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Man who stick face in punchbowl get punch in nose.

Man who go to bed with itchy ###### wake up with smelly finger.

Man who go to bed with sex in mind wake up with solution in hand.

Woman who fly upside down have crack up.

Man trapped in pantry have ass in jam.

Virgin like balloon . . . one prick, all gone.

Baby conceived in automatic car: shiftless bastard.

A bird in hand makes hard to blow nose.

Find old man's penis in dark, not hard!

Man who smoke pot choke on handle.

Man who put head on railroad track to listen for train likely to end up with splitting headache.

Sailor who get discharged from navy leave buddies behind.

Secretary becomes permanent fixture when screwed on desk.

Don't drink and park, accidents cause people.

He who cross ocean twice without washing is dirty double crosser.

Man who tell one too many light bulb joke soon burn out!

It take many nails to build crib, but one screw to fill it.

Woman who cook carrots and peas in same pot is unsanitary.

Man who fart in church sit in own pew!

Man who eat many prunes, sit on toilet many moons.

Those who quote me are fools.

Man who drive like hel_l bound to get there!

Man who keep feet firmly on ground have trouble putting on pants!

Man who stand on toilet is high on pot!

Man who sit on tack get point!

Man who run behind car get exhausted!

Man who jump off cliff jump to conclusion! War does not determine who's right, war determine who's left.

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