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"Passport Consent" Thai document translation


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Hi, hope I posted this in the correct area. I am trying to translate documents handed to me by my ex-wife, who is Thai. I am in Canada and my ex is trying to renew my 9 year olds Thai passport. We are in a "nice" court battle at the moment, the court holds both my daughters Canadian and Thai passports. Travel "may" be in the future, but at this time there is a court order in place that neither parent shall travel outside of Canada with my daughter. The court has asked that both expired passports be renewed and then re-submitted to the court. My ex is renewing my daughters Thai passport, she went to an "expedited" passport day that the Thai embassy held and returned with a document for me to sign. Now, weirdly the Thai Embassy in Ottawa Canada appears to not have much of any renewal forms online, but the Vancouver Consulate lists two documents in Thai, one is the passport application and the other is a "Consent" letter for a parent not appearing at the Embassy/Consulate to renew the child's passport:

Minors under 20 years of age  require the consent of their parents or legal guardian(s), who must accompany the minor applicant at the passport office. If one of the parents is unable to come, he/she must sign a letter of consent issued by the Thai registration office, which must be presented at the passport office by the other parent

The above letter on the Vancouver Consulate's website is very different from the letter my ex gave me. As best as Google Translate could translate the Vancouver letter it was just the usual stuff consenting to a passport for a minor. Now, as best as Google Translate could translate the letter my ex gave me, it has a last sentence that seems to translate to "Allow (child's name) can travel abroad with consent to Mr./Mrs./Miss (parent name) make a contract to agree to pay damages of those who will travel abroad to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs".

THIS letter sounds like it is also a "consent" to travel? Westerners will know that in a divorce situation with "dual parenting", that either parent must have a currently dated "travel consent" letter for the specific dates of travel.

My question is, can anyone who reads Thai tell me if I am correct in thinking that this letter looks like a travel consent letter, not a passport applicant consent letter? The other weird thing is, my ex did not give me a passport application to sign? I know that she got her two son's passports in Thailand without their fathers consent, as I was at the Thai passport office in Thailand the day we got them.

I will (hopefully) attach both letters, the longer letter with 4 signature lines is the Vancouver letter (labelled as such) which looks more like a passport consent letter, the other letter is the letter my ex gave me.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help translate the letters.




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The shorter letter is titled 'passport application consent letter' from the Thai embassy in Ottawa. However, as you suspect, there is a line:
ยินยอมให้ ดญ X เดินทางไปต่างประเทศได้
Which does appear to give consent for the girl to travel abroad if signed by the father.

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