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I recently got myself a premium, patched 360 here in Bangkok. I’d heard a few people say that patched 360s don’t go on LIVE, which I’m convinced now just isn’t true because I have a Gold account now.

Xbox doesn’t have any LIVE servers in Thailand, and I think that is affecting my connection speed big time. The main reason I got a 360 was to play games like Gears of War and soon Halo 3 online with my friends back in America, and I was so excited when I read on this site that people were playing their xbox on LIVE. The problem is, I cannot connect to any of my friends’ games! Maybe I connected to one out of ten, and was dropped minutes later. It’s also hard to play in any games, it’s normal for me to get booted because of my slow connection speed, or not even find any games to begin with!

When setting up my Gold membership, I picked ‘Singapore’ as my country, since it’s close, What are your experiences with Xbox Live? Is there anything I can do about my connection speed? I don’t know who my ISP is, I just pay 500 baht extra on my rent bill for DSL in my apartment, but it’s fast. Are there ways of filtering my searches and connecting with others playing in Thailand?

Gamer Tag- Kelly Rippa


Sounds like its a router problem rather than a connection quality, when you test your internet connection settings on the xbox what does it say regarding NAT, If it says strict or moderate, then that is your problem.

I can play people in the UK and the US fine, however I cannot connect to my brithers xbix360 3 miles down the road.

Sounds like its a router problem rather than a connection quality, when you test your internet connection settings on the xbox what does it say regarding NAT, If it says strict or moderate, then that is your problem.

I can play people in the UK and the US fine, however I cannot connect to my brithers xbix360 3 miles down the road.

I should check that out, I'm guessing I want it set to moderate if it's not right? Phasey I don't have R6 Vegas yet, but send me a friend invite, I'll get it soon.


add you it nat i bet i had truble with netgear routers i have 3 xbox 360 all with live on same router and none thim cude conect to ech other netgear roters suck


I got a 360 but havent got Live yet, there's a nice boxed set I saw at a mall near me which was1 year membership plus an original copy of Halo 2 for 2,500 baht. Thing is tho Im afraid to get it because the internet connection in my apartment sucks. I pay like 600 baht a month for ADSL (or whatever it is), it often disconnects and/or goes slow. I might get live and then find it's impossible to get on then Im stuck with it....anyone else got this situation?

On a more positive note me and my mate have been playing Live down at an internet cafe where they have 360's all the games are copied and they usually work ok (so far we've played R6, Gears and Graw). We always get the red ping dot on R6 so we often get booted from games by those goddamn ping facists with there ping snobbery and when we do get in there is a bit of lag but we still have fun....

If anyone wants to add us the profiles we use there are 'BONUS1' and 'BONUS2'


...get booted from games by those goddamn ping facists with there ping snobbery...

ha ha ha ha, I know the feeling. I also pay my apartment for DSL, it's not bad though, just unreliable. WHen I download torrents I can get up to 40 kbs total on average, which aint too bad.

It's times like now, when I'm rarely on LIVE, that I wish it was pay by the hour, rater than by the month or year. XBOX is launching the 360 officially in China this April, they haven't until now because of bootleggers, I'm pretty sure another XBOX LIVE server will go up to. You'd think they'd make enough money on consoles and the XBOX LIVE accounts to launch officially here in Bangkok.

If I don't have this 'crappy connection' thing figured out by the time Halo 3 comes out, I'm gonna go nuts.


Not sure what most people are talking about when they are going on about xbox live servers, games are hosted on PLAYERS machines not on some dedicated server, the live service acts as a matchmaking service but on 80-90% of the games one of the players is a host.

The ping is based on m/s ping to the server, who are mostly in the states - hence the orange and red status, I play my friend in the UK on red and get a perfect game, after all 180 m/s constant on a good connection is often better than 50 m/s on a bad one.


About servers, I honestly have no idea. All I know is that XBOX says they provide XBOX Live service to 24 countries or so, and Thailand isn't one of them. The provide 'service' to Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan(I think) and S. Korea. Since I can still connect to xbox live in Thailand, I have no idea what 'service' means. All I know is that my connection sucks ha ha. But about this, I have no idea really.

SOmeone said something about my NAT settings maybe being set to strict rather than open.....how do I change this? I tried to do it through the settings on my xbox and couldn't find that option anywhere.


Hi. I seem to have the same problem here. I'm sure it's a router problem now. I was wondering, could you let me know what routers you are using, without problems, so I can replace my old one? Thanks. I'm glad asctually cause now I know I can sort the problem out.


My 360 is wired as follows:

360 -> macbook -> wireless airport(NAT) -> broadband unit -> isp -> more NAT -> internet.

sounds complicated but works fine. there are two NAT translations going on there with no problems.


I guess it would also depend on how fast your internet connection is. I'm using the 2.5 mbit line, and for the the most part, I haven't had much trouble with lag/disconnection. It's obviously not going to be as fast as it would be in say Europe or America, but it's playable. GoW is laggy wherever you play it apparently. I've played lost planet on live with a small amount of lag. Winning Eleven was pretty much lag free.


Hey all,

I was in Emporium in BKK the other day and bought a 'modded' Xbox. However, when I try to go on Xbox Live it says it needs to download an update, but then it fails. Anyone know what the deal is? Is it possible because the Xbox is modded I can't download the Xbox Live Update?

Also, can I play copied/fake games on Xbox Live, or will this be detected by Microsoft?

Alsssooooo, where do you guys buy real/legit Xbox games in Bangkok? I spent all day going from Siam Paragon/Discovery/Centre to MBK to Panthip Plaza and couldn't find any.

As a sidenote, for those whose internet connection sucks... I am on TOT and it sucked for me too... very slow. My thai gf called TOT and they told her that the regular (500-1000 baht/month) deal is very slow and they told her a lot of people upgrade to 2-4MB package. The 2MB package costs 4000 baht, put I tried it out and it is WAY faster and better connection... for those who care about speed and connectivity it may be worth the expense.




We can't discuss copyrighted content here but M$ are able to detect a modified Xbox and content on live and that will earn you a lifetime ban at minimum.

There are however alternative 100% legal methods for free online play with your Xbox, PS2, PSP, and Game Cube (although it doesnt work so well for Ninty products) namely gaming tunnels.

Tunnels trick the system link functionality of the console into thinking that its playing on a local LAN when they are in fact playing over the internet.

There are three but of these I would only recommend one, it works great, its free of charge, no spyware / malware of any kind (I have been using it for 3 years) and it has a great community, that is www.teamxlink.co.uk

Also if you must

www.xbconnect.com (hordes of screaming kids)

www.gamespy.com (spyware alert)


Hey, a couple of things aren't correct. Basically microsoft aren't banning anyone with a 360 from live....yet (not like xbox 1). You can still play on xbox live with a modded xbox 360 and with backed up discs without problems, check this out for more details -


Also, improving your internet package won't neccasarily improve your live connection. This is because live is dependant on your upload speed, not your download speed (check it out on the net). I used to have a true connection (2500 dl/ 512 upload), and now I have a TOT connection, as i moved house and that is all i could get. My new speed is (1052dl/512upload). So basically its a lot slower for downloading and stuff, but the live connection has not been affected.

After reading the beginning of this post, I am now sure I have been having problems because of my router which reads NAT - strict on the xbox live connection settings menu, and I will get a new compatible one shortly. I get lag free games sometimes, but it is a bit hit and miss, usually within Thialand it is fine. On winning eleven, you can see the opposing players connection bars so I just play anyone who has 3 full bars - always perfect connection.

Also, i've downloaded loads of updates, and nothings changed, but these are what worry me, in case the next one is going to terminate my live contract.


You should open some ports when using a router. List below

Port: 1900

Naam: UPnP Framework

Protocol: UDP

Scope: My network (subnet) only

Port: 2290

Naam: Remote Media Center Experience

Protocol: TCP

Scope: Any computer (including those on the Internet)

Port: 3376

Naam: Media Center Extender Service

Protocol: UDP

Scope: Any computer (including those on the Internet)

Port: 5555

Naam: Media Streaming (Media Connect)

Protocol: TCP

Scope: My network (subnet) only

Port: 7777

Naam: Network Validation

Protocol: UDP

Scope: My network (subnet) only

Port: 88

Naam: Xbox Live 1

Protocol: TCP / UDP

Scope: Any computer (including those on the Internet)

Port: 3074

Naam: Xbox Live 2

Protocol: TCP /UDP

Scope: Any computer (including those on the Internet)

port forwarding http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm

Most routers work just fine with xbox live.

Hey, a couple of things aren't correct. Basically microsoft aren't banning anyone with a 360 from live....yet (not like xbox 1). You can still play on xbox live with a modded xbox 360 and with backed up discs without problems, check this out for more details -


Also, improving your internet package won't neccasarily improve your live connection. This is because live is dependant on your upload speed, not your download speed (check it out on the net). I used to have a true connection (2500 dl/ 512 upload), and now I have a TOT connection, as i moved house and that is all i could get. My new speed is (1052dl/512upload). So basically its a lot slower for downloading and stuff, but the live connection has not been affected.

After reading the beginning of this post, I am now sure I have been having problems because of my router which reads NAT - strict on the xbox live connection settings menu, and I will get a new compatible one shortly. I get lag free games sometimes, but it is a bit hit and miss, usually within Thialand it is fine. On winning eleven, you can see the opposing players connection bars so I just play anyone who has 3 full bars - always perfect connection.

Also, i've downloaded loads of updates, and nothings changed, but these are what worry me, in case the next one is going to terminate my live contract.

Yeah I was referring to the Xbox not the 360 which as far as Im aware is fine with Live. Modded Xboxes are not however but xlink is a great way to play online with these for free but it does not with 360's as system link for the 360 has an inherent ping limit of approximately 33ms which effecitively killed tunnelling for this system.

On a more positive note me and my mate have been playing Live down at an internet cafe where they have 360's all the games are copied and they usually work ok (so far we've played R6, Gears and Graw).

Hey Dave, just wondering where this net cafe is. I would like to try that. I tried playing on Live when I was in Bkk, but I had KSC Buddy Broadband and lag times were terrible. Made it impossible to play with friends in the US, since we like snipers in Halo 2 a lot, and the lag was killing our teamwork. Now I am in Saraburi on LAN, and it does not work at all. I do enjoy Live though, and would like to give that net cafe a go when I come to Bkk on the weekends.

Thanks, Clint

  • 4 years later...

--- Bumping the thread! ----

This thread is from 2007, but how is Xbox live in Thailand these days?.. Is it any better?

I live in Bangkok and I have a very stable high speed connection from ToT. I want to play Gears of War and Halo with my brother who live in

Sweden. Will it be playable or will lag and high latency kill all the fun?

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