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Luxury Bangkok condo is like Beijing - Chinese treating it as a hotel


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It’s not so much the juristic persons but the Board behind them. A strong board in a well established building will usually take decisive action to enforce their rules. It’s the newer buildings where lapses are most likely to occur.

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5 hours ago, Maestro said:

The Condominium Juristic Person Manager has no legal power to enforce the law nor any legal obligation to report the matter to the police and he would have to pay the costs for the prosecution of every single offending apartment owner and if he lost a case, for example because of insufficient evidence, he would no longer have the qualification to be elected as Juristic Person Manager (JPM) for rest of his life.

That isnt so. Losing a private case involving infringement of condo by-laws or Thai law would not result in the JPM being convicted of a crime, and only conviction of a non-minor crime is one of the possible causes for being excluded from the job. Just losing a court case is not a cause.


Some would consider that is it indeed the job of the JPM to report illegal activity in his building, especially if it impinges in any way on the moral or physical or financial well-being of co-owners or the building.


5 hours ago, Maestro said:

A much simpler procedure would to get a motion to modify the condominium rules to disallow the legally forbidden short-term rental on the agenda of a General Meeting and convince enough other owners to get a minority for the motion to be carried. In such case, the JPM will have the authority and the responsibility to take action against offending owners, for example switch off water and electricity. 

That would only be simple if the building regularly manages to get high attendance at annual meetings. Some buildings I know of struggle to get 20% attendance which is nowhere near enough to change the by-laws. At least 50% attendance would be required, or possibly more in older buildings. That might be particularly difficult to achieve if many rooms are involved in the illegal letting.


Cutting off electricity is never legal if this is billed directly by the MEA/PEA which it almost always is. Cutting off water even when it is billed by the condo may be of dubious legality depending on the circumstances. Preventing physical access to services such as the pool or the elevators might be legal, as would imposing fines if they are in the by-laws.

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So another 'flaw' in the law ...not that  the law is administered anyway.

So dont buy  into a new Condo build , as the majority of new buyers will be Chinese who will want it turned into an 'ad hock Hotel'. Without the safety features or staffing  or insurance  or sensible administration required of any Hotel...

And since they are the majority of Board Members - they arent going to see  anything policed.

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1 hour ago, zaZa9 said:

I dont think theres many respondents here who have actually interacted with younger , 'free thinking ' Chinese.

They say that the more common and vast majority of average Chinese are imbued with the idea that China could have already achieved world dominance except for the interference of the West - most notably over the Opium Wars , and any free thinker amongst us ,  that actually 'thinks' would have to agree that forcing upon a nation a  protected avenue of drug delivery has to consider that as a blight on Western history akin to slavery  ...like it or not.


The 'enlightened young '  Chinese say , it simply was what it was  ...but give their fathers a few beers , and that deeply imbued animosity  they learnt as kids at school will often surface. Some will actually get nasty if they drink enough.

So the average everyday Chinese doesnt particularly like The West . I find that quite amazing as one would think that after 50 years of Mao they should hate us beyond belief.

Anyway ..


Lets  take the Thai Military Elite , now running the country.

Probably the only Thais with any interest in history .

They've all seen that the Western powers have  reduced "their" country by more than half .




Since maybe a 3rd of all Thais have some sort of Chinese background , and  Chinese have a sizeable representation in the Thai Government ,  WHO do you think the Thais  probably are more capable of liking ?

Do Thais look like Westerners ? Do Thais look at the world more in a Western way than a Chinese way ? Are Thai belief systems more akin to Chinese  belief systems or more Western?

It astounds me that so many respondents here think that Thais really want to be "just like us" !!

This one of the most enlightened comments I've ever read on here, particularly the last line. It makes me slightly nauseous when I read 'what they should do' and 'in my country.'


Well get used to it. This is the Asian era.


China had nothing 30 years ago. 9/10 people lived on $2 a day. Today 1/10 people live on $2 a day. Does anyone congratulate them on their new found wealth and success? Of course not. They should be like us. Born privileged not having to fight tooth and nail every day. It turned out to be the best education anyone ever had.


Now take Thailand. It's been used as a whorehouse since the Vietnam war, co-incidentally around the same time that China started its renaissance. Is it any wonder that there is a similar underlying resentment among the Thais, as there is amongst the Chinese, of westerners?


Is it a co-incidence that ASEAN formed a trade block? Is it a co-incidence that the annual ASEAN trade fair is held in China even though China isn't a member? Is it a co-incidence that new banks like AIIB, to fund projects in Asia and further have opened? Ever hear of BRICS?


So it amuses me that all this criticism, dislike and downright hatred of the Chinese by a very small echelon of the Thai population airs itself on a daily basis. You are damned right Thailand wants rid of you. They are sick and tired of being trodden underfoot and they dont have to take it any more.


Sleep tight.

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2 hours ago, zaZa9 said:




Since maybe a 3rd of all Thais have some sort of Chinese background , and  Chinese have a sizeable representation in the Thai Government ,  WHO do you think the Thais  probably are more capable of liking ?



The first piece of hatred I percieved from a Thai person was that for the Sino-Thais, who make up 14% of the population.


Considerable less than "3rd".


And they are definitely not loved by the rest of the population.


The recent arrivals of their money laundering cousins has done nothing for their popularity.


Which is one of the reasons that the minority Sino-Thai dominated, militaristic, plutocracy has become so aggressive in its efforts to stamp out any vestige of Democracy.


All "Happy Chinese Together"?........you are "ethnically" obtuse and severely mistaken.


The "ethnically similar" Chinese are no more welcome than Caucasian, Christian Germans were when they invaded Caucasian, Christian France in 1870 or 1914.


Ethnic groups in Thailand - Wikipedia






Edited by Enoon
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17 minutes ago, Enoon said:

The "ethnically similar" Chinese are no more welcome than Caucasian, Christian Germans were when they invaded Caucasian, Christian France in 1870 or 1914.


Ethnic groups in Thailand - Wikipedia






Yeah, yeah, ok, I see your point. And if it's on Wiki, WIKI!! Then of course it must be so.


But this is 2019.

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They are failing their own community, it is a shame that the good owners are not holding the leadership accountable. 

We have the same issues in Ontario with  our condos and it is dealt with by the community and municipality. 

If i had a complete copy of the act and this specific buildings declaration i may be able to assist with the matter.

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This is not ONLY happening in Bangkok and its not ONLY happening with condo's.  If it were farangs doing this it would have been all over the papers a long time ago but it's the Chinese... DON'T upset the Chinese Govt.  It's happening big time in Phuket and not only with condo's but also with villa's.  

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19 hours ago, Orton Rd said:


'The ongoing problem had been the subject of many complaints to the juristic person who said they were powerless to stop it. '


As it is illegal maybe arresting and charging the owners might be a start?


Also, they may be reported to the Tax Department as they skip reporting iincome most of the time. Those Tax guys do not play !


Can be reported to be operating a hotel/renting  room on daily without the proper licence. 


Many things can be done but not enforcement is really easy if the juristic person is not acting.

Edited by cnx355
Adding text.
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Hi all;


Just for fun, I wrote to the Chinese AirBnB lady (Amanda) who rents out 50 plus units in Bangkok. I posed as a potential customer, but who was worried about the legality of renting a condo for just a few days. She seems well aware that her business is a bit sketchy. Here is her reply'


"hello Airbnb is still controversial in Thailand, please note below This is private residential condominium, not a hotel. Therefore, the lobby may write
“Airbnb Prohibition”, please rest assured, it’s very safe living here. If anyone asks, just reply that you are my friend and better not to mention Airbnb.
All information is strictly confidential! Do not show this guide to any third party,
even your friends or building manager. Any problem, please contact me, do not ask neighbors or building manager. Also,
do not open the door for strangers."





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20 hours ago, robblok said:

Can you tell me where exactly you read its ok for Chinese to do it and farangs not. The article i read said it was not allowed and this time it was Chinese breaking the law. So please explain to me what i read wrong. 

Why should he? If you're so thick that you cannot identify a comment (opinion)V's a statement then you need to get out of your chair and walk around for a while! 

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3 minutes ago, TPI said:

Why should he? If you're so thick that you cannot identify a comment (opinion)V's a statement then you need to get out of your chair and walk around for a while! 

Even opinions need to be backed up with facts  and the facts are simple Chinese, Thai, Foreigners they all do short term rents and only a few cases get prosecuted and its not based on skin color despite what the angry white guys seem to think who lost their status.

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My friends all use air bnb when they holiday here but they make sure they only rent from Thai owners. They don’t like all the Chinese quality tourists either. 

As long as condo building goes on unchecked those buying them and those who already own and rent out will fill them any way they can.

the payments need to be made to the bank every month.

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2 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Hi all;


Just for fun, I wrote to the Chinese AirBnB lady (Amanda) who rents out 50 plus units in Bangkok. I posed as a potential customer, but who was worried about the legality of renting a condo for just a few days. She seems well aware that her business is a bit sketchy. Here is her reply'


"hello Airbnb is still controversial in Thailand, please note below This is private residential condominium, not a hotel. Therefore, the lobby may write
“Airbnb Prohibition”, please rest assured, it’s very safe living here. If anyone asks, just reply that you are my friend and better not to mention Airbnb.
All information is strictly confidential! Do not show this guide to any third party,
even your friends or building manager. Any problem, please contact me, do not ask neighbors or building manager. Also,
do not open the door for strangers."





In my condo building the Chinese owners just ignore the rules (condo rules prohibit short stay rentals) and continue making the building a hotel. The Juristic Person insists the Board must take action, not them. I believe the reason for a Juristic Office is to see that the rules as set out by the Board are complied with and manage the property in accordance with Board instructions. Unfortunately the Board is weak and dominated by Chinese. 

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1 minute ago, asiaexpat said:

In my condo building the Chinese owners just ignore the rules (condo rules prohibit short stay rentals) and continue making the building a hotel. The Juristic Person insists the Board must take action, not them. I believe the reason for a Juristic Office is to see that the rules as set out by the Board are complied with and manage the property in accordance with Board instructions. Unfortunately the Board is weak and dominated by Chinese. 

Can't do enough for them quality tourists.......

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23 hours ago, Maverell said:

Thailand is doomed if they start to allow Casinos.


Building Casinos definitely helped Macau.   My brother in law is a Vice President at one of the big casino groups over there.  Brings in a staggering amount of tax revenue for the Macau Govt. 

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I'Ve used AirBnB several times in Thailand and Malaysia but only for long stays with legit owners.  My last stay was in Hua Hin for a month- the owner left the keys with the Juristic office and everything was totally above board as far as I know.  Not sure about other owners though- it seemed that there were quite a few temporary people there too, and they tended towards being noisy and also overcrowding the units. Also the pool was overflowing with bulky Russians...

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5 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Hi all;


Just for fun, I wrote to the Chinese AirBnB lady (Amanda) who rents out 50 plus units in Bangkok. I posed as a potential customer, but who was worried about the legality of renting a condo for just a few days. She seems well aware that her business is a bit sketchy. Here is her reply'


"hello Airbnb is still controversial in Thailand, please note below This is private residential condominium, not a hotel. Therefore, the lobby may write
“Airbnb Prohibition”, please rest assured, it’s very safe living here. If anyone asks, just reply that you are my friend and better not to mention Airbnb.
All information is strictly confidential! Do not show this guide to any third party,
even your friends or building manager. Any problem, please contact me, do not ask neighbors or building manager. Also,
do not open the door for strangers."





And there you have it. It is impossible to enforce as most juristic workers will happily take a backhand or be too shy to even question owners about this. 

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"government worried about Chinese taking over"...... apparently,the current government gave thumbs up for Chinese to buy and own land.

I heard this from my wife,who heard it from,who heard it from....

But if that is true.....well, R.I.P Thailand.


And if you are Thai then you better be o.k with wiping the butts of your extended "family" because,they will be your slave-master,nah.

Edited by HaleySabai
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I expect Hotels to have more bribing power than condo owners (both Thais and Chinese), I guess it's only a matter of time until more "enforcement" (read hired militia in official uniforms) is seen.

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On 5/20/2019 at 11:48 AM, from the home of CC said:

not a luxury condo no more with day renters, value just dropped big time..

Actually, could be just the opposite.

They are making money off the popular place so many look at that as a good investment.

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Many condos in Pattaya also are allowing this all to occur but there is a reason.

It brings in a lot of foot traffic and potential buyers.


The Base is an example in Pattaya 1,000 rooms.


Juristic told me as the Chinese and other ST renters came in many liked the place and have either been interested in, or have purchased units.


Great marketing strategy actually.



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I stayed in a two tower condo in Patts booking a single night first (I have learned the hard way).  Chinese running up and down the halls, Cooking with the doors open, shouting to other residents from room to room.  One lady even locked a three year old in the hallway as what looked like a punishment. I checked out and booked in the other tower for the following night.  Even worse. And in the lobby they are sleeping on the coaches, feet up on the walls throwing garbage everywhere. Where I live you see them packed on motor coaches and boats but rarely have to interact except when they stage shouting matches directly inside the entrance of 7-11 which is fairly common but I never lived in a building with them.  They are a scourge on humanity.  Filthy, rude, stupid animals.  I wouldn't take a free trip all expenses paid there. How expats live in China is way beyond me.

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