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Belgian married to a TGF in Thailand


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Any Belgian who has married locally a TGF around in this TVF?

I've lived in Thailand for a long time and now I want to marry my TGF.

We have lived together for 8 years now and I'm totally happy with her.

It's mostly to facilitate her executing my Last Wills (and my Living Will) without administrative problems (she is 100% inheritor already) after I die.

Anyway, I don't seek marital advice here but rather have a Belgian tell me what experience with the Belgian Embassy in BKK he has had getting the required marriage documents.

I've checked their website and can see problems right away like have to give a "full, certified birth certificate". So I'll have to try to get that from Belgium. But what is a full certified birth certificate?

And then there is this requirement that I have to produce two Belgians, residing in Belgium (!!??) as having been notified of my impending marriage.

All this is very annoying.

How did a Belgian go around it when he got married?

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I am sure you will get lots of "advice" here and I am sure most of it won't be the kind of advice you want to read.


I think the best is if you go to your embassy and explain the situation to them. I am sure you are not the first person with questions like that and you can be sure that from the embassy you will get qualified answers from qualified staff.

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It is 13 years ago for me, so things may have changed. 


On the site of the Belgian Embassy in Bangkok you can find all the documents needed and what you and your partner have to do. 


13 years ago, embassy needed copy of ID card of 2 Belgians, with an original signature. These 2 could be Belgians residing in Belgium or Thailand. 

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Don’t ask me why they (Swiss Embassy) need those references as you can notice from attached Affidavit.

In my case I just informed two Swiss buddies, one at the time living and working in Switzerland, the other one living as a pensioner in Thailand about my marriage and they were never contacted nor did they have to provide signed (certified) copies of their ID’s.

Contrary it seems that Belgium wants signed copies of your references.

Marriage Affirmation to marry.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...


Anyway, I don't seek marital advice here but rather have a Belgian tell me what experience with the Belgian Embassy in BKK he has had getting the required marriage documents.

I've checked their website and can see problems right away like have to give a "full, certified birth certificate". So I'll have to try to get that from Belgium. But what is a full certified birth certificate?

And then there is this requirement that I have to produce two Belgians, residing in Belgium (!!??) as having been notified of my impending marriage.

All this is very annoying.

How did a Belgian go around it when he got married?"


Belgian with ex-wife in Thailand.


It is pretty straightforward at the embassy.

You send them an email with the required documents and ask them for an appointment.

Birth certificate is easy to get, just get in touch with the administration of the last city you lived in and have them send it to a family member who can scan it and email it to you (color scan not B&W scan).  BTW: the certificate just mentions who your parents are, where you were born and what date. what you will get is just a photocopy that is certified by the city administration. 

Yes, you need to provide 2 copies of the belgian ID card of people that are aware you are getting married in Thailand (can be really anybody but it is easiest if they are related like brothers or sisters or your parents if they are still alive or your children).


Now everything can be done by email or fax, before (prior to 2014) you had to go to the embassy yourself with all your papers and proof of income (which is no longer required). 

together with your spouse to be, she would get a quick interview from the administrative clerk and a week later you would get your papers, they even provide you with the Thai translation so you don't need to spend any more money on getting it translated. 


You will get an invitation to come to the embassy for an interview, you have to bring your TGF with you.  

The only thing they will ask her is if she really intends to marry you and what work she does in Thailand. 

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Thanks for the input, Bastos60.

I have contacted the Embassy and they have sent me the info I need to make my request and a 4-page form to complete.

They just ask for the names and addresses of two Belgians. Fortunately not their ID.

I have contacted my hometown in Belgium and asked that they send me a birth certificate copy. Waiting for it.




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