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Horrible Allergies


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i have never had allergies before in my life but suddenly i have them so badly that i am perpetually swollen up with stuffy, drippy nose and itching eyes. i have been taking zyrtec but it seems to have stopped working. it's very difficult to control where i live as it's far from civilization. it's to the point where i am thinking i might need to see an allergist and get shots... can anyone recommend an allergist in either koh samui or bangkok? thx

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I don't know any allergists to recommend, but I can recommend some things to try with your medication in this order: increase the dosage of the zyrtec; add a decongestant such as actifed or sudafed; use a powdered mucolytic (acetylcysteine) once or more times a day; and finally, if things are really desperate use a nasal spray. Then when you've reached the level where your symptoms are well cleared up, decrease the dosages of the previous in the opposite order until you experience problems again; then adjust as necessary. The air seems to be bad all over Thailand just now; all of us allergy sufferers are praying for the rain to come!


P.S. Make sure, too, that you don't have a sinus infection- your nasal drainage should be uniformly clear, except maybe for a little yellow in the morning, otherwise you really do need to see a doc for the proper antibiotic (don't try to self medicate for that, please).

Shots can help, but they're a long-term approach- they won't give you any short term relief. What the doc prescribes will be more or less what I've suggested above under whatever brand names he chooses.

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I have been using Zyrtec for the last few years. It does very little to help my allergies. The only thing I ever found that worked for me was Claritin but that was when you could get it from the doctor. Now, the over the counter stuff doesn't seem effective.

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I am sure Bangkok Samui hospital in Koh Samui, has a allergist. At least I knew of one about six months ago. There are couple of more international hospitals like SIH and the other I forgot the name, should have allegist.

Increasing dosage for anti histamine or anti allergy medication is not the solution. You need to find out what you are allergic to. It is possible that you may bot be allergic, its just the tropical syndrome, that affects many who are not used to humidity, dust, warmth of this region.

Hope the information helps. :o

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Finding out what you are allergic to is critical. You can't eliminate or reduce your exposure to it if you don't know what it is. If it is airborne, like pollen, an air cleaner, HEPA filter variety, not a cheap one, will help a great deal, even if you only

create 1 "clean room" and then sleep in that room.

Allergies are strange in that they are cumulative. Let's say you are allergic to two kinds of pollen, and your symptoms are mild. Then your neighbor plants one of those plants. Suddenly you have symptoms far beyond just the increase in pollen level for that plant; you are now reacting to two other plants that normally don't affect you at all in addition to the reaction to the ones you are always allergic to. This is why reducing the "allergy load" is important. You don't want your poor overstressed immune system running amok reacting to everything.

For me, the move to Thailand has improved my allergies a lot. I am no longer exposed to the dust and allergens in the dust that I was in my carpeted home in the US. I no longer have as much exposure to mildew, especially. (think dank basement laundry room and the furnace/AC fan sucking up that mildew-laden air and spewing it at me all year)

For you, the move to Thailand has exacerbated your allergies. Did you have AC before, but now you use fans? Are you outdoors a lot more? Look at your new exposures to try to narrow down the possible allergens.

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See a good allergist. Bumrungrad Hospital has an allergy clinic with some internationally trained allergists on staff. As Cathy said, you need to find out what it is you are allergic to. Depedning on what that proves to bem, yoyu might be able to avoid the allergen, you might be a candidtae for desensitization ("allergy shots") or it might be amenable to medication.

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And from someone who has recently been treated for allergies


Like you I sudenly started to develop allergies, I'm of course assuming that it allegies, but I'll come to that.

I went from being a pro-am cyclist regularly racing in Europe to being unable to climb a flight of stairs due to difficulty breathing.

Almost as bad, I suffered years of misdiagnosis.

Last year I had a full allergy check, which in itself took four visits to the Allergy Consultant, blood tests etc.

Having correctly identified my allergy I was then started on 'Allergy Imunisation', a regular course of injections under my skin (Not into blood!) of the allergens that where effecting me.

These started off with a minute dose of a very weak solution, which was increased in quantity and concentration over several months of weekly treatments.

Six months after starting this treatment I'm really feeling a huge improvement in what have been debilitating symptoms.

There are some cautions though. The treatment does require monitoring by someone who really understands and can deal with allergic shock. Small numbers of people have severe reactions to this treatment, so its not something you can do at your local doctors, you almost certainly need access to a full medical staff incase of a severe reaction.

But as I say, it has paid dividends.

What I would absolutely caution against is taking quick fix treatments that deal with the symptoms but not the root causes of the allergy.

That said, as a general precuation, it might be a good idea to change your pillow for a brand new one, and sit down and have a think, is there anything you have changed recently that could have brought this on? (Shampoo/Washing Agents/Household Products/Medication).

The problem I had, was that once my allergy was triggered, it didn't need much to keep it going or set it off.

Chase it down and get it sorted.

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My advice to girlx was intended to be very short term. Of course she should get longer-term advice- but clearing up the nose so she could function should be the first short term goal, lest it lead to other complications. Identifying the allergen and taking shots take a fairly long time to pay off.

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My advice to girlx was intended to be very short term. Of course she should get longer-term advice- but clearing up the nose so she could function should be the first short term goal, lest it lead to other complications. Identifying the allergen and taking shots take a fairly long time to pay off.

I think I may have found the source of my allergy problems (after MONTHS of dealing with congestion phlegm etc .....

I know I am allergic to some molds and mildews but my house is clean etc .... so I thought .. well I live across from an open field etc. !!

Now it appears to be the water tank and lines into the house ... I am having them treated this weekend! (Those not on decent city water might get this ... chances are if you don't have a tank etc ..... you won't

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hmm i think my allergies have to do with 1- all the crap they burn around my house constantly floating in the air, 2- dust, 3- cigarette smoke, and 4- something in my bed. that's what i have narrowed it down to. i will buy a new pillow next time i am in town, and try the symptoms quick fix... can anyone recommend a place i can get an air filter in or around koh samui? also if it dosn't get better i will go to bumungrad next time i am in bangkok and get the allergy tests. thanks!

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My advice to girlx was intended to be very short term. Of course she should get longer-term advice- but clearing up the nose so she could function should be the first short term goal, lest it lead to other complications. Identifying the allergen and taking shots take a fairly long time to pay off.

I think I may have found the source of my allergy problems (after MONTHS of dealing with congestion phlegm etc .....

I know I am allergic to some molds and mildews but my house is clean etc .... so I thought .. well I live across from an open field etc. !!

Now it appears to be the water tank and lines into the house ... I am having them treated this weekend! (Those not on decent city water might get this ... chances are if you don't have a tank etc ..... you won't

Good point, JD- any idea how old the tank/lines are in your house? I have a friend who lives in semi-rural community and has had big problems with allergies even though he cleans & filters and everything... another thing to suggest for him to check.

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See a good allergist. Bumrungrad Hospital has an allergy clinic with some internationally trained allergists on staff. As Cathy said, you need to find out what it is you are allergic to. Depedning on what that proves to bem, yoyu might be able to avoid the allergen, you might be a candidtae for desensitization ("allergy shots") or it might be amenable to medication.

I was at Bumrungrad Hospital. They gave me 3 kind of tablet and told me to go home. I told them, they should test what I am allergic at and the female doc told me thats not important, as the tablets will fix it anyway. I should have eaten them till the end of my life.

they found out that I am allergic against house dust mite (hope spelling is right) (I have some doubts if she didn't mix the two points.

Anyway they just tested 6-8 different things (I recall as child I got once tested and they tested 20 or more things), the test kit was in poor condition. As well they told me that allergies against polen does not exist at all in thailand.

Anyway I changed house, with everywhere clean and it is gone.

Point is: it might be necessary to consult different hospitals/doctors. And also try to find out yourself. Like if it is better in Bangkok (center) it might be polen, if you have it on the open water on a boat, it might be something complete different and so on.....

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hmm i think my allergies have to do with 1- all the crap they burn around my house constantly floating in the air, 2- dust, 3- cigarette smoke, and 4- something in my bed. that's what i have narrowed it down to. i will buy a new pillow next time i am in town, and try the symptoms quick fix... can anyone recommend a place i can get an air filter in or around koh samui? also if it dosn't get better i will go to bumungrad next time i am in bangkok and get the allergy tests. thanks!

Pets can be also a reason. Cats/ Dogs, Mice, Rats. A hiding rat, you might don't even know about it can half kill you if you are allergic.

Also what some people don't think of: Washing powder which remains in the clothes can cause big problems.

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  • 1 month later...
I was at Bumrungrad Hospital. They gave me 3 kind of tablet and told me to go home. I told them, they should test what I am allergic at and the female doc told me thats not important, as the tablets will fix it anyway. I should have eaten them till the end of my life.

they found out that I am allergic against house dust mite (hope spelling is right) (I have some doubts if she didn't mix the two points.

Anyway they just tested 6-8 different things (I recall as child I got once tested and they tested 20 or more things), the test kit was in poor condition. As well they told me that allergies against polen does not exist at all in thailand.

Anyway I changed house, with everywhere clean and it is gone.

Point is: it might be necessary to consult different hospitals/doctors. And also try to find out yourself. Like if it is better in Bangkok (center) it might be polen, if you have it on the open water on a boat, it might be something complete different and so on.....

I had the same stupid thing happening to me at the Bangkok International Hospital. They just want to make money so they gave me 5 different tabletts and said i should come back in a week then they will give me other tabletts and then a week later I could come and do the test. Im really annoyed how terrible such doctors act. Making money is more important than helping the patients. I cant recommend this Hospital at all, the Doctor even didnt know what Thyroxin is a really common hormon I have to take for my Thyranoid. I was with my Thai wife and she translated everything but didnt help.

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  • 11 years later...



You need to get checked out if you've tried everything. I got tesed in my home country a few years ago thinking that I'd need shots, turned out I had a deviated septum from a bone spur that had to be operated on, asthma (that my doctor years ago claimed I had grown out of) and a high histamine reaction (meaning I'm not really allergic to anything but I'll reach to most things mildly). So now I have a rescue inhaler and I take similar Singular for Asthma and Zyrtec for allergies because it works differently than Singular. I was talking Flonase for a few years but was developing ulcers in my nose and getting nose bleeds so now I rely on Afrin as needed. 

The point is Dr. Google doesn't really have an PHD so please go see a real doctor. They not only diagnosed me, they got me the right medicine so I wasn't taking things unnecessarily and they ruled out things like bacteria and viruses.

It's also nice to have the after under control, I don't sigh all the time, or wake up feeling like I'm dying. Lots of benefits!

Good luck ????

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