


Same goes for exercise, nobody exercises how much we should but a little bit is still better then nothing. So instead of complaining that there are better alternatives one has to look at what is doable and can be done for a long time.


Just my opinion of course, when going to extremes its hard to keep up.

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There is, of course, absolutely no connection between official inertia over the rampant

pollution of our food, water and air and the United Nations Agenda 21/30 programme, predicated on a massive reduction in the human population.


Anybody who believes otherwise is obviously just another of those nutty conspiracy theorists. 

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so many people hate big government and big corporations and yet they eat their 7/11 and fast food poison every day.


buy a blender and put vegetables fruit protein powder in it everyday for breakfast and lunch like i do. very cheap to make and easy to do.


and men throw everything listed here in your blender: :clap2:



stop being a victim and being exploited. 






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8 hours ago, helpisgood said:

Americans have nothing to worry about.  Our president and role model has set the right standard for a healthy diet.  Funny, there are so many other photos like this one to choose from.

Pres Trump's Diet.jpg

Your bias is as big as your waistline and ego.

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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

so many people hate big government and big corporations and yet they eat their 7/11 and fast food poison every day.


buy a blender and put vegetables fruit protein powder in it everyday for breakfast and lunch like i do. very cheap to make and easy to do.


and men throw everything listed here in your blender: :clap2:



stop being a victim and being exploited. 






Why always blend it? A nice raw tomato or cucumber with ground pepper is good. I also love whole strawberries , blueberries , bananas and pineapple etc. maybe a little piece of fruit in a protein shake with skim milk is good. 

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1 hour ago, alex8912 said:

A zero calorie soda drink with who knows what in it including aspertane or whatever sugar substitute is simply not good for you. The best drink is clean water. It does the trick for quenching your thirst and it’s what a body needs. No soda should be consumed except for an occasional Barcardi and Diet Coke lol 

Nearly every time you see an obese cow grazing at a food court or restaurant you see a large soda or a beer next to the 1/2 dozen or so plates of crap they are consuming. 

Just watch a few episodes of my six hundred pound life and see how all fat people start their diets off when 6,7 8 etc years old. All soda sucks. 

Water gets my vote. When I'm in a festive mood, I drink soda water with a squirt of lemon juice and stevia.

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3 hours ago, johnnykak said:

did that one guy really say he's messed up and has diabetes from too much exercise in the military? lol. he man maybe its was the food they were giving you lol.

No, I was saying that others in the past have opined that I did too much exercise. You need to improve your reading skills LOL ????, where did I say that my diabetes was due to too much exercise? My wife prepared healthy food for me, not the army. It appears you have little or no understanding of life as a soldier.

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

such as whole grains,

Change from white rice to brown rice, Asia's problem solved in a trice. Funny story, missionaries in the Philippines got prisoners' diets changed from unrefined brown rice to the more socially acceptable white rice, big plus for them they thought, mproving prisoners conditions and all that, till the beriberi kicked in. Ha!

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Over the past 35 years, Scottish life expectancy has increased by 7.9 years for males and 5.8 years for females. This improvement has been due primarily to the introduction of fried Mars Bars into the subsidised school dinners provision across the Highlands and Islands.

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15 hours ago, freebyrd said:

No, I was saying that others in the past have opined that I did too much exercise. You need to improve your reading skills LOL ????, where did I say that my diabetes was due to too much exercise? My wife prepared healthy food for me, not the army. It appears you have little or no understanding of life as a soldier.

I would like to know what caused your diabetes, because it is usually food related. You can exercise all you want be you can't out train a bad diet. The hernia could be because of exercise (you know best). So far I have been spared any major injuries and as I age I have changed how I train a bit.


But don't look at me as someone who trains too much, I am human I have my bad days. Last year i lost 4 months of training because I had sleeping problems. Started eating bad foods and it all went to hell. Now I am back to the shape before  that episode.


What I have found out over the years is that its not always important to do the best exercise or the best diet but the one that is relatively good and you can stick with it even if it is less then perfect. Consistency rules in my book.


And believe me if there was a pill i could take to keep the fat up muscles on and not having to exercise or mind my diet and could eat pizza all day id take it. I just see exercise as something I at times like to do but often do because i have set myself to it. 


I add a healthy diet to the mix as with my body type if I don't mind my food i will be fat and I really did not like how i look when I am fat. I was fat around 2011 after the great flooding. I was locked up in my home here had only bad food and alcohol and could not train and after that I had a hard time getting back to training. After that time I made the switch and lost the weight and kept it off.


Over the years I have had a few setbacks (that I gained a bit a say 5kg or so maybe more) and lost it again but never as bad as last year. Sleep and problems with sleeping is my Achilles heel. 

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Over the past 35 years, Scottish life expectancy has increased by 7.9 years for males and 5.8 years for females. This improvement has been due primarily to the introduction of fried Mars Bars into the subsidised school dinners provision across the Highlands and Islands.

Probably because it replaced the all alcohol diet the region is famous for ????  (joke)

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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

I would like to know what caused your diabetes, because it is usually food related. You can exercise all you want be you can't out train a bad diet. The hernia could be because of exercise (you know best). So far I have been spared any major injuries and as I age I have changed how I train a bit.


But don't look at me as someone who trains too much, I am human I have my bad days. Last year i lost 4 months of training because I had sleeping problems. Started eating bad foods and it all went to hell. Now I am back to the shape before  that episode.


What I have found out over the years is that its not always important to do the best exercise or the best diet but the one that is relatively good and you can stick with it even if it is less then perfect. Consistency rules in my book.


And believe me if there was a pill i could take to keep the fat up muscles on and not having to exercise or mind my diet and could eat pizza all day id take it. I just see exercise as something I at times like to do but often do because i have set myself to it. 


I add a healthy diet to the mix as with my body type if I don't mind my food i will be fat and I really did not like how i look when I am fat. I was fat around 2011 after the great flooding. I was locked up in my home here had only bad food and alcohol and could not train and after that I had a hard time getting back to training. After that time I made the switch and lost the weight and kept it off.


Over the years I have had a few setbacks (that I gained a bit a say 5kg or so maybe more) and lost it again but never as bad as last year. Sleep and problems with sleeping is my Achilles heel. 

Frankly, this is all getting a bit too deep for me, so here are my final thoughts.


As you say, the diabetes is food related, to a certain extent, we all have different make ups. My parents were both type 2 as is my older sister. My brother, older than both of us isn't, and he hasn't always had a healthy diet, he was a soldier too - go figure.


I've lived my life my way. As a kid I was forced to eat vegetables and I mean forced, so as i got older I likely didn't eat enough and even now they make me vomit at times. I've eaten what tastes good in my life and do so now, while not going overboard.


I worked for a guy in TL who was the opposite of me. Only 2 cups of coffee a day, no ice in his drinks, only drank shandy once  year, never smoked, ate according to his blood group etc etc. Not my way at all. I admitted to him that he would live longer than me, but that it would probably feel like it too as he was missing out on the pleasures in life. This 'fit and healthy' individual has real problems with sleep apnea caused they say in part at least by his lonely (selfish?) life as he's 70something, never married or had a significant personal relations ship with anyone. So - who;s righ, me or him, or you, or all theses 'experts' who tell us how to live our lives?


That's it from me other than to say I didn't say you exercised too much, who really knows what is too much or too little? Actually I did say what you do is commendable.


You will likely be alive long after I'm gone but one thing I'm sure of, I've lived a pretty full life and achieved a lot, done and seen a great deal. A friend of mine said recently when I was gloomy due to my disability that I achieved more in my first 40 years than many do in 80.


I think I've said more than enough in my posts thus far, each to their own and one man's meat most definitely is another man's poison.

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2 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

Frankly, this is all getting a bit too deep for me, so here are my final thoughts.


As you say, the diabetes is food related, to a certain extent, we all have different make ups. My parents were both type 2 as is my older sister. My brother, older than both of us isn't, and he hasn't always had a healthy diet, he was a soldier too - go figure.


I've lived my life my way. As a kid I was forced to eat vegetables and I mean forced, so as i got older I likely didn't eat enough and even now they make me vomit at times. I've eaten what tastes good in my life and do so now, while not going overboard.


I worked for a guy in TL who was the opposite of me. Only 2 cups of coffee a day, no ice in his drinks, only drank shandy once  year, never smoked, ate according to his blood group etc etc. Not my way at all. I admitted to him that he would live longer than me, but that it would probably feel like it too as he was missing out on the pleasures in life. This 'fit and healthy' individual has real problems with sleep apnea caused they say in part at least by his lonely (selfish?) life as he's 70something, never married or had a significant personal relations ship with anyone. So - who;s righ, me or him, or you, or all theses 'experts' who tell us how to live our lives?


That's it from me other than to say I didn't say you exercised too much, who really knows what is too much or too little? Actually I did say what you do is commendable.


You will likely be alive long after I'm gone but one thing I'm sure of, I've lived a pretty full life and achieved a lot, done and seen a great deal. A friend of mine said recently when I was gloomy due to my disability that I achieved more in my first 40 years than many do in 80.


I think I've said more than enough in my posts thus far, each to their own and one man's meat most definitely is another man's poison.

I was most definitely not attacking you or condemning your choices. About food and diet I am passionate but will not look down on others who don't do the same thing. I just wanted to know what caused your diabetes. 


Your post was real civil towards me and i did not feel attacked just curious.  People should do whatever they want its a free world.  


I have no clue what is too much or what is too little I will find out for myself probably. My main reason is that I don't want to be fat. Second reason is that I seen my mom who does not exercise at all and my dad who does. They are the same age. My dad has a much higher quality of life can still do a lot more. That is what I am for.


I don't feel that I am missing out actually (never liked alcohol unless i wanted to get drunk). But if there was a way to eat whatever crap one could and still be healthy id be eating it.


We are all different and all make different choices, ill be the last to condemn anyone for theirs. With one exception if one is complaining about his weight / health but does not change his diet or sports. Then i would condemn them because complaining about something but not solving the problem i find stupid. 


My younger brother who was always far slimmer then me who could eat whatever he wanted (and did so) and still stayed slim now has diabetes even though he never got real fat. He now regrets certain choices he made and has to change a lot. He is only 42 and will be on medicine forever.


Anyway I did not take any offense to what you wrote, I wish you good luck. Happy to know your happy with your life. We all get gloomy at times its how we deal with it that matters.

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  • 1 month later...

It's True: You Are What You Eat, so choose your diet carefully. A recent study published in JNCI Cancer Spectrum. Low consumptions of veggies, dairy products, whole grain, and fruits. And high intake of processed red meat, junk food, and sugary beverages. All this dietary factors can increase your risk of cancer.

Source- https://www.myhealthyclick.com/poor-diet-is-the-reason-behind-thousands-of-cancers-finds-study/

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