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Yes men....June 11 start date back to training Monday........81 days of crawling up the wall for some here is officially coming to a closure......


My dog has his own battle coming up....how to deal with sleeping outside in winter, you see he just reminded me of him peering at me from the other side of the sliding door....he got turfed out yesterday around 3 pm because he wee on the floor inside....was 4 deg over night.....and at least for the foreseeable future he wont be coming in even when im here....he will be 10 at the end of the year and unfortunate for him this breed can live to 16 easily......now I always said if was to get a dog a again it would be a <deleted>zu TV will block it out cause it has the slang for poo name in the breed name ...ummmmm well after my cat Prince I thought I would not get another pet again and I had a few dogs over the course of my life and none I ever wanted.....


TGF1 came to live in Melbourne with me about 11 years ago after a year she got up close and personal and requested a puppy in the softest sexiest tones imaginable to man....and she had a criteria must be 5 ft tall......well she liked big dogs....I at first cringed and thought how am I going to handle this....well you cant refuse can you even I didnt want another pet at the time.....so I put my foot down and said it cant be more than a foot tall.........so little cho got conceived in our heads back then he cost me $800 plus 50 to get him from SA to Melbourne, yep hes a Crow but converted now....cute as you could imagine TGF1 use to pop him into her hand bag and she would take him to visit friends on the train during the day....


The exTGF1 still keeps in touch only because of her kid Cho....ive taken her to see him one time and shes requested in modern times to see him again, well one of these days......Chos foreseeable future is not a rosey future living out side during a Melbourne winter.....the vet recons he has behavioural issues, as hes peeing on the deck as well, hes new home....he is meant to be house dog as I swore next dog would be, well I did landscape the back area and this may have contributed to his toilet habits but in fairness to me he lived with it for like 8 months before his peeing came inside...around every 2 weeks he leaves a puddle for me to clean up inside, yesterday was the final straw that broke my confidence in him and after I moved a few plants around and gave him 1 sq meter of garden with that fake grass that use to be there that he is familiar with...all was good for like 2 weeks then a few days ago began weeing on the path again which Is fine I hose it every day then the poo appeared away from the garden area and so on until the puddle inside....ive spoken to him about his bad habit, in firm tones, just looks and acknowledges then does it again,.....what to do?


My first dog? a black mut I called Bruno.....back in my first year of marriage, sister calls my ex-wife from her school to wife school....awwww one of the kids bought a really cute puppy to school do you want it? sight unseen she says yes...when I get home we have a pet....I already had my pet cat Monty with us....he wasnt to keen at first but managed to avoid the pup....then about 2 ys later sister calls me and says...WILL you look after 6 months old  Ralph her sheep dog, you know....the Deluxe commercial types big hairy over grown monsters.....can you look after him until I get married in 8 months plz...the old man dont like the dog at home....the idiot would go bananas in his veggie patch thats why...the old man's only passion in life was his vegie patch.....is why I grew up with cats.....I said I will but im not brushing him....thats ok.... well 3 months after she got married Ralph is still with me....hey come get your dog....I had to take it to her.....maybe 4 months later she calls again....Ralph has been keeping the neighbours up, he could howel really well......sometimes the lad and I in the back yard got into a howling contest....was fun....  now he was meant to be an inside dog.....her new man turned out to be an ass and kept him outside chained up most of the time...he liked German Shepherds ... so I had drive up to Kyabram to get him in my Mini Cooper S and he took over the entire back seat and dribbled all the way home, certainly Ralph has been traumatised by his time there, took him a few weeks to get out of his blues....anyway he would wobble so much he would dirty the walls in the corridor, the ex wife was a very loving woman and would dote on both dogs....one evening while friends were leaving a little grey cat came out from under there car and a new addition to the house hold had arrived....Pokie....a very in quizitve cat and he turned out to me my fave cat....


Monty and me and it had been a song thats why he got the name Monty we were great mouse catchers....Pokie was just an observer.....one time darling petite wife opens a draw and this mouse jump out scaring her to death...well Monty jumps to attention and a hunting we go.....eventually we found the <deleted> in the pantry in a packet of ice cream cones and up an ice cream cone....yep a cone....noticed his tail hanging out....so we go to the laundry trough Monty and me....put some water in it while Monty jumps on the washing machine and watches....drop the cone into the trough and the whole time Montys eyes never leaves the cone....the fella comes out of the cone so I drain the water...Monty waits till its empty then jumps in to get the mouse....hes mine now he declares and thats it... we did get a few mouse over the years.....another time late in the evening while watching the telly a mouse had the cheek to walk across the lounge room right in front of me....I had an open fire going......one of them heat master types that I made....yep I can weld too...bro in-law had bought one so I measured up and made one for myself saving a fortune.....they have a vent around the fire box to draw air...well I scared this fat mouse into the bottom vent that draws cool air over the fire box and pushes it out at the top heated up....we had this battle....I had went and got a broom...and Monty and we sat it out....over like 3 hrs this mouse had lost close to 40% of its body mass, must have been hot under there and of course I did stoke the fire even more....the mouse did try a few times to make a run for it but never got far Monty and me were on duty, by about 2.30 in the morning and this was a week day and id be up at 6 am he could take it no more.....tried to make a run for it, me with the broom and Monty we trapped the fella Monty swooped and off he took it into then back yard.....


So we lived with 2 dogs and 2 cats....then one by one the 2 kids did arrive....eventually Ralph who had very bad arthritis I had put down around the same time Monty had had enough and caught wind we were moving and disappeared one night after dinner to never be seen again, Bruno had been replaced as he was stolen...yes the black mut who had no worth in $ terms was stolen behind lock gates....maybe they couldnt pick up Ralph as he was a big dog, this one Saturday night Bruno was yelling and I dont know....making noises but not barking....wife tried to push me out of bed to go see but she was petite she had no chance of pushing me out of bed at 3 am to go see what the dog was doing.....I looked every where for him in the morning never to be seen again....next door neighbour a talkative oldie use to you know take home strays all the time, she found my next dog....not that I wanted one but Ralph seems lonely....so Irish came in....turned out she was a stray Scottish Dear Hound, I thought she a Irish Dear Hound hence the name....


Anyway Irish and Pokie moved with us.....Irish was already an old dog when I got her and she needed to be put down eventually, I had stacked up all this lumber for firewood in the back yard and one evening it all came down in a storm on top of pokie.....so after something like 10 ys we were pet less.......we didnt mind.....,.then when daughter gets to about 5 , I want a doggie.....holy Moses....ex and I had been enjoying our pet free life.......so..what to when the apple of your eye wants a pet? im a softy at heart obviously....we get a Beagle...I always liked Beagles until I got one....there great to walk along the beach by the way you get all the bikini clad women come up to you...this dog could eat forever....seem her follow my daughter and snatch her toast out of her hand.....when I split with the ex Feby developed some noisey tendencies so ex asked if I could take Feby, yep named after the Demon Feby brothers so I did, poor Feby I only ever seen when it was feed time as I got into a burn the candle at both ends life style thats why when it came time to get Cho he was meant to be an inside dog......


Feby didnt live to long, around 9.....a few years later I was dating the cat girl...the last white girl ever that I would date, she rekindled my desire to get a cat....so it came to pass she would vist me to see Prince, Cat girl had 2 cats of her own, only ever seen one as the black one always hid under her doona when I was there....Prince use to sit on my computer monitor, recall the box telly type monitors? with a tail and hes tail was long as he was a big boy hanging down over the screen...just like windscreen wipers he would wipe my screen often....adorable he was, eventually I had to give him up and thats when I thought  no more pets......untill cho....and you know I cant say no too a woman.....so if anyone would like a 10 year old pup let me know....im happy to deliver......



  • Thanks 1

I am in the process of deciding to taking some time off from the news........the level we have sunk to lately is leaving me with rolling eyes in sockets.... This is the latest this morning......now mind you weekend papers are normally full of dribble but this now takes the cake as the biggest dribble ive seen in a very long time..... check this out.... https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/16/world/academie-franciase-covid-feminine-trnd/index.html is the Corvid 19 male or female? who in the f****k cares? I mean does it matter? well these learned people who get paid a lot to sit in some lab came up with the notion its feminine as you know there deadlier than the male....James Bond knew that back in the 60's....so who needed to study that for 3 months and get paid to work it out...just ask me if they need a god dam tag....


The papers are beginning to resemble the sports section of most of the rags...you know scratch over the surface and looking for anything that WILL grab your attention, like and ive seen this plenty of times this year where there is this heading that is meant to draw you in then the frigging content pretty much has nothing to do with it....


Another high performance journalistic report was that maccas thing I left a link for the other day....every god dam day its ......Travel wont be the same again after the Cornvid-19...and even putting up stupid pictures of inside an airplane with the middle seat blocked off.....what dill is going to believe that WILL really happen? well I guess there are quite a few there that WILL but not me....they wont fly if they cant get a certain % of passengers in there planes...I mean there not a charity you know there in business to make money....and if for some stupid reason it did come to pass you can bet the price of your ticket WILL pretty much double....ho that dont get mentioned....


This report has been sitting in CNN for at least 6 months....ive noticed its been moved around a few times into other sub sections....https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/asia-men-hair-loss-bald-scn-wellness/index.html I even wrote on it in here...bald asian men......They have run out of ideas......nothing is going on in the world......nothing...IS is dead.....The Taliban is boring news now after 10 ys....Syrian Civil war is boring too....what ever happend to the million refugees that tried to escape into Europe? and the African ones trying to get into Italy that was such a disaster 2 ys ago? what happened about them? 


Trump and disinfectant.....Trump and his democrat opponent and his dirty laundry....football cant come fast enough I think.....


And who really believes this?  https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/venice-future-covid-19/index.html im determined to be there next year for at least 3 nights and right in the guts of the place..... Italy needs your money, the local St Marks square pizza shop needs your money....last time I looked the world revolves around money...you TGF has her hand in your pocket all the time....Scotty has his hands in your pocket, Bunnings who have made a fortune out of me this year love my money.,...Venice business want your money so the more of you that come the more they get....so lets meet in St Marks Square next year guys....bring your toggs we might go fro a swim.....Really no tourists after Corvid 19 you got to be kidding....


Moving from CNN to the NZ Hearald...and to the land of Scott Brown Carpentry Auckland comes this piece of riveting news..... https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12332461 ahh one of them evangelistic churches...... is conducting a service today despite the Government but the strange thing is there following Gov protocol so where is the civil disobedience ? "church has been oppressed by allowing 10 to gather" "claimed the level 2 rules showed the church was an obstacle to the current government" how? I do not get it.....look the only way to deal with people like this is to round them up and put them in a camp....and dont feed them...simple....there graves will take up less room when they bury them....Anyone hiding behind the Lord...Allah....Yowie etc to push a point gets loocked up.... 


And in the feel good story for your Sunday if this guy can do it anyone can.... https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12331693 dropping an incredible 93 kgs in just over a year.... fat sick and broke with a crappy hair style all at just 23.... now trim happy and not sick anymore with a fixed up hair style.....makes you wanna get your short on in 8 degrees and go for a run....

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  • Confused 1

Sounds reasonable but doubt it will happen.



Jeff Kennett says AFL supporting 12 clubs will be ‘unsustainable’


The next three years will prove a test for all clubs to prove their value to the competition, Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett has declared.

The Hawks are one of six clubs that receive no financial assistance from the AFL, and Kennett said he believes the time will come for the remaining 12 to show that they are capable of improving their financial performance.


“When we get the game back and starting flowing again, (it will be time) to sit down and work out … how are we going to position this industry for the future?,” Kennett said on Fox Footy.


“That’s the challenge. That’s where I think there’s going to have to be structural change, and we’ve got to be courageous enough to bring it about.”


He said it was “unsustainable” to think that the assistance model could continue in its current form, “and secondly that we continue to have 12 clubs totally dependent on the AFL”.


The AFL hasn’t stipulated this, but I would always say you’ve got to have KPIs (key performance indicators), and I’d be looking to a period three years from now where you’d be saying, ‘all right, let’s have a look at the clubs’,” Kennett said.


“What have they done in the three years that we’ve been supporting them? Have they increased their independence or have they not? And if they haven’t, then you’ve got to look at yourself and say, ‘well, how long can we just continue to support organisations that cannot at least improve their financial performance?’.

“That’s the challenge, but it’s a challenge for the next three years, in my opinion, for all clubs.


“If you look at the five or six, our challenge is to stay unassisted. Our challenge is to continue to find other revenue streams, so that we will not have to burden the AFL with borrowings beyond what they pay for the salary cap.”

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Will27 said:

Sounds reasonable but doubt it will happen.



Jeff Kennett says AFL supporting 12 clubs will be ‘unsustainable’


The next three years will prove a test for all clubs to prove their value to the competition, Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett has declared.

The Hawks are one of six clubs that receive no financial assistance from the AFL, and Kennett said he believes the time will come for the remaining 12 to show that they are capable of improving their financial performance.


“When we get the game back and starting flowing again, (it will be time) to sit down and work out … how are we going to position this industry for the future?,” Kennett said on Fox Footy.


“That’s the challenge. That’s where I think there’s going to have to be structural change, and we’ve got to be courageous enough to bring it about.”


He said it was “unsustainable” to think that the assistance model could continue in its current form, “and secondly that we continue to have 12 clubs totally dependent on the AFL”.


The AFL hasn’t stipulated this, but I would always say you’ve got to have KPIs (key performance indicators), and I’d be looking to a period three years from now where you’d be saying, ‘all right, let’s have a look at the clubs’,” Kennett said.


“What have they done in the three years that we’ve been supporting them? Have they increased their independence or have they not? And if they haven’t, then you’ve got to look at yourself and say, ‘well, how long can we just continue to support organisations that cannot at least improve their financial performance?’.

“That’s the challenge, but it’s a challenge for the next three years, in my opinion, for all clubs.


“If you look at the five or six, our challenge is to stay unassisted. Our challenge is to continue to find other revenue streams, so that we will not have to burden the AFL with borrowings beyond what they pay for the salary cap.”


Hawthorn of course remain self sustaining by being the Family Friendly Pokies club and gouging dollars from societies addicted.


I guess also, we have to look at what the level of support is, how support is defined and what each club (having or not having) brings to the revenue base.


Spitballing, we are unlikely to see the QLD or NSW clubs merge  and same for WA and SA.  They bring in extra games interstate and add to a product to have people believing that the AFl really is a national game.


Having 9 clubs in Melbourne is the elephant in the room. It was okay back in the 1950s when the world was a lot less accessible. Given the support in Melbourne 5 clubs is probably the correct number. Move one to Tassie and one out to Gippsland or Ballarat and one to Canberra

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

I do not get it.....look the only way to deal with people like this is to round them up and put them in a camp....and dont feed them...simple...

Because rounding up and putting people in camps has always worked in past hIstory? ????

  • Like 1
On 5/16/2020 at 10:58 AM, Will27 said:

Speaking of dogs, my last dog in Australia was super smart.

I decided to enrol him in a metal working course.


Now when I kick him up the <deleted>, he makes a bolt for the door:biggrin:

I guess your current Pooches also too the same metalwork course?


They steel themselves to be kicked over the fence as every approaches

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, BookmanBkk said:

I guess your current Pooches also too the same metalwork course?


They steel themselves to be kicked over the fence as every approaches

* every Game


1 hour ago, Thechook said:

Geelong footballer Jack Steven recovering in hospital after suffering chest wound.


Geelong midfielder Jack Steven is recovering in hospital after suffering a wound to the chest inflicted by a sharp object.

What's the inside scoop here?

22 hours ago, Will27 said:

Sounds reasonable but doubt it will happen.



Jeff Kennett says AFL supporting 12 clubs will be ‘unsustainable’


The next three years will prove a test for all clubs to prove their value to the competition, Hawthorn president Jeff Kennett has declared.

The Hawks are one of six clubs that receive no financial assistance from the AFL, and Kennett said he believes the time will come for the remaining 12 to show that they are capable of improving their financial performance.


“When we get the game back and starting flowing again, (it will be time) to sit down and work out … how are we going to position this industry for the future?,” Kennett said on Fox Footy.


“That’s the challenge. That’s where I think there’s going to have to be structural change, and we’ve got to be courageous enough to bring it about.”


He said it was “unsustainable” to think that the assistance model could continue in its current form, “and secondly that we continue to have 12 clubs totally dependent on the AFL”.


The AFL hasn’t stipulated this, but I would always say you’ve got to have KPIs (key performance indicators), and I’d be looking to a period three years from now where you’d be saying, ‘all right, let’s have a look at the clubs’,” Kennett said.


“What have they done in the three years that we’ve been supporting them? Have they increased their independence or have they not? And if they haven’t, then you’ve got to look at yourself and say, ‘well, how long can we just continue to support organisations that cannot at least improve their financial performance?’.

“That’s the challenge, but it’s a challenge for the next three years, in my opinion, for all clubs.


“If you look at the five or six, our challenge is to stay unassisted. Our challenge is to continue to find other revenue streams, so that we will not have to burden the AFL with borrowings beyond what they pay for the salary cap.”


I am boycotting the news this morning so thank you WILL for offering up something too discuss,,,,,, I kinda ...KINDA dont agree....... its kinda...KINDA cloudy....bit like making a cake...something I been doing a bit of late.....you can pretty much use the same recipes just change the raisins or sultana's and apple...something like that....


Look clubs are always dependent on something....the population is still to small to support football clubs here, I think we grew to fast to be honest.....18 clubs among 28 million people is like unreal...the US has like 32 football clubs to over 300 million....


I WILL speak of what I know....a Premier league club gets a pay packet for playing in that league, it drops off dramatically if there relegated, were talking millions....https://www.planetfootball.com/quick-reads/club-by-club-a-breakdown-of-the-2018-19-premier-league-prize-money/ according to this even lowly Huddlesfield who were relegated end of 2020 picked just over 79 million $ just for beign in the Premier league.....that season ....


Look there hasn't been enough carrot dangling going on to get clubs to move,, really if Tassie want a club there they should be offering up a lot more....you think Fj's North know there aint no future in Melbourne? and seriously...my club....im all for letting them disappear,, really if they cant stand on there own two feet they deserve to fold...


14 clubs was fine...16 just...18 is too many.... I would have thought several would have merged a couple of moved but it aint worked out that way....


The reality is Kennet can bang on all he likes and even sound sensible but the crutch of the matter is the money is in the TV rights and 18 clubs help make it viable for tv, so with the added expense of bailing out the Saints and Dees every few years its seen as worth it for the Hawks and Pies to carry a few basket cases...they pay there way for the better off clubs.....


And finally I crapped on about this a few years ago....we aint learned a dam thing still....most of the US sports and soccer create many winners.....in a season where here we have only the flag.....clubs to get sponsorships that pay well need to be in the public spotlight and often....making the play offs, conference championship game, Champions league, UEFA cup and it goes on..... Finnish 6th in the premier league and you go to Europe for 6 games make that and your in a knock out to the final.... US is division champion, conference champion dont do well there you have wild card for play offs, then its the super bowel...much more interesting hey?


ps...forgot to mention....FA cup, League cup etc....dont matter the code it matters to be seen as a winner and to be seen a winner you need to be making steps in each comp....you know in GB there on tv for a normal league game then there on mid week for a FA game then if there in one of the Euro games there on tv again for that....here the winge about playing 22 games a year...

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2 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

What's the inside scoop here?

Was being a naughty boy....or upsetting the GF....you dont get stabbed sitting at home watching TV like he should have been....

  • Sad 1
1 hour ago, AlexRRR said:

Was being a naughty boy....or upsetting the GF....you dont get stabbed sitting at home watching TV like he should have been....



Refusing to speak the cops isn't a great sign either.

  • Like 2

Word on the Soi is that Steven May has been taken to hospital this morning after seeing the headlines in the Herald Sun.


Twelve McDonald’s restaurants closed after truck driver tests positive

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

Was listening to the You Cannot be serious podcast this morning.

The guest was Robbo.


Found it strange to say the least that Mike Sheahan said to Robbo when picking his

top 50 players "If it was a lineball decision between an interstate player and a Victorian, I

would pick the Victorian for commercial reasons".


How do you spell integrity?



Edit* Strange that he admitted it, not that he did it.

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, BookmanBkk said:

What's the inside scoop here?

The circumstances surrounding the stabbing of Geelong midfielder Jack Steven remain murky after the star's admission to ­hospital with a stab wound to the chest.

The club confirmed Steven was recovering in hospital on Sunday but officials still haven't been able to ascertain what led to the shock incident.

According to The Herald Sun, an intoxicated Steven was unable to shed any light on the matter when visited by police.

It's understood Steven twice refused to tell investigators who was responsible for the stabbing.

Even though the injury isn't believed to be serious, Geelong is concerned about the star because of a serious battle with mental illness over recent years.



  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, Will27 said:

Was listening to the You Cannot be serious podcast this morning.

The guest was Robbo.


Found it strange to say the least that Mike Sheahan said to Robbo when picking his

top 50 players "If it was a lineball decision between an interstate player and a Victorian, I

would pick the Victorian for commercial reasons".


How do you spell integrity?



Edit* Strange that he admitted it, not that he did it.


You have witnessed him on that tv show hes on...think he writes for the Sun too so you have it in a nutshell.....i personaly find him offensive to watch and anything that comes out of his dribble lips i tune out... and im a Vic....and dont get me going about his suck up my backside side kick on that show hes on tooooooo


Id like to know how he even managed to get on the telly....like who's picutres in a comprimising situation does he have?

  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

Would have thought he would want to get it off his chest ... ????

Told ya....he was up to no good ...the intoxicated bit just poped out of the blue.....soon we be hearing he was with the Lorne mafia in a pizza shop with more than the 10 customers ....and training starts today, obviously wasnt in the mood to go...

  • Haha 1
17 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

4712 posts....and i never ever thought id live that long.........can i get to 5000 by july?

It will be easier for you if you keep the posts brief ????

  • Like 1

Awwww im bored today........ so....https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/18/politics/donald-trump-james-woods-2020-reelection/index.html Trump and why hes a winner in nutshell....... Vain Insensitive and Raw....82% over 14% thought he could get the job done over Hillary and there probably right....most US presidents pretty much dont ruffle feathers but then again they dont bring the economy close to its knees like he did with the trade <deleted> last year....remember folks he has the keys to that red button....there hasn't been an assassination attempt over there for along time....do you think?


They don t have a sense of humour in Sth Korea....FC Seoul to get some bums on seats in there second game of a relaunched season had lined the stands with sex dolls.....fully clothed of course....though some of these femme were revealing....you know sexy.....some people....and thats a song you know....some people were a bit taken back when they realised the placards held up by some of these dolls were holding were  advertising the sex doll manufacturer....https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/18/football/fc-seoul-sex-dolls-apology-scli-intl-spt/index.html ....i dont know...whats so wrong about that? the footy club said sorry all the way to the bank....wont happen again.....what a shame....watch out now...im sure some clubs are going to think about a solution to empty stands ....like we can have 20,000 Bookman faces around the Gabba.....and a few of that mut champ....


And in more feel good news this morning Moose the dog has been given an honorary degree at Virgina tech.... https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/05/18/therapy-dog-doctor-degree-graduation-virginia-tech-eg-orig.cnn only in American can your dog have a better education that the coloured people in your street.... Trumps America....with disinfectant rushing off the supermarket shelves.....I seen a few hillbilly movies in my time....Moose dont look to cleaver by the way hence the hillbilly reference.....


Kim does not get my juices flowing....her back side is way to wide for my tastes.... https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/kim-kardashian-skims-face-masks-intl-scli/index.html cashing in on the latest craze....masks.... well im sure someone just uses her for a front I doubt shes ever worked a day in her life with a backside like that....good idea they get her down to a few Eagles training sessions too work some of it off.....


And you guys get one of these....2 stacked together can make a double bed......has lift up for the head doubles for your showing at your funeral as well....a bed that becomes your coffin when you leave the material world....save your mrs the agony of having someone come collect you on your passing....just press a button and it will lower and cover you just like as if you were in a convertible.....so easy and and time saving, you can stay at home till its time to burn your mortal bones to ash....buy a jumbo and get your dog to go with you.... https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/05/18/colombia-coffin-shortage-coronavirus-pkg-vpx.cnn its marvellous world we live in.....life changing gadgets that save us plenty....


Soviet love....the Truth about the way the Russians love......see it....they maybe spunky at 19 but wait till they hit 45....I can understand why the men turn to vodka within 10 years of marriage.... https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p08d65h9/how-russians-experience-love anyway this is a fascinating inside to love on a cold rock.....yep its frigging freezing up there.... ho and Russian women and most from near by are pretty much like Thai....very traditional in the sense that you pay all the way....they also go down hill a lot quicker.....so obviously not a good investment....single is good.....men just need a poke every now and then....


And on a brighter note....Hogan is back.... https://www.afl.com.au/news/434835/gun-docker-back-on-the-track-after-mental-health-break he may look like a man but give him a break hes been through a bit last few years....of course screw up again and your like poo kid.....


Joe is unlikely to play again hes looking for a trade to the Bondi surf club.... https://www.afl.com.au/news/434841/-a-fair-way-off-doubt-continues-over-star-bomber-s-return-to-footy I know Books would be drooling to get him up there....great player thats only ever put in a season....worth a 5th round pic at best now days...


Nathan Jones had a few words the other day in the Age...and not very convincing either, them Dees talk bullocks all the time...lets see the color of your money honey, would be nice if he could break into the 300 club, would only be the second at Deeland....and hes not without a shot at breaking Neitz you know that overated captain we once had games record....


And to end the program with some light humour...... https://www.afl.com.au/news/434584/another-ramsgate-power-fuming-over-sharing-hotel-with-crows Hinkley and the Power are most unhappy about having to share a free long term resort up there on the Gold Coast somewhere with the cousins the Crows....like hey your not at war with them....and you know they do have seperate bedrooms.....and its likely more than one swimming pool..... I dont know.....didnt hear any grumblings from them western boys did we.....South Aussies...I been over there...believe me you wouldn't  want to get caught dead in SA.....they go shopping when they head to Melbourne for a game....

  • Thanks 1
40 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

....like we can have 20,000 Bookman faces around the Gabba.....and a few of that mut champ....



It would be a good way to increase the number of female viewers 

  • Like 1
24 minutes ago, BookmanBkk said:

It would be a good way to increase the number of female viewers 

You or the pooch?

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Will27 said:

Sydney dodged a bullet methinks.


Worsfold’s shift on Daniher as Bomber great explains ‘real concerns’



What you really mean there old WILL.....was.......how dumb were the Bombers not trading in the first place.....


You dont need to suck up to the 3 Swannies here mate....

  • Haha 1

And with the season just moments away....should I pay my $25 a month to watch more <deleted> from the Dee's?


I dont think sooooo it will take a bit of a decent run on for me to fork out some mula this time.....Books WILL have to teach me again how to watch for free, it was a real bother when I tired in the past but gees that mob, they aint worth a punk just yet.....

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