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Seniors urged to build muscle strength to avoid falling


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39 minutes ago, sfokevin said:

In related news... The Thai Health Ministry it now debating requiring all Non O-X visa holders to maintain a gym membership... :coffee1:

Actually, I think that's a great idea!

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

He also said that families should ensure a safe environment at home. 

What a great thing Thailand is such a great role model in terms of safety and safe enviroments to learn from. Can't possibly understand how they aren't the safest country in the world.

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

I doubt many in Thailand need supplementing for D as it comes from the sun. Though 100.000 IU is quite a bit. 

Only if skin exposed! 10 - 20 minutes a day ideal to get the D production going (includes females ???? ) they did a survey not that long ago where they tested "secretaries" in Bangkok, they mainly all had massive deficiencies of Vit D.

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8 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I look at my mum and look at my missus' mum and they're polar opposites. They're similar ages but their health is very different. The older my mum gets the more she pushes to keeping healthy and maintaining independence. The older my missus' mum gets the less she tries and relies on others to do things for her. 


I see this quite often here. The younger ones doing things for the older ones even though the older ones are more than capable of doing it themselves. Whether it's for the kids or the elderly, the whole idea that you love someone so much you do everything for them is actually just a huge detriment to their development and/or well being. 

That's a cultural thing and at least used to be a main driver for having as many kids as possible. So they cater for you when you're old. Going to backfire magnificently with the current generation not willing to do that anymore.

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I swear to God my cat is trying to put me in the hospital. Constantly, I mean constantly, hanging around my feet and cutting in front of me when I'm walking. I'm really bad about floor clutter too. Tons of stuff to trip over. I really need to work on this. Rode my mountain bike really regularly for a solid year, but stopped in March during the heat wave. Gotta get back in the saddle.

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8 minutes ago, Letseng said:

I'm 70, do daily exercise, weights, cycling, swim. Feel younger than many of the younger gym visitors. 

TV threads are full of 70 year old super stud gym junkies who never step foot inside a bar . Is this some type of conspiracy or myth?


My excursions down soi Buakhao during the day seem to suggest otherwise????

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