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Change of address between 90 day notification and travel

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My address has changed between my last 90 days address notification (TM47?) and business travel. My understanding was this is ok so long as informed on a routine walk-in 90 day notification. The wrinkle is that I am heading abroad for a few days.


When I fill in the re-entry form at the airport, should I write the new address? This will presumably create a kerfuffle since I have not yet handed in a TM28(?) to immigration. Is the address they want, the one on the files or the one in reality? Could they do a TM28 at the airport? This seems to not matter since by leaving my 90 day clock starts ticking again for my return.


I not only remain in the same immigration area, but it is actually only a change of my room number, since I simply moved across the corridor in my apartment block. I forget myself that I have even moved...



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Use your new address on the TM6 form when you enter the country. That will not create any problem.

Airport immigration will not do a TM28 change of address form.

If you local immigration wants a new TM30 report when you enter the country that is something else you may need to do before you do your 90 day report after entering the country.

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Thanks, Ubonjoe! A couple of little questions...


So, I fill in the old address on the re-entry permit (TM8?) in order to match the filed address (as filed in my on-line 90 days form).


Then when I return the 90 days start ticking and at 90days I will have to do a walk-in 90 days with also the TM28? Is it possible to do online with the new immigration entrance number or will the change of address require a journey to the immigration office anyway?


The TM30 is the apartment owner's duty, right? My guess, knowing his efficiency, is that this was long ago done. So his TM30 probably does not match my address as I have recorded it.

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3 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

So, I fill in the old address on the re-entry permit (TM8?) in order to match the filed address (as filed in my on-line 90 days form).

Sorry I wrote about the address on your arrival card.

You can put the new address on the re-entry permit application form if you want to. 

You should do the first 90 day report in person and change your address at the same time.

Ask the apartment manager to submit a new TM30 report after you return with your new room number on it.


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