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Australia Warns Of Attacks In Thailand


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How easy would it be to rent a warehouse around BKK, buy or steal 6 trucks, fill the trucks with homemade explosives, drive them to BKK center and detinate them?

Answer: very easy.

Goverments response: Its not the insurgents from the south as they would get lost in BKK.

Maybe I'm wrong and I hope I am but for an Islamic extremist BKK would be a very easy place to hit.

I totally agree with the previous goverments hard tactics to supress this mindless race.

Islamic people should not be classed as human, the goverments of the world should get together and agree on a new creature in the reptile category.... Muslims.

You're making a big mistake by categorizing all the muslims as subhuman. There are millions of Muslims around the world; however, only a small percentage can be labeled as reptiles, or rather terrorists, since it's not fair on the reptiles. A real muslim wouldn't kill, wouldn't approve of what this small percentage does.

Actually, you could find mindless people in any country, coming from any background, no matter what their race or religion is. How about those governments that support terrorism? We all know that some western governments (I'm not saying anything to the peoples of those countries) have supported terrorism. So, this should put them in the same category of mindless creatures, right?

There are millions of good muslims, and I agree with the fact that these terrorists make them look bad. But at least, educated people should be able to distinguish a terrorist from an innocent person regardless of his race and belief.



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Whenever domestic tourism starts to take a downturn here in australia the govt always seems to issue travel warnings to closely located countries so our domestic tourism will benfit from less aussies going O/S. Aussies love going to thailand. most are sick of the politically correct ,"mamby pamby, cant do anything"attitude of our legislators. some aussies still have a sense of adventure that still , at least at this point ,is available in south east asia, and are willing to take a few "risks"to visit. most of our Bureaucrats are soft handed desk jockeys who live their lives constantly wrapped in cotton wool and live in a perpetual state of anxiety, scared that somone will steal their newspaper and pinch their favourite car parking space in the office block. then they expect everyone else to live in the same way.

anyway there is probably just as big a risk right here in aust thanks to our blind leading the blind obedience and subservience to GeorgeW from little johnny howard.

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"have never seen anything emanating from Thailand that might even remotely be thought of as imperialism"

try cracking open a history book.

And pray tell where shall I look, as I have read extensively on the subject of Southeast Asian history. Either you have read something that escaped me, perhaps a a Thai empire or perhaps a Thai colony elsewhere on the planet that I missed? Or, more likely, you define imperialism in a far different manner than I.

Maybe you equate minor regional conflicts in Southeast Asia, where many wars were fought for populations rather than land, with what I consider imperialist powers such, for example, as Britain, the US, Russia, or China. Is there, or has there ever been, a Thai controlled political entity outside of

the contiguous borders of Thailand? Or shall we perhaps equate the early migrations of small bands of Tai folks into the region around the 12th and 13th centuries as Imperialism too?

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aw....can't we just accept that these days going anywhere is only slightly more dangerous (in most cases) than staying at home ? Then we can dispense with a whole lot of unnecessary public servants who achieve very little by issuing these travel warnings.

If it's sufficient to issue travel warnings for Thailand then it's sufficient to issue the same for tourists using the Pacfic Highway between Sydney and Brisbane, or any number of other hazardous routes in Australia, as there is more chance of dying on a road trip within Australia than holidaying in Thailand.

If people are too ignorant and apathethic to check out the situation at their intended destination thay bl__dy well deserve whatever they get.

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thailand has no colonies in its history because it was never powerful to do so competively against the western powers of the world. i think you under estimate its conflicts with bording countries. Thaiand is like every other country on planet, it took as much land as it was capable of taking. That said, I consider you a gentleman and an intelligent bloke for your comments and love of Thailand. Age/Loc? Would you consider being apart of a documentry Im working on? Do you have a Thai Wife Age/Loc?

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Where did they get these reports from? Who issued these reports? If they have been "receiving" reports like these for quite a while, and they were credible, then why didn't anything ever happen in Pattaya or Phuket? EVER!!

Very simple, they signed, sealed and delivered those reports themselves. Just like the americans, they always know something will happen based on "chatter". Cry wolf comes to mind... :o


Vikingen ? ? Why so very derogatory towards "the Americans" - must have a short memory: whenever there was any serious trouble in this world, the Americans were there first to sort-out the mess for all the rest of us, and all the while (before, during and after) subjected to the "scorn" of many . . . .

Well; this Viking ( and I am a real one !) for one, is very grateful to the Americans, since I didn't have to grow up speaking German . . . . . .


I owe a great debt to the Americans and state anything other than that would be totally insincere !



you would still be speaking german if the british had not stepped in when germany invaded poland,the yanks came along far later and lent us money then troops.

please get your history right

and the main reason the yanks have been there first in so many conflicts is simply that they covertly started them

JK I am a Yank and Proud of It! I am over 50 and have seen allot of bad shit that the USA government has done in the name of Freeing other countries from Oppression! In my lifetime I have seen the Vietnam conflict, the Middle East Conflict, the Iraq-Iran war, Panama, Grenada, Afghanistan, and the invasion of Iraq.

To be honest I think the USA should have stayed out of them! But they didn’t because the governments of those countries wanted us there! Needed us for money, equipment, troops and support! Most of these so called governments were corrupt and used the USA to fuel their rise to power and fortune. In the end we helped many bad people. Sadam Hussein is just one that comes to mind.

I think allot of this BS about the USA is just that! Bullshit! We try to do the right thing for our country and sometimes it takes the wrong turn. Like electing George Bush, it turned out to be one of the most costly events in our History.

Not only in Money for the Iraq war! ($407,00,000,000) http://nationalpriorities.org/index.php?op...&Itemid=182

But US American Lives and the family’s lives that have been crushed by this war! 3,189 Killed, 23,417 wounded!


I think a lot of people only see the bad in the USA and not the good, because the good is never told! The bad sells!

Granted the USA is not perfect and we have a lot of flaws! But your statement is not correct and the United Kingdom and all of Europe were screaming for the USA to help them during WWll! We lost billions and thousands of lives in that war and millions were affected in a negative way.

Your island would have been a German outpost if it had not been for the Yanks! Who else would have stopped the Germans? The British were on the verge of collapse and starving along with the rest of Europe when the Yanks showed up to give you a hand! Your ungrateful remark only emphasizes the need for us to stay home and let you be taken over by an evil power. But we didn’t!

Blue Whale

Proud to be an US American! Proud to be Free!

After reading my post I put the wrong name in, Sorry JK it was meant for Vikingen!

Edited by Blue Whale
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Your island would have been a German outpost if it had not been for the Yanks! Who else would have stopped the Germans? The British were on the verge of collapse and starving along with the rest of Europe when the Yanks showed up to give you a hand! Your ungrateful remark only emphasizes the need for us to stay home and let you be taken over by an evil power. But we didn’t!

WHAT! You mean the Battle of Britain never really happened? D@mn those history books and movie producers for hoodwinking me to thinking that it was the RAF who saved Britain from ze Nazi's. I guess all those Polish and English and Scottish and Canadian pilots in their Hurricanes and Spitfires were all just Americans in disguise then. D@mn! D@mn! D@mn! After all these years... how could I have been so wrong. So the rumours were true after all and our boys did indeed just sit around during the battle of Britain drinking tea and sucking on soggy biscuits while watching the white trails in the sky. What a load of lazy bums eh. No wonder Douglas Bader was legless all the time. :D

OH and while I am here, wasn't it the Americans who found the Enigma machine and decoded that too :o of course it erm um well let's see what the movies say...

Oh hang on a minute, news just in... Iran has just declared that the persecution of the Jews never happened. It was made up for a film called Schindlers list. D@mn those movie producers again!

WHAT! Japan attacking pearl harbour was made up by Stephen Speilberg? Nooo way! WHAT! You mean the United States where 'in fact' in the war right from the beginning and endured several years of bombings in New York and Boston along with their English friends in London. Boy you have to admire their cunning and how after all these years how we have been misinformed. Quick everybody re-write the history books, the 50 year rule of secrecy has been lifted and the truth is beginning to filter through.

Fog screens Fog Screens, Stalin, Silk Stockings, Chewing Gum, Germans bombing England.... noooo surely that was all made up wasn't it? It's just a dream Dorothy, quick click your heals now as we all wanna go home to Munchkin land.

Edited by Casanundra
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Well, regardless of how seriously Australia takes the southern problems, the army has bigger fish to fry. Sonthi announced today that he wouldn't be sending more troops to the south because there were too many "undercurrents" lurking around Bangkok.

Perhaps my suspicious nature- Gen Saprang's reminding his people that "We must be more patient and make more sacrifices. Now that we have seized power, we have to carry on and ensure peace and order." and his veiled prediction two days ago of more coups, and now Gen Sonthi reversing his intention to pour more troops into the south- well--- makes a fella wonder don't it...

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Expect a significant action in Bangkok by the Royal Thai Police against people and places associated with terrorism in the South some time shortly after Sunday, 11 March. Surveillance of a number of locations is currently in effect and search warrants have been issued which are very broad in scope. If you live in a sizable apartment building within a block or two of a mosque, you may get a knock at the door one day next week.

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Lets hope this isn't tipping off the wrong person. :o

The wrong people, you may be sure, already know. If our understanding of the scale of the operation is correct, it would not be possible to keep it a secret. In practical terms, you'd have to doubt that the intelligence services of the separatist movement are paying a great deal of attention to ThaiVisa.

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just because someone has only been in thailand for 3-4 months does not mean that they do not understand thai people and thai history. the ability to understand people depends more on someones intelligence than it does on years spent inside a country - ask anyone who knows thai people well and they will tell you this. Fwiw, I have already made hundreds of friends in several different industries. I am also a teacher so I have the chance to meet and get to know all of my thai students, many who want to see my outside the classroom, wink wink.

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also, their are several different factors when talking about the thai peopulations, for instance, many farang overlook that there are many different regions of thailand that speak different dialectic languages than bangkok. so traveling is another advantage to learning about thais. teaching english is probably the best way, and i am taking advantage of that right now. Thank you.

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just because someone has only been in thailand for 3-4 months does not mean that they do not understand thai people and thai history.

Yes it does.

the ability to understand people depends more on someones intelligence than it does on years spent inside a country

No it doesn't

ask anyone who knows thai people well and they will tell you this.

No they won't

Fwiw, I have already made hundreds of friends in several different industries. I am also a teacher so I have the chance to meet and get to know all of my thai students, many who want to see my outside the classroom, wink wink.

Shagging your students doesn't make you an expert on Thailand, it makes you a bad teacher. You go to jail for it in many countries.

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just because someone has only been in thailand for 3-4 months does not mean that they do not understand thai people and thai history.

Yes it does.

the ability to understand people depends more on someones intelligence than it does on years spent inside a country

No it doesn't

ask anyone who knows thai people well and they will tell you this.

No they won't

Fwiw, I have already made hundreds of friends in several different industries. I am also a teacher so I have the chance to meet and get to know all of my thai students, many who want to see my outside the classroom, wink wink.

Shagging your students doesn't make you an expert on Thailand, it makes you a bad teacher. You go to jail for it in many countries.

5555555! well said son!

:o KD

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I am also a teacher so I have the chance to meet and get to know all of my thai students, many who want to see my outside the classroom, wink wink.

Are you proud of that? And how do you know that you don't have some parents of your students reading this? Wink Wink! Say, some of those over forties that you claim are ruining the country.

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The word Muslim in not mentioned in the OP. I guess we are all programmed to assume they are the bad guys.

The most active intelligence agency in the world actually has the motto: "By way of deception, we wage war".

False flag intelligence operations are dependent on our being mass programmed.

Things in their ugly view of the world are seldom as obvious as they appear.

Zoom out on this one. To blindly blame this on the Muslims may actually be shortsideded.

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None of us have to worry anymore according to the prime minister. He's guaranteeing our safety :o

PM guarantees safety of tourists

(BangkokPost.com) - Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said the government guarantees the safety of travellers coming to Thailand.

His comment followed an alert issued by the Australian government warning its citizens about possible terrorist attacks in the country.

"Each country can inform its citizens when they have information, but we confirm that we will provide full security for our tourists if they do not go into risky areas," Gen Surayud told reporters.

Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Thursday, saying that terrorists may be planning attacks "at any time, anywhere" in Thailand.

Meanwhile, Deputy Foreign Minister Sawanit Kongsiri said the ministry has already explained to the Australian government that the situation in the country is not as bad as the government had portrayed.

Mr Sawanit, however, said that it is the job of the government of each country to warn its citizens about safety because the government will have to take responsibility if something occurs and they kept such

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LOL more hating at english teachers... why dont you ask yourselves some questions like how are thai people gonna compete in the business world if they dont understand english and can not communicate with western person at a high and intellectually stimulating level -, lol. English teacher do the job with a low salary because we love thailand and thai people. that is something you people on TV who hate farang teacher will never understand. you are just hear for your own selfish deeds.

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LOL more hating at english teachers... why dont you ask yourselves some questions like how are thai people gonna compete in the business world if they dont understand english and can not communicate with western person at a high and intellectually stimulating level -, lol. English teacher do the job with a low salary because we love thailand and thai people. that is something you people on TV who hate farang teacher will never understand. you are just hear for your own selfish deeds.

And what selfish deeds might these be teach?

I suppose you are here only for the good of thailand.I wonder if you would still teach here if your students had the personalities of a fig and faces like twisted sandshoes.....Going by your previous posts,I think not. :o

I don't know too many people that hate 'farang teaches' , but keep posting crap like this and I can understand how some people might dislike you. :D

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LOL more hating at english teachers... why dont you ask yourselves some questions like how are thai people gonna compete in the business world if they dont understand english and can not communicate with western person at a high and intellectually stimulating level -, lol. English teacher do the job with a low salary because we love thailand and thai people. that is something you people on TV who hate farang teacher will never understand. you are just hear for your own selfish deeds.

Well if that's the level of your English teaching, I'm glad you won't be let loose on my children!

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Quote from Crowboy Post 88   

I agree with a large part of your post but it helps to remember two points:

a) Osama Binladin came from a wealthy family and has/was supported by other extrememly wealthy families in his fight against the west

2) Osama Binladin is a Saudi which comes under the generally accecpted "moderate middle eastern" definition WRONG

Saudi's are not moderate, but Wahabi extremist, even in the Islamic world they are considered too strict.

Osama Bin Laden was America's "boy" during the Afghan wars in the 1980's and most of his terrorist training was provided by the US Special Forces and the CIA.

He was supplied by the US with all manner of weapons including Stinger Missiles that were later used against an Israeli passenger jet in Kenya.

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thailand has no colonies in its history because it was never powerful to do so competively against the western powers of the world. i think you under estimate its conflicts with bording countries. Thaiand is like every other country on planet, it took as much land as it was capable of taking. That said, I consider you a gentleman and an intelligent bloke for your comments and love of Thailand. Age/Loc? Would you consider being apart of a documentry Im working on? Do you have a Thai Wife Age/Loc?

I do not underestimate the historical regional conflicts, but I do not classify them as being motivated by Imperialism. One might argue that the Khmers at Anchor Wat had established an empire as they were taxing people far from the Khmer homeland, including most of present day Thailand, but the region was rather sparsely populated at the time and the bands of Tai in the region had not yet coalesced into more than small muangs. Some historians have also classified the early Mon polities as Empires, but they really were not imperialistic as the term is used tday. The victors of these regional conflicts were more likely to carry off and relocate popuations closer to their own capitols than to bother administering vast tracts of thinly populated lands.

I am not intersted in appearing on camera, whether it be on the local TV news (I am not based in-country these days) nor in a documentary. Rule of life #42: never appear on camera when someone else is doing the editing. Just because one has a video camera and one is young enough to have been exposed to post-modernism and thus feel capable of deconstructing and then reconstructing history, does not quite make on a documentary film maker. Some of your thoughts are not yet quite right:

many farang over 40 are retiring in thailand, driving up price of real estate, corrupting issan culture, creating an economy where many thai women are chasing quick money in the tourism industry, etc.

also, the enviroment is getting slaughtered in phuket, etc. i am working on a documentry about this stuff.

The Farangs who are retiring here only have a limited impact upon local real estate, mainly in specific tourist ghettos and housing estates. Real estate has also soared in scores of areas that have few, if any, Farang residents. If you want to look at corrupting influences on Isaan culture, then I would focus upon Bangkok and whatever may be the Bangkok equivalent of Madison Avenue. Au contraire, many Farangs hold in high esteem local ethnic traditions that are scorned by the Bangkok folks, ranging from traditional Isaan music to traditional hilltribe arts and crafts. And assuming that "chasing quick money in the tourism industry" is a euhpemism for the sex trade, please remember that only 10% of the women and men working the sex trade are invloved with farangs, the majority are involved in the far larger local and regional aspect of the trade. And although the environment in Phuket is indeed being slaughtered and Phuket is indeed a tourist ghetto with a very high Farang population, there are just as many others areas of Thailand where the environment is being equally eviscerated, areas where there is little Farang presence. The corruption in the Forestry Department alone is responsible for more environmental madness than all the tourist projects put together.

You may be making the same logical mistake as those who conclude, for example, that Farangs are responsible for the child sex trade in the area. No doubt there are Farang pedophiles in Southeast Asia, but there are far more locals involved who are only too happy to see the attention and blame diverted to the few folks attempting to hide in the corners.

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