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How Thais test their luck – twice a month


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I watch them "test their luck twice" a day, maybe even more while out on the road. If I survived as many attempts at suicide that they do every day, I would play the lottery too ????

Edited by ocddave
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On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 8:39 AM, wgdanson said:

No, read the rules. It says specifically that you are eligible.

I do it but have never won YET!

Under £50k they will pay out automatically to your NL account. Over that, it is by hand.

On the contrary, The National Lottery rules specifically state that players must be physically located in the UK...

Players must be 16 or over and physically located in the UK or Isle of Man.


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49 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

If it's found that you're not physically located in the UK, and don't think that checks won't be made, you will not be eligible for a prize. 

From National Lottery website


Someone with a regular National Lottery account funded by direct debit will still see their numbers entered while overseas.

However, they will have to be in the UK or Isle of Man when setting up their account in the first place, and also when making any changes to it, such as buying extra tickets or changing their lottery numbers.

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47 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

"an absolute rip off"

A potential B3,000,000 for an B80 stake?  What sort of "rip-off" do you see there?


"someone somewhere is on a good one"

Well, you right there, the government and the charities! But, then, that's the idea of a national lottery, to make a profit!


"i would rather put my money on shergar winning next years Derby".

You've got a strange understanding of odds, you'd prefer to have no chance of winning as opposed to a some chance?  Brilliant.

A potential of 3 million for 80 baht.uk a potential of sometimes 30-50 times that for the same stake.£2 could land you £25 million or even more.plus the Thai lotto has more punters than the uk.

its nothing more than a mugs game and has ruined many a good relationship and lives in Thailand.that is why they have the black lotto in Thailand as there is better odds than the government run scam.

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48 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

A potential of 3 million for 80 baht.uk a potential of sometimes 30-50 times that for the same stake.£2 could land you £25 million or even more.plus the Thai lotto has more punters than the uk.

its nothing more than a mugs game and has ruined many a good relationship and lives in Thailand.that is why they have the black lotto in Thailand as there is better odds than the government run scam.

UK lottery statistics are irrelevant and do not affect Thai players' odds.


It is no more a mug's game than anywhere else, lottery-winning odds are always astronomical regardless of the country and the underground lotto here does not make any guarantees; players can be arrested, operators can be arrested and winnings are subject to the illegal operator actually paying out.  That won't happen with the official lottery neither will anyone win B3m for B80 underground!   And, obviously, more players lose than win on the underground lottery also.


The government lottery is not a scam, to say that it is a scam, with empirical evidence that it is not, is ridiculous beyond belief but typical of a Thai-basher.

Edited by Just Weird
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12 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

UK lottery statistics are irrelevant and do not affect Thai players' odds.


It is no more a mug's game than anywhere else, lottery-winning odds are always astronomical regardless of the country and the underground lotto here does not make any guarantees; players can be arrested, operators can be arrested and winnings are subject to the illegal operator actually paying out.  That won't happen with the official lottery neither will anyone win B3m for B80 underground!   And, obviously, more players lose than win on the underground lottery also.


The government lottery is not a scam, to say that it is a scam, with empirical evidence that it is not, is ridiculous beyond belief but typical of a Thai-basher.

Seems always there is one person in a bunch who thinks casinos are scammers Lottories are  scammers and everything's are scammers and they got it all worked out


Unless the odds are rigged or numbers are rigged or there is no prize it's not a scam


It's up to people to decide if they want to partake in it


 when are the odds in a foreign country are better or worse has nothing to do with it

Edited by hellohello123
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19 hours ago, Just Weird said:

You categorically stated that you are "not allowed to partake in the UK lottery as I live in Thailand; same with the state pension"...  

Because you said that you were not allowed to participate in the state pension, same as the UK lottery, I assumed that you hadn't paid contributions because not paying contributions is the only way that would not allow you "to participate in the state pension". 


Perhaps you shouldn't have said that you're not allowed to partake in the state pension when you actually are.

Sorry I should have said 'I am not eligible for cost of living raises to the state pension because I live in Thailand'.

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Continuing from my earlier post (11) .......


Yesterday my gf chose her carefully thought out numbers, about 10 entries and paid the local 'agent' 210 Baht.


This morning (the day of the draw) the 'agent' and all other agents, returned any stakes made on the number 10 saying they would not be covered. My immediate reaction was 'unfair rigged odds'.


Turns out there is a sole village  'kingpin' behind this lottery and all the agents are on a commission but he pockets the majority. Let's just say he is well connected. To me this is like a horse race where suddenly you are not allowed to bet on the favourite. Seems that everyone had bet on number 10 for the 10th kings coronation. He is obviously trying to limit his risk. However as we know this does not change the odds as 10 is still as likely to come up as not. If it does there will be many people upset.


I have everything crossed now that 10 is a not a winner, serve them right.





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17 hours ago, hellohello123 said:

Unless the odds are rigged or numbers are rigged or there is no prize it's not a scam


It's up to people to decide if they want to partake in it


 when are the odds in a foreign country are better or worse has nothing to do with it

Every lottery is a major ripoff. If it's a scam or not it gets into semantics, but it's for the math challenged as well as those not understanding probability.


The payout for the Thai government's twice monthly lottery is 60% per Wiki.

So for every dollar spent the expectation is getting 60 cents returned.

Invest $100 over the year and the expectation is getting $60 back.


There's a reason it's been called a tax on the poor, since they are selling dreams while skimming 40% of investment.

"Almost two-thirds of lottery gamblers in Thailand (61.3%) were in low income bracket, earning almost a quarter less than the average monthly salary."

 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_lottery


It's also immensely hypocritical with a country banning gambling and conducting raids on people betting on darts or senior citizens playing cards, yet having their own gambling operation with a return worse than anything in a "legitimate" casino.




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56 minutes ago, Saltire said:

 Seems that everyone had bet on number 10 for the 10th kings coronation. He is obviously trying to limit his risk. However as we know this does not change the odds as 10 is still as likely to come up as not. If it does there will be many people upset.


"Force of Evil" is a film in which the NYC mob wants to bust the independent bookies who take bets on "the numbers game", an illegal underground lottery.

On the 4th of July, everyone superstitiously bets 1776 (July 4th, 1776 the date of the American Revolution).


So their plan is to  manipulate the winning numbers for that day and make 1776 the winning number.

 If the plan succeeds, the small bookmakers won't be able to  pay off all the winners, will be driven out of business, and the mob will take over.



Edited by JimmyJ
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9 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

My ex played the online slots and was totally convinced she could make a primary income from doing so.


She chastised me for mocking it and wanting her to keep records of money put in and winning returns.


She did not seem to realise these games must turn a profit and have to limit payouts to a certain percentage.


Typical Thai stupidity-lazy-fantasist nonsense which I enjoy debunking with aplomb.

Agree and I have said win or lose in todays local lottery, it's her last. i don't mind her wasting a few hundred a month on the national lottery but as this is a new fad for her (gambling) I feel best to nip it in the bud. Time will tell.

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Thai lottery has some of the worst odds of winning in the world !!

10 years I have not won a thing doing it .

If you want to do lotteries from anywhere in the world go onto thelotter.com and use a vpn . You pay more than basic ticket costs but they do everything for you and send winnings to your account and copy of ticket.

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

All lotteries are technically a scam in that they are inherently dishonest.


They are to make obscene profits for the operators. That is their sole purpose.


They sell an almost unachievable dream, yet make no mention of actual odds of winning etc. 


The effort is put into getting the masses to believe.


Also see swindle, fraud, racket, trick, diddle, etc. 


Does not matter if they are endorsed by some government or agency or whatever.


It's all aimed at getting stupid and gullible people to part with money. 

"All lotteries are technically a scam in that they are inherently dishonest.

They are to make obscene profits for the operators. That is their sole purpose."

Nonsense.  Government-run national lotteries are not "scams" neither are they "inherently dishonest".  Most people who enter do so in the full knowledge that their chances of winning are next to zero.  No one is forced to buy a ticket.  Their purpose is to make a profit, obviously (would they exist to make a loss?) but that is not their only purpose, many millions are donated for charitable purposes, as you well know.

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3 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

All lotteries are technically a scam in that they are inherently dishonest.


They are to make obscene profits for the operators. That is their sole purpose.


They sell an almost unachievable dream, yet make no mention of actual odds of winning etc. 


The effort is put into getting the masses to believe.


Also see swindle, fraud, racket, trick, diddle, etc. 


Does not matter if they are endorsed by some government or agency or whatever.


It's all aimed at getting stupid and gullible people to part with money. 

AFAIK, the lottery in Thailand was originally started for disadvantaged and poor, who would find it hard to work normal jobs.


it doesnt relate to your post or lottery but i find interesting that the word SCAM is used about Thailand so much.


Is buying something at X price and sell for 2-300% profit, is it a scam?

cause thats how our whole economic system work in the west?


I got parking fine in west country once, $160 for 15 minutes late. scam?


hotel in the west always charging big premium for friday/ sat nights. scam?


but when its Thailand, should they use Supply and demand thinking, everyone will jump up and down!

even a hotel is mostly vacant, farang will complain supply/demand that they should drop the rate because its better for them lol


some poor guy selling T-shirts at JJ day in day out for 150 baht but some farang call it a scam because ge saw it somewhere for 100!


then that farang will get on Ebay and expect to sell the shirt at 600% profit.



conclusion: Its a SCAM..when IM not making the money!


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