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Robbed in Bangkok in Broad Daylight


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9 minutes ago, WorriedNoodle said:

Probably because it's full of holes. How can anyone respond to this thread without knowing the facts from both sides? At the least we need webcam footage from you or you are wasting your/our time.

I was simply asking what others would have done in this situation. 

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27 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Op, under your admission you were not paying attention when realizing that instead of remaining in the right hand lane you needed to switch across to the left lane. 


Thus, it's a fair assumption that you had not noticed the unbroken line and crossed it. 


This is a common money maker for the Police.


Thus: No one is going to be able to prove you right or wrong on whether or not there was an unbroken line or not and as you mentioned there are lots of junctions along On-Nut road so we'd be guessing which one. 


Therefore, to place your mind at rest can you go on to Google Maps and take a look at the specific junction and you will see whether or not you made a mistake (perhaps post the junction as I have below). 


I post two examples below, not of where I suspect your junction is, but examples of the solid white line which you may not have noticed and crossed by mistake.




Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 16.34.51.png

Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 16.36.16.png


Haha, good idea!


Ive got much better things to do today to be honest although I might give it a try later when I put my ThaiVisa Police hat on.


Although those images are not the junctions in question and do not have the bumper to bumper traffic obscuring all road markings either.



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500 is too much. I once did a u-turn on a busy downtown road. Cop waved me over, took my license and motioned to follow him to the box. In Thai he said 500 or 1500. I said how about 200. After I gave him a Wi and said please I've not had my dinner yet, he agreed. I handed him a 500 baht bill.  He went outside, broke the bill with his buddy and gave me back 300. Then went on my way and never done another u-turn since. 

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17 hours ago, NightSky said:

My question again was, what would you have done

same as you... paid and gone on my way... 


back in my home country the police hide in the bushes along the highway on a downhill slope where the speed limit drops... and they get far more than 500 baht for each speeder... 

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3 hours ago, Benroon said:

Coming from the UK if every time I committed a minor infringement on the road I simply had to hand over 500baht and be on my way I would love that system.

I agree - what I object to though, and to date have always refused, is when you have not committed an offence and you're simply being scammed.


Driving on the tollway with a Thai passenger many years ago, I noticed a cop look at me then speak into his radio at a toll.  Having seen this several times before I told my passenger we would be pulled over at the next toll.  "How do you know?" she said........just wait I replied.


Sure enough - pulled over at the next toll.  My crime? (this one spoke English) - "you go too fast".  I asked him where his evidence was, where was the camera or speed detection system. "OK, we go see big boss".  I agreed, asked my passenger to get out of the car and locked it up.  Completely bamboozled by this smart ass farang the officer said "OK but cha cha na".


I'm all for a simplified system but I aint paying a single baht if I've done nothing wrong.


I don't know whether its a result of having a military government but apart from the usual road blocks where I've always been waved through, I haven't been stopped for years.

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Many years ago returning from Siam Country Club I made an illegal "U" turn. Young cop came over and I showed my Thai License. He seemed confused but as the Sergeant started walking over I attached 300 Baht to my license, he looked at it, handed me back

my license minus the 300 Baht and I was on my way. Couple of years ago I began a right turn and didn't see the red and while blockage triangles. There were several police at the site so I got a written ticket. Before I could pull out my handy 500 baht, the officer had written the ticket and pointed up the road indicating where the Police station was located. No more tickets and I don't drive any more, old age.

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20 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

You posted, you didn’t want official points on your licence so you took 500 baht into the police box.

You didn’t want points so you walked in with the sole intention of offering a bribe. They accepted now your claiming you where robbed. If he’d refused the bribe and thrown your ass in jail you’d also be complaining. Be thankful your not locked up or deported. 


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9 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

What’s wrong? I didn’t change your post I merely quoted what you did. You however are trying to make out your a saint and the evil bib robbed you. You broke the law twice, first traffic violation, second offering a bribe. Get over yourself for goodness sake. 

Im not making anything out ????


Read the post again, I simply shared a story and asked what others would do in this situation.

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2 minutes ago, Benroon said:

Not going too well is it OP and there was you expecting loads of sympathy bless - you’re having a bad day on here when you can’t even get the hordes of anti Thais onside !!





Im having a great day amazed at how many comments a short story can attract, my dear troll friend


PS - I love Thai people Im married to one and I dont expect any sympathy, I was asking what others would do in a certain situation.


Don't twist the story.

Edited by NightSky
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4 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

Your post falsely states Robbed in Bangkok in broad daylight. 

Change it to the truth.

Paid a bribe in Bangkok in broad daylight. 



no need this isn't your courtroom

Edited by NightSky
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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

I agree - what I object to though, and to date have always refused, is when you have not committed an offence and you're simply being scammed.


Driving on the tollway with a Thai passenger many years ago, I noticed a cop look at me then speak into his radio at a toll.  Having seen this several times before I told my passenger we would be pulled over at the next toll.  "How do you know?" she said........just wait I replied.


Sure enough - pulled over at the next toll.  My crime? (this one spoke English) - "you go too fast".  I asked him where his evidence was, where was the camera or speed detection system. "OK, we go see big boss".  I agreed, asked my passenger to get out of the car and locked it up.  Completely bamboozled by this smart ass farang the officer said "OK but cha cha na".


I'm all for a simplified system but I aint paying a single baht if I've done nothing wrong.


I don't know whether its a result of having a military government but apart from the usual road blocks where I've always been waved through, I haven't been stopped for years.

This happened to me once on the tollway. Saw a cop on the tollway with a radar gun. I was actually going slow and saw him go on his radio. Cop just before the toll stopped me and said I was speeding. I said no I wasn't how fast was I going. He say 121km. I said no way I want to see the picture. He radios his buddy.  He says I was going 105. I said "go hoak" in a very bold move. He waved me on. Could have ended badly but I guess it wasn't worth his energy. 

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20 hours ago, NightSky said:

No I asked how much the fine was for doing nothing wrong and they replied 500baht, interpret that how you may, but what would you have done?

Changing lanes without indicators is Bt 500 fine. What's the problem? 

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22 minutes ago, CGW said:

The only thing you did wrong IMO is you should have bartered - they would have taken 200 ????

Believe me, I am a fellow "briber" 

Always blame your wife for rushing you. Works in Thai anyway, though the wife should be warned..

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13 minutes ago, RBOP said:

This happened to me once on the tollway. Saw a cop on the tollway with a radar gun. I was actually going slow and saw him go on his radio. Cop just before the toll stopped me and said I was speeding. I said no I wasn't how fast was I going. He say 121km. I said no way I want to see the picture. He radios his buddy.  He says I was going 105. I said "go hoak" in a very bold move. He waved me on. Could have ended badly but I guess it wasn't worth his energy. 

You told a cop he was a liar. "Courageous." He probably didn't understand your mangled Thai.

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19 hours ago, NightSky said:

Haha there were no lines visible and from memory it’s normal for traffic to change lanes at the junction all the time.


I wasn’t asking for a driving lesson I’ve been driving almost 30 years and I have 4 driving licence types, I was asking what you would do when attempted to be intimidated by armed police and asked to pay a bribe for commiting no offence.

Well pay the 500 Bahts, and get on with a sunny day in LOS. If paying a small tip for getting on with a cool day makes you lose your composure, you'd better leave this planet.

Edited by Momofarang
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The OP seems way too shocked that such an incident could happen in Thailand. Dude, this is the norm. And based on your description of your driving maneuver, I think you actually did violate a lane-change law. I don't feel that you paid a bribe. As a former motorbike rider, I stopped counting after reaching 200 police stops with cash payments, never felt like a bribe.


Thailand is not a place where you cannot be both right and happy, you must choose one or the other. 

Edited by MiNombreEsFicticious
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Incidently, don't be too intimidated by them having guns, these aren't US police with the full backing of their government for shooting anyone, you're a farang, possibly an important person as far as the BIB are concerned as long as you don't physically threaten them they're not going to shoot you...

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