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A rat bit me on the tip of my finger whilst sleeping. TIT


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I cant remember the exact timeline here but it might have been last Fri night at 3am in the morning I was half asleep (I remember) and suddenly felt sharp pain on the tip of my finger ie like something was biting me. It scared the crap out of me and I jumped out of bed. I turned on the light and looked at my finger but there was no blood drawn. I checked under the pillow but there was nothing there. I have a phobia of snakes and thought I must have been dreaming and read a book for a few hours and went back to sleep. 


A few days later I started feeling sick and had diahorea. I thought for sure it would have been the frozen indian bread that I warmed up in the oven. My body was zapped of energy and I assumed I must have a gardia infection again. Went to the pharmacy and they couldnt find any gardia antibiotics and she put me on Norfox 400mg which treats bacteria infections


During this time I thought I should put down a sticky rat trap in case there is something in my room (snake..) and just 30min ago I checked it and it has a small rat (mouse) still alive... <deleted>


Now Ive googled the health issues I might face:




I had muscle pain and mild headaches as well in the last few days and have felt like shit. 


Tomorrow I will go and see a dr to go on some more serious antibiotics. Does anyone know the name of an appropriate antibiotic? Ive only been taking 1x 400mg norfox 2 times a day. I took one a few hours ago at dinner and might go and take another one now. Also, I suppose I will have to go and change the sheets in my bed. What a pain. Its not something I do that often now as I cant get our washing machine front end loader door to open. And just now I reflect on the state of my bedroom. Its a small room with loads of clutter eg I have numerous plastic bags full of A4 paper prints that I can re-use for my notes (i.e. printing out an airline ticket... I only use the first page). Also, I have boxes of old paintings with dust all over it. Speaking of dust theres lots of it on the floor and on my bookcase. Thanks for listening. 


Its been raining a lot in our province and evidently these little rodents and looking for inside shelter. I strongly recommend that everyone buys some sticky glue rat baits to catch these little buggers inside the house. 

Edited by davidst01
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With no break in the skin, I think you need to relax, stop googling and stop seof medicating.


For simple diarrhea activated charcoal and rehydration salts, both availlable at any 7-11.


If the diarrhea persists for many days or is accompanied by fever (or you are unable to keep fluids down) see a doctor.

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